Chapter 394: The border troops are guarding the common people of the world.
Shen Ru was in his room talking to Cui Xi and the others about what happened in the woods, while Bai Qianqian listened with fear.

"So, the governors of Ganzhou, Suzhou, and Shazhou are all in the mansion. What is Brother Xiao going to do with them?"

"Let's talk about terms. There are a dozen of us and there are hundreds of people on the other side. If Wu Ya and I weren't so agile, the result might not be like this." Shen Ru said, "Do you think they don't want to arrest Xiao Lang?"

Bai Qianqian has experienced the downfall of the Bai family, so she naturally knows the dangers involved.She had no sympathy for those three people, she was just worried that the Governor's Mansion would be unsafe.

"Then... these three people are detained. If someone comes to rescue..."

"I'm afraid no one will come." Shen Ru interrupted Bai Qianqian, "The guards of the Governor's Mansion are not freeloaders."

"What are you most afraid of? I'm most afraid that these three people will become outcasts, and those with ulterior motives in the three cities will take over." Shen Ru said, "Hey, we will have to support these three freeloaders at that time. It will be a big loss. Got it!"

Shen Ru's teasing slightly diluted the depression in Bai Qianqian's heart. She looked at Shen Ru with some envy. Why is she always so upbeat and optimistic?
Shen Ru couldn't help with the affairs in the house, so he just went to work on his own career.

"Cui Xi, how is the shop? I haven't gone to take a look these days." Shen Ru asked, "I plan to go to the workshop to take a look. Bai Qianqian, if you have nothing to do, then come with me to take a look."

Bai Qianqian really didn't want to think about things in the Governor's Mansion, so she immediately nodded in agreement.

"Madam, the shop is almost here. Let's go and have a look. Is the shop still open at this time?" Cui Xi also asked tentatively.

"Open it. If you don't open it, what will you do with so many cotton pads?" Shen Ru said, "The shops on the left and right have been bought. If you can sell one order, you can get back some money, right?"

"Yes, Madam, I have another suggestion, that is, if the Stone Candle Workshop can expand its store." An Qiao suggested, "Although most of the sales are for the Yan family's shop, Madam doesn't want her own shop. ?"

"Then I'll leave this matter to you. You go look for a shop, and then discuss with the Shizhu masters whether there are enough manpower in the workshop. If you open a shop, do you need to find a waiter or a shopkeeper? ?”

"As for me, madam, what should I do?" Yaoyao asked expectantly with her big eyes flashing.

"Well, let's do this. You go find a suitable cook. We will find a cook from outside in our small kitchen." Xiao Wujin told himself this, but then something happened about the spies coming into the city. , she ignored it.

"Do you really want to find a cook yourself? That's not the case with Chef Peng and the others..."

Yaoyao was looking forward to it. After that incident, people from the kitchen would come and ask every day if Madam was there and if they would go out.But it is true that the food in the Governor's Mansion is not as good as that of the Shen family, let alone the former Anguo Marquis Mansion.

"Xiao Lang told me that we will pay for the expenses of the small kitchen when the time comes. Who among the three of you will be my accountant? Well, I will give you an extra two taels of silver every month."

Cui Xi and the three of them looked at each other, and finally Yaoyao said: "Cui Xi and An Qiao are running around outside, so let me be the accounting clerk in this house!"

Shen Ru confessed all this without hiding it from Bai Qianqian. If she said she was not envious, it would be a lie. However, Bai Qianqian also secretly made up her mind that the Bai family's former glory would be lost, but she would try her best to support a new Bai family.

Shen Ru was busy on his own side, and Xiao Wujin was also very busy on his side. After giving instructions to the officials below, he drove to the border camp to talk with Zhao Gongming in detail.

"Xiao Wujin, tell me honestly, did you pay for this food and grass yourself?" Zhao Gongming was confident, but he never asked.

Xiao Wujin didn't hide anything and said directly: "General Zhao should also know what the current situation of the imperial court is." "Damn, I'm really aggrieved. If the imperial court calls us to protect the emperor, I'm really hesitant; But since the court can’t control us, let’s just waste it first.”

Zhao Gongming said angrily: "Xiao Wujin, I don't know what you are thinking, but to me, it doesn't matter who is the emperor. What is important is that we must guard this level and not let the cavalry from the Western Regions enter Liangzhou."

"This world belongs to the emperor, and even more to the common people!"

"What Mr. Zhao said is absolutely true." Xiao Wujin and Zhao Gongming had some disagreements in the past, but they were short-handed and the food and grass were given by Xiao Wujin. What else could Zhao Gongming say?
"The emperor walks in the palace every day eating delicious food and drinking spicy food. We brothers are guarding here, watching the yellow sand blowing in the northwest wind, but everyone is willing to do so. Behind us are the people of the whole world, but we have to give Food and grass!!" Zhao Gongming complained.

Xiao Wujin looked at Zhao Gongming and smiled slightly: "Don't General Zhao want to be transferred back to the capital?"

"What are you doing in the capital? How can I, a rough old man, fight against those old foxes?" Zhao Gongming sneered, "We are the defenders. If there is a war, the top will send generals and forbidden troops down. Those people are the court. people!"

"Our border guards want to keep this line and get promoted and make a fortune, so they don't want to be soldiers!"

Xiao Wujin looked at Zhao Gongming's vicissitudes of life, and his heart moved slightly. Let's see when the time comes. If he is still in this position, and if Pei Wenjing really allows Liangzhou to be autonomous, he wants to do something for the children at the border.

When we returned to the Governor's Mansion from the border camp, it was already dark.

Xiao Wujin quietly returned to the house. When he saw that Shen Ru had gone to sleep again, he sighed slightly. He came back late.

Wei Xiaozhi and others who were detained in the Governor's Mansion soon began to complain.

Especially Wei Xiaozhi, what he lived in Ganzhou was called extravagance, but when he came here, he had a simple meal and no one cared about him.

"Come on, come on, come on, call your master!" Wei Xiaozhi shouted sternly at the guard at the gate of the courtyard.

"We adults are not free!" the guard said with a cold face, "I would like to ask Mr. Wei to stay well. Your Excellency said, if you feel uncomfortable in the courtyard, then go to the prison."

Wei Xiaozhi felt angry when he was treated so badly by an unknown guard.

"Xiao Wujin, come out here. I am the governor of Ganzhou. You are detaining a court official. Aren't you afraid of being blamed by the court?"

"Master Wei, stop shouting, what if we are really imprisoned?" The governor of Suzhou pulled Wei Xiaozhi's arm and advised him in a low voice.

"That's right, although this yard is small, you can still move around. If we are imprisoned, we will end up in the same den as snakes and rats!"

Wei Xiaozhi looked at the two useless governors and said angrily, "My Ganzhou is so rich, it's a thousand times better than this Liangzhou. That guy Xiao Wujin must have some conspiracy to detain us. He fired Only when the conditions are met can I send the message back."

"The Sima in my city has always been at odds with me. I suspect that this time, he will take the opportunity to oust me. Hey, Old Wei, I regret getting on this pirate ship!" Suzhou Governor sighed, "In Liang If the state can stay, I will stay."

Wei Xiaozhi's face froze. He didn't want his eighth concubine and huge wealth to fall into the hands of others. He had to go back!

(End of this chapter)

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