Chapter 401
After more than half a month, no one came to talk about the redemption of these three governors. Xiao Wujin was not in a hurry. There was even Yaxing and four people sitting together, drinking tea and chatting.

Wei Xiaozhi lost all his previous arrogance and lost weight. He was obviously lacking in energy and fluids!

"Impossible, absolutely impossible. I have seven wives and concubines, three sons and two daughters. It is absolutely impossible for me to leave them alone." Wei Xiaozhi still didn't believe it. "It must be the guards who rushed back to Ganzhou before they had time to deploy."

"In this world, some things don't have to be said face to face. Flying pigeons can send letters. Do you think Ganzhou won't know if you are trapped in Liangzhou?" Xiao Wujin exposed Wei Xiaozhi's assumption.

"Besides, didn't I ask you to write a letter a few days ago?" Xiao Wujin added.

"Who knows whether you have sent the letter or not." The person who spoke was Shazhou Governor Gu Xingzhi, "I don't believe it. You wish us well!"

"I don't have any thoughts about the three of you." Xiao Wujin said, "How many mobs have you prepared to rebel? My city guards have been waiting for more than half a month, but no one has come to the city to clamor. You Say, isn't this obvious enough? The three of you have been given up by your own citizens!"

"Xiao Wujin, why are you guarding Liangzhou?" Wei Xiaozhi looked at Xiao Wujin and asked, "The imperial court has not shown any kindness to Liangzhou. I don't believe you are a foolish and loyal person."

Xiao Wujin gave him an inscrutable look. Why was he not talking so stupidly?
"In half a month, even if I drive you away, you won't even leave!"

The three of them all understood what Xiao Wujin meant. One month could change many things, and the control of a city could also change.

"Then, it's time to calculate how much protection fee I should charge for protecting you!" Xiao Wujin's words made Wei Xiaozhi jump into action.
"Xiao Wujin, don't be too shameless!"

"Winning king and losing bandit, do you need me to say anything else?" Xiao Wujin raised his head and looked at the sullen Wei Xiaozhi calmly.

"Put yourself in your shoes, if I were caught by you, would I be treated as I am now?"

Gu Xingzhi pulled Wei Xiaozhi.

"Master Wei, why should you be angry? Master Xiao is guarding this barren Liangzhou and naturally wants to dig something out of us. Everything can be discussed!"

"Yes, Mr. Xiao, let's talk about it. How much do you want to protect us when we return to the city?" Na Yunfeng, the governor of Suzhou, also said.

Xiao Wujin gave him a cold look. "I have arrested you, and I want to send you back. Am I too busy?"

"What I'm talking to you about is, if your people come to rescue you, how much money will you pay, and I will let you go."

"What if someone with bad intentions comes here?" Gu Xingzhi asked, "You have imprisoned us for so many days. As you said, the power in the city has changed. If we go back, we may fall into a trap!"

"That... is your business!" Xiao Wujin stood up, "I want to come and chat with you despite my busy schedule, just for the sake of my colleagues. Maybe one day, I will give you a drink It’s rice wine!”

"What do you mean, Xiao Wujin, what do you mean?" Wei Xiaozhi asked immediately.

Xiao Wujin looked at the three of them coolly and left.

"Sir, do you really want to let them go?" Luneng asked after leaving the yard.

"When the time comes to let them go, they won't leave!" Xiao Wujin said, "Luneng, why don't you think there are any spies coming to rescue us?"

Xiao Wujin did not deceive Wei Xiaozhi and the others. Various signs showed that without the governor, the three cities were still operating, and those who should make money were still making money.

"It's better to keep a close eye. Even if these three people are going to die, they can't die in Liangzhou." Xiao Wujin finally said seriously.

Shen Ru was in the mansion today. The sales volume in the shop was not too big, and Bai Qianqian and the three of them could sustain it.

At noon, Shen Ruye and Xiao Wujin were eating in their yard. Halfway through the meal, they heard Cuixi coming forward to say something nervously.

"Madam, it's bad, there are a bunch of people making a fuss outside the shop, saying that our stuff is immoral." Cui Xi looked nervous, "Bai Qianqian, Zi Su and the others are behind it. It's the shopkeeper from the next door shop who came over to report the matter. .”

"Is it indecent? You're not allowed to wear it outside. Who wouldn't wear obscene pants?" Shen Ru put down his chopsticks and complained, "Xiao Lang, the situation is urgent. I want to go over and take a look."

"Let Yu Yang escort..." Xiao Wujin said immediately.

"No, men are not allowed to enter my shop. I can just go there by myself." Shen Ru refused.

Outside Yue Jifang, a lot of people really gathered, throwing smelly leaves and the like into the shop. Bai Qianqian and the other three were in a very embarrassed state, but they always guarded the door tightly and did not let these people break in.

Shen Ru strode forward and walked directly through the crowd, deliberately pushing the crowd away.

"What's the fuss about? Do you know what's in our shop?" Shen Ru shouted loudly, "You should tell me what's offensive!"

"You must be the owner of this shop. You look good, but why are you so evil?" A middle-aged woman stared at Shen Rudao fiercely: "You are insulting by selling things meant for prostitutes to good girls. Who!"

"Auntie, you've never bought anything from my store, right?" Shen Ru was neither humble nor arrogant. She looked at this group of people and they didn't look like they belonged to a wealthy family.

They were not the audience for the underwear that cost one tael a pair, and not all brothel girls could afford to buy it. How could they be said to be used by prostitutes?

As for cotton pads, which woman doesn’t have menstruation? There’s no reason to be so resistant to something that improves the feeling of menstruation!
"If you came to my store to cause trouble by taking someone's favor, I won't be polite. Report it to the official and make you pay for it!" Shen Ru said with a cold face, "You, it's you, the one who screamed The most vicious thing, tell me, what is offensive to morals?"

Shen Ru directly pulled a woman and shouted.

"It's just immoral. No serious person would wear something like that." The woman who was dragged out by Shen Ru said harshly.

"Can you tell me what things can't be worn by serious people?" Shen Ru couldn't help but ask, "Do you have any on you?"

"It's you again, do you have any on you?" Shen Ru pulled out another woman, "If you say my things are bad, first of all, you have used them. Secondly, you need to know what the things I sell are used for. .Can you tell me?"

"What's it for? It's for prostitutes." The woman said stubbornly.

"Yes, everything I sell in my store can be used by women of the right age. Who distinguishes prostitutes from good girls? Aren't they both women?"

"The official is here, the official is here!" Suddenly someone shouted loudly.

"I'm here just in time, I'm going to sue all of you!" Shen Ru smiled, glanced at everyone and said: "You stopped in front of my shop and bullied the people in my shop. Look, the young girl is being scolded by you. If you act like this and throw rotten vegetable leaves, I now suspect that you have seriously harmed their physical and mental health, and I will sue all of you for deliberately injuring others!"

(End of this chapter)

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