Chapter 405: The Governor’s Mansion is in trouble
Facing Bai Qianqian's composure, Shen Ping really couldn't say anything.

She was jealous of Shen Ru because she felt that Shen Ru had obviously grown up with her and had never been outstanding before, but why did Shen Ru shine after his family was confiscated and exiled.

But Bai Qianqian is different. Bai Qianqian is the envy of all the noble ladies in the capital. She is known to everyone as the established crown princess!

"You...just be Shen Ru's bitch!" Shen Ping said angrily, then turned around and prepared to leave, but after taking only two steps, she asked for another set of cotton pads. Shen Ru was not there, so she bought them!
"The shopkeeper, she is too..." Lianhua couldn't help but complain a few words after Shen Ping left.

"There are thousands of people in this world, each with their own temperament. She can make everyone feel powerless to complain, which is unique to her!" Bai Qianqian really has a new understanding of Shen Ping. It can make people so speechless.

"A fallen phoenix is ​​not as good as a chicken, how can she be so proud!" Shen Ru couldn't help complaining to Zhang Xuyang after leaving Yuejifang.

"This shopkeeper, does he have such a good background?" Zhang Xuyang asked in a low voice.

"Yes, she has an excellent background, which neither I nor Shen Ru can compare with. I don't know what she did to end up in this situation." Shen Ping said, "If nothing happens, she will probably be the queen in the future! "

Zhang Xuyang has met Bai Qianqian several times, but he never knew Bai Qianqian's identity. This time he heard Shen Ping complain, and he was really shocked. How could such a person exist in a small place like Liangzhou?

"Can that thing be done? Didn't you say you wanted to knock Shen Rushu off?"

"Shen Ru is not here. If she wants to sell my embroidery here, am I not half the owner? Of course I will make Shen Ru pay a lot of money. But you don't know, Bai Qianqian is more knowledgeable than me. It’s much wider, and I can’t even refute what she said.”

"Shen Ping, don't you have some private money? Let me see, you use that money to start a small business. Don't you dislike Shen Ru? You can't do what she can do?" Zhang Xuyang kept saying Don't give up and let Shen Ping take out the money.

"Do business, do any business, Zhang Xuyang, don't be too ambitious but think about it and find a job to make a living first." Shen Ping looked down on Zhang Xuyang, but when she was pushed down, it was Zhang Xuyang who saved her. she.

There was a bit of ruthlessness on Zhang Xuyang's face.

"It's not like I haven't found trouble before. I had a good job before but was ruined by Shen Ru in the end." Zhang Xuyang said angrily, "Shen Ping, you really have to watch Shen Ru get better and better in a high position. ?"

"Zhang Xuyang, I'm crazy, not stupid!" Shen Ping rolled her eyes at Zhang Xuyang, "If you really want to marry me, then make a career."

Zhang Xuyang was speechless for a moment, and patiently tried to please Shen Ping and said, "Ping'er, you know that by being more decent, I can make more friends. How about... you can help me change into a spring dress!"

Shen Ping looked at Zhang Xuyang and finally agreed. She didn't want to see Zhang Xuyang wearing shabby clothes. She felt embarrassed standing next to her.

Bai Qianqian told Shen Ru about this after closing the shop and returning to the governor's house.

"She is getting more and more pretentious. Ignore her. Just do things according to your own ideas."

Shen Ru didn't want to communicate too much with Shen Ping, an ignorant person, and felt tired.

"Wu Ya, what are you doing standing at the door? Do you have something to tell me?" When Bai Qianqian came, Shen Ru saw Wu Ya, but after Bai Qianqian finished speaking, Wu Ya was still standing. , she couldn't help but speak.

"Shen Ru, after much thought, I decided to go to the Yan family to stay for a while, so that I can be close to the Shen family and continue to learn martial arts while watching Shen Nian."

Wu Ya said in a serious manner, but it was rare for her to talk a lot.

Shen Ru was not surprised. He nodded and said, "Okay, but I don't think you can just go!"

"Why, what should we do?" Wu Ya was puzzled. "Of course Yan Shaoqing is here to invite you, Wu Ya, you also know that people from the Yan family will inevitably be looked down upon if you go there by yourself."

"If anyone is rude to me, I will not swallow my anger. Even if I don't chop him up for Yan Shaoqing's sake, I will make him pay a heavy price."

Shen Ru nodded, she believed that Wu Ya meant what she said.

"Anyway, let's find a sunny day and let Yan Shaoqing invite you in through the front door."

Wuya seemed to understand, nodded, and walked away.

Bai Qianqian was a little confused, but she was not a talkative person.After the matter was finished, she said goodbye to Shen Ru and went back to her yard.

At night, there was a sudden noise in the house, which woke up Shen Ru and Xiao Wujin.

"Go away, go out..."

Shen Ruyi stood up, dressed neatly, rolled her hair casually, and was about to go out to see, but Xiao Wujin held her back!

"Aru, it's the people over there who have finally arrived!"

Shen Ru reacted immediately, but still wanted to take a look.

"If water breaks out, what if people in other courtyards are accidentally injured?"

"Then let's go and have a look together. I guess the courtyard is flooded. After so long, the person they are waiting for is not a life-saver, but a life-saving person." Xiao Wujin said slowly.

Seeing this, Shen Ru probably knew that Xiao Wujin had something planned, so... let's go and see!
The fire was in the courtyard where Wei Xiaozhi and the other three were imprisoned. The guards of the governor's office were also bringing water inside, but no one looked too panicked. Moreover, no one in the courtyard could take advantage of the chaos and escape. .

After the fire was extinguished, Xiao Wujin asked Shen Ru to open Wei Xiaozhi's door with the others and walked leisurely into Wei Xiaozhi's house.

"Come out, the fire is out."

As Xiao Wujin finished speaking, three people stood up in the bathtub in Wei Xiaozhi's room.

Shen Ru was a little shocked. These three people were actually crowded in a bathtub. Is there any hidden secret here?
"Xiao Wujin, you did it on purpose!" Wei Xiaozhi wiped water on his face and shivered with cold.

"It's not intentional, it's just a coincidence." Xiao Wujin said, "Didn't you also ask for a bath yourself?"

That's because a spy had sneaked in here before and told him about the plan to take him out of Liangzhou.He said that he would set fire to the Governor's Mansion today and rescue them while the fire started.He wanted to wash away the bad luck in Liangzhou, so he asked for a bath.

But who would have thought that when there was a fire, the three of them were locked in the room, and no one came to save them.

"Wei Xiaozhi, what did you give me?" Xiao Wujin stared at Wei Xiaozhi and asked, "The person who saved you must have received some benefit, so he thought you were useless, so he attacked you! "

"The two governors were afraid that Wei Xiaozhi would be implicated this time, but by some mistake, they escaped."

Some of Xiao Wujin's teasing words fell into the ears of the governor of Shazhou and Suzhou, and they were particularly harsh!
(End of this chapter)

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