Chapter 408: 3000 taels is not an insult. Is 3 taels worth it?
Watching Mrs. Gu's bodyguard finally come to report, there was nothing unusual about Mrs. Gu, and her son and daughter were also well-behaved.

"When Mrs. Gu comes to visit again, let Mr. Gu go!" Xiao Wujin told Shen Ru, and when the guards came to report, he gave the same reply.

At night, Shen Ru was still joking with Xiao Wujin about this matter.

"Xiao Lang, you said that Mrs. Gu looks like such a dashing person..." Shen Ru was still a little surprised. Mrs. Gu is about the same age as her mother, but she looks older than her mother and has given birth to a child. Two daughters and one son.Moreover, to become the wife of the governor of Shazhou, I am afraid that she had a strict family upbringing since childhood...

"Everything is possible. Before I came back, I specifically asked where Gu Xingzhi was a month ago. Well, he was really not in Shazhou." Xiao Wujin's calm words also contained a strong sense of evil.

When their eyes met, Shen Ru chuckled. They were a little unkind!

When Gu Xingzhi left, he was really happy. Xiao Wujin did not accept Mrs. Gu's money or show her face.

In the dilapidated courtyard, Wei Xiaozhi was getting haggard day by day, and Yunfeng was also a little uneasy.

"Xiao Wujin, what else do you want?" Wei Xiaozhi's arrogance was much weaker than before.

"I am a kind man. If your family came to pick you up, I would naturally let you go, but you... didn't!" Xiao Wujin lengthened his tone, looking at Wei Xiaozhi and Na Yunfeng with sympathy in his eyes.

"Xiao Wujin, my first wife has been dead for many years, and there is no remarriage!" Na Yunfeng said, "Do you just want to trap me for the rest of my life?"

"Even if you don't have a wife, you still have children, subordinates, and personal guards. Why didn't anyone come to rescue you?" Xiao Wujin asked, "You have been an official in Suzhou for many years, and you are not doing very well!"

Yunfeng's forehead was bulging, and he wanted to beat Xiao Wujin!
"They must be controlled by someone!"

"I remember, that master is a civil servant, right?" Xiao Wujin asked, "Now that I let you go, can you make it to Suzhou with your hands and feet? If all your people are trapped, then it will be up to you Can his two fists solve their predicament?"

"Or are you saying that, sir, you don't want to leave?"

"Whoever wants to stay in this ruined place of yours, bring me pen and paper. I will write down a secret letter in my handwriting. You can send it to the designated person. Xiao Wujin, tell me how much it will cost!" That Yun Feng Shen said After taking a breath, he panicked as soon as Gu Xingzhi left.

"Okay, I don't want much, just 3000 taels!" Xiao Wujin said lightly.

"Xiao Wujin, 3000 taels, you kept us trapped for so long with only 3000 taels of silver?" Wei Xiaozhi went crazy, "Only 3000 taels!"

Xiao Wujin looked at Wei Xiaozhi, his expression gradually turned cold.

"I'm trapping you, just waiting, and letting you see for yourselves whether the so-called rabble can go to the stage of Daya!" Xiao Wujin's look on Wei Xiaozhi's face was a bit contemptuous: "Revolt, rebellion ?Only your tens of thousands of troops? The coach is in prison, who will rescue him? Even if he sneaked into the governor's house, it was your official seal of Wei Xiaozhi that he wanted. You should know what you can do with your official seal. !”

Wei Xiaozhi's face turned red when Xiao Wujin said this. He had doubted who would be so bold, but in the end he thought it must be his eldest son!The ones who can make the guards stand still are members of his Wei family!
"Come on, Mr. Wei, you have a lot of money. 3000 taels is just a drop of money to you. 3 taels, Mr. Wei, when the paper and pen arrive, you can also write to your confidants and see if the 3 taels of silver are worth it to you. ?”

"Why, Suzhou you want three thousand, Ganzhou you want thirty thousand, Xiao Wujin, don't go too far!"

Wei Xiaozhi refused again, what a big difference!

"Sir, do you think 3000 taels insults you?" Xiao Wujin turned to look at Yunfeng.

Na Yunfeng's mind changed and he immediately said: "No humiliation, no humiliation. I am not rich in Suzhou, and the court has not allocated a salary. We are not as good as Ganzhou and there is a salt mine." "Master Wei, you think so! "

Wei Xiaozhi's face turned blue again, he was so angry! "Okay, Xiao Wujin, 3 taels. Am I not worth 3 taels?"

"Okay, this is a long way from Ganzhou to Suzhou. I don't know when the letter will be delivered. Let your people arrive in the woods ten miles outside the city and send someone to inform me. At that time, I will send you out of the city with one hand. Pay the money and hand it over!"

Xiao Wujin felt that his arrangement was very appropriate.If we can delay it for a while, we can still record the accounts and figure out some of the forces in Ganzhou and Suzhou. In addition, if we delay it for another month or two, the day lily will be cold, not to mention Wei Xiaozhi's rebellion!
Xiao Wujin left. Behind him, Wei Xiaozhi and Yunfeng were still arguing about something, but Xiao Wujin didn't care.

"Xiao Wujin, how can anyone live in this poor courtyard? Don't you have any other houses in the Governor's Mansion?" Wei Xiaozhi shouted from behind.

That's right, this yard has been explored and it's time to move.

Xiao Wujin still sent people to keep an eye on the Shazhou governor who left the governor's mansion. When the guards reported back, they were all scenes of a loving father and a filial son.

Three days later, the governor of Shazhou and his family were preparing to leave Liangzhou. They disguised themselves as civilian guards and followed them all the way. Finally, they learned that they had settled in a town on the border of Shazhou and Liangzhou.

After Shen Ru knew this, he couldn't say anything.

"Actually, it doesn't matter whether the child belongs to Mr. Gu, at least the wife is still his, right?" After thinking for a while, Shen Ru said, "After all, he already has two daughters and a son."

"What Madam said is absolutely true!" Xiao Wujin was stunned for a while, and finally gave Shen Ru a thumbs up.

"I heard that you moved Wei Xiaozhi and Na Yunfeng to the east chamber, in the same courtyard as the guards in the house." Shen Ru teased, "Are you worried that another spy will sneak in?"

"No, there is no other place for them to live in the mansion."

Shen Ru naturally didn't believe Xiao Wujin's excuse, but with those strong guards every day, the two adults probably didn't dare to make any mistakes again!

Bai Qianqian embroidered patterns by herself in the past few days and went to Shen Ping's embroidery workshop several times, but each time she and Shen Ping failed to talk about going together.

On this day, Bai Qianqian came back from the embroidery workshop and wanted to give up cooperating with Qian.

"Miss Bai!" Zhang Xuyang suddenly appeared in front of her, startling Bai Qianqian.

"It's you, what do you want to do?" Bai Qianqian looked wary. In her impression, Xu Yang was not a good one.

"Miss Bai, I have never had the chance to get married with you before. I know that you are of a noble birth, and people of my status cannot get to know you. But Miss Bai, you are of noble character and have unparalleled talents. Do you really want to live a life of mediocrity? "

"You were originally the noble White Lotus, but now you are stuck in the quagmire. If you can let Xiaosheng help you, you will definitely regain your glory and wealth."

Bai Qianqian looked dumbfounded. She took a good look at Zhang Xuyang, and finally said calmly: "Bai Lian's so-called nobleness means being able to emerge from the mud without being stained. Zhang Xuyang, please help me. What can you do for me? What is glory and wealth for you?" , have you ever had it in your life?"

"I don't know where you got such a big face. Why don't you go home and look in the mirror?" After Bai Qianqian finished speaking, she ignored Zhang Xuyang's shocked look and walked straight away!

(End of this chapter)

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