Was your home ransacked on your wedding day?I emptied the Marquis's house and tore my son-in-la

Chapter 420 The test given to me by my master and my mother-in-law

Chapter 420 The test given to me by my master and my mother-in-law

Shen Ruwuya wandered around Liangzhou City in a grand manner and killed two groups of people, but he struck too quickly and left no one alive.

"Wu Ya, are all killers so stubborn?" After free time, Shen Ru and Wu Ya stopped in the restaurant, eating cakes and snacks and complaining.

"If you fail the mission, you will die!" Wu Ya said with a cold face, "So, you must make yourself the strongest person!"

Shen Ru became interested and joked: "Then...Wu Ya, your mission to kill Prince Gaochang..."

"I didn't fail!" Wuya said.

"Yeah, it didn't fail!" Wu Ya smiled, "I mean, what would you do if you failed?"

"No, they couldn't cure me!" Wu Ya said calmly, "But I succeeded!"

"But now, I want this organization to stop its losses in time. People on the left and right can't kill me. Why don't you want to sit down and talk? Just like last time, you obviously don't need to die, but you have to bite the bottom of your guts. Death from tooth poisoning."

"Am I the one who looks so evil?" Shen Ru was a little troubled.

"It's because they are afraid." Wu Ya replied, "Each organization has its own way of controlling these people. In addition to brainwashing, some also use drugs to control them. If they fail to complete the task, they will die if they go back, so they are afraid."

"It's really... let's have some more fun!" Shen Ru said with emotion, it's endless and elusive, it's so annoying.

Just as he was talking, the teapot on the table suddenly exploded. Shen Ru and Wu Ya immediately moved out of the way. Then, the waiter in the restaurant suddenly drew his knife and slashed at Shen Ru.

"Keep alive!" Shen Ru shouted to Wu Ya. This time he must ask which killer organization it is!

Killing was easy, but it was a bit difficult for Wuya to stay alive.

The killer wanted to kill Shen Ru, but Shen Ru also retained some strength. After a fight, the killer's jaw was removed and his acupuncture points were tapped.

The other guests in the restaurant had already run away, and only the shopkeeper stood aside tremblingly, saying that he didn't know anything.

"Hey, killer!" Shen Ru waved his hand to let the shopkeeper go away, and said to the killer: "I want to stop this mission where you have unilateral casualties."

"I didn't want to kill the previous few, but their desire to die was too strong. I know that you hid poison in your back molars, and some of you who had a clear intention to die actually stabbed your own Tianling Cap with a hidden weapon. So, brother killer, Can you not want to die?"

Shen Ru said sincerely: "I just want to discuss it with you. You go back and send a message saying that I want to end this mission. How much did Cui Ti give you? Did I give you money? Or what should I say? In short, let you Boss, come to Liangzhou and discuss the outcome with me. Otherwise, just to kill me, a large number of people in your organization will die, which is not worthwhile!"

"Then Cui Ti has money, well, actually I do too, big brother, life is not easy. Of course, if you still choose to die, there is nothing I can do about it. After all, you really can't kill me!"

"Having said that, I'm going to let you go. Think about it for yourself!"

Shen Ru said, untying the killer's hole, but she didn't care about the removed chin.

As soon as he was free, the killer stepped back suddenly, straightened his chin again, looked at Shen Ru and Wu Ya warily, and finally turned around and ran away!

"Wu Ya, is this considered interesting?" Shen Ru couldn't help but ask.

"Afraid of death." Wu Ya said with a cold face. "Then I should thank him for his greed for life and fear of death. Let's go home!" Shen Ru said happily, hoping that this endless assassination would come to an end!
At night, brilliant fireworks burst out over Liangzhou City; under the cover of darkness, several people in black gathered together.

"Shen Ru is difficult to deal with. She has damaged so many people before. Should she continue or repay the guild? She also found out about the person who paid for the murder. I think it is better for the guild to deal with this matter!"

"When did our Jinyu Alliance cancel the mission? If this spreads out, how will we be able to gain a foothold in the world in the future? No, we must complete the mission. I don't believe that so many of us can't kill a woman!"

"But the brothers in front are all dead!"

After this man finished speaking, everyone was silent. Even though he was a killer, who would want to die if he could live?
"Then... Fei Ge sent a letter to the general altar and asked the boss to come?" the killer who was let go by Shen Ru suggested. "We are not afraid of death, we just give the organization a way to preserve its strength."

The next morning, before Shen Ru got up, she heard the conversation between Cui Xi and Pei Chongguang outside the door.

Hearing Pei Wenjing's name, Shen Ru stood up suddenly, but Cui Xi and the others didn't know!He called Cui Xi to come in, and Shen Ru also put on her clothes.

"I heard Chongguang's voice, is he outside?"

"Yes, madam, Master Chongguang came here early in the morning and has been waiting for a long time." Cui Xi said, helping Shen Ru comb her hair. "That is, Master Shigeguang talked about the deceased Prince Jing for some reason."

Shen Ru was puzzled. It had been almost five days since Pei Chongguang had accepted it?So what is he thinking about these days?
After briefly freshening up, Shen Ru went to the small hall to see Pei Chongguang.

"Master, after thinking about it, I think it was a test given to me by Master and Master, right?" As soon as Pei Chongguang opened his mouth, Shen Ru almost laughed.

"Chongguang, you thought about it for five days and you came up with something like this?" Shen Ru looked at Pei Chongguang in shock.

"Master's wife, if my brother is still alive, he will definitely not rebel. Our Pei family is definitely not a traitor." Pei Chongguang said seriously.

"Well, Chongguang, how do you think you should avenge the Pei family?" Shen Ru put down her temper and asked patiently.

"If it were me, I would definitely study hard, wait until I get the honors, and then ask the emperor to reverse the case for the Pei family!" Pei Chongguang said with an upright face, "My grandfather, my uncle, and my eldest brother must have been wronged."

"Moreover, I saw their corpses hanging on the city wall with my own eyes. Master, you saw it too, didn't you?"

Shen Ru was stupid, Pei Chongguang became a nerd in studying, and Xiao Wujin was not like that either!
"Chongguang, you don't believe me!"

"Teacher's wife, so, you and the master are just trying to make me understand, right?" Pei Zhongguang's eyes were filled with hope, "Even if the country is in turmoil, as long as I study hard and learn, I will get a good name in the future..."

Shen Ru looked at Pei Chongguang quietly, she had forgotten how old he was.

"Chongguang, are you eight or nine this year?"

"Master's wife, I am already ten years old!" Pei Chongguang replied obediently.

He's ten years old, he's still a child, so he can't accept that Pei Wenjing is alive, or he can't accept that Pei Wenjing is the leader of the rebels and really did the rebellion?
"Chongguang, don't think so much, just study hard. Tomorrow is the day to go home, right?"

"Yes, I will go home to see my grandmother, second aunt, and mother tomorrow." Pei Chongguang replied: "I have been thinking about it for a few days and finally figured it out. Master and his wife are testing!"

"Well, you think so!" Shen Ru said helplessly. This child... even thought of an explanation for himself, ha, ha!
The author sprained his neck yesterday, and the pain in his shoulder caused him headache, nausea, and vomiting. Today it has eased a bit and he underwent physical therapy, but he really can't sit for a long time because it hurts too much.There should be updates, it just depends on how much the author can write. If it’s too late, everyone should go to bed first!
(End of this chapter)

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