Chapter 422

The killer has no martial ethics. As the leader of the killer, he actually fought Cui Ti with her guards. Moreover, the moves were ruthless and he really killed her!

Moreover, only a quarter of an hour after the fireworks were set off, a killer had already rushed over.

After giving the order, the four killers who arrived immediately attacked Shen Ru. Together with Cui Ti's guards, they were obviously prepared. After several attempts, Shen Ru felt that it was too much.

Especially Cui Ti's bodyguard and the killer leader, their kung fu was surprisingly high. Shen Ru felt that he had to use all his strength to deal with these two people, not to mention several other killers who would intervene from time to time!
Seeing the right moment, Shen Ru pretended to attack, but actually retreated, rolled on the spot, and fled into the woods beside the road.

"Chasing, I must kill Shen Ru!" Cui Ti got off the carriage, her beautiful face full of sternness!
She could meet Shen Ru halfway along the way. Wasn't God helping her?
"Miss, the road is very dusty. You'd better get in the carriage!" Jade also got off the carriage and advised Cui Ti, "Why don't we go into the city and find a place to stay."

Cui Ti nodded, she didn't believe that with so many people surrounding Shen Ru, Shen Ru could still survive!
Shen Ru had several wounds on his body. After entering the forest, he immediately looked for a place to hide!
A group of grown men actually surrounded and killed her, she was really angry!But it aroused her courage even more. Since we can't reach an agreement, let's fight to the end and see how she fights back!

The forest was very big. Shen Ru ran into the depths of the forest, looked around, and finally selected a big tree with an extremely dense crown, and quickly climbed up the tree.

First, he used the golden sore medicine in the space to apply medicine to himself, and then checked the weapons that could be used in the space. After drinking water and eating to store up his physical strength, Shen Ru waited for the killer to arrive.

As the forest grew bigger, the killers naturally had to separate to look for someone. Shen Ru was like a hunter lying on a high place, watching the other person emerge from under the tree. After confirming that he was alone, he slid down from the tree.

The one who was alone was one of the killers. When he heard the noise behind him, he reacted very quickly, but the big knife faced him, and with a sudden turn, he cut his neck open.

At the critical moment of life and death, if she continues to be soft-hearted, she will be irresponsible to herself!

Shen Ru succeeded with one blow, but also saw that the killer sent a signal at the same time.

"Damn it!" Of course we can't stay in this place. When Shen Ru saw this, he immediately ran in one direction.

Soon, the killer leader and his men arrived and found the killer whose throat had been cut by Shen Ru.

"This woman is indeed cunning. You two must act together and drag her until everyone arrives."

"Boss, what if... what if we can't kill her?" The person who spoke was the killer who Shen Ru let go before.

"How can I still not kill her if I do it myself?" The killer leader said arrogantly: "But isn't this girl from a famous family? She is so skilled!"

"Boss, I mean just in case, just in case..."

"Even if we can't kill him, don't we still have him?" The killer boss glanced at the man with a cold face, who was Cui Ti's bodyguard.

"She is injured and can't run far. Besides being a woman, how can she still outrun us?" The man said with a cold face, "It gets cold in the mountains at night. How long can she hold on as a woman?"

"Yes, let's keep looking!"

Xiao Wujin was checking the official documents in the house, and suddenly felt his heart tightening. He couldn't help but frown, feeling panic for no reason...

"Luneng, is Madam back?" Xiao Wujin couldn't help but ask.

"My subordinate, take a look." Luneng responded immediately, but soon he came to reply: "Sir, my wife has not come back."

"She never said she wouldn't be back for dinner, right?" Xiao Wujin felt inexplicably panicked. "Aru went out to the ranch in the morning. He should be back by this time. Even if he hasn't arrived home yet, he should be on the way." "Sir, my wife is very skilled in martial arts and nothing will happen to her." Luneng had met Shen Ru. Most people wouldn't be able to hurt Shen Ru if he took action.

"Sir, Mr. Yan and Miss Wu Ya are here!" Yu Yang came to report.

"Wu Ya said that maybe Shen Ru is in danger." Yan Shaoqing saw Xiao Wujin and said directly.

Xiao Wujin stood up immediately and asked nervously: "Why do you say that?"

"I saw fireworks. I have seen these fireworks before. If I guessed correctly, they should be sending a certain signal." Wu Ya said with a cold face: "Last time I saw, there was still a killer chasing Shen Ru. when."

"Luneng, prepare your horses." Xiao Wujin was about to go find Shen Ru.

"What are you trying to do?" Yan Shaoqing shouted to stop Xiao Wujin, "I asked Lin Yang to take people to check the place where the signal was sent, and brought Wu Ya to see you. Firstly, I didn't want to hide it from you, and secondly, I wanted to prevent you from going. To add to the chaos. You can send someone, but you should wait at the Governor's Mansion yourself, what if she comes back?"

"Luneng, take someone with you, Miss Wuya..." Xiao Wujin took a deep breath and looked at Wuya.

"I will go there." Wu Ya nodded, "Your people, follow me."

"Xiao Wujin, don't worry, I'm here to accompany you!" Yan Shaoqing knew how important Shen Ru was to Xiao Wujin. At this time, Xiao Wujin needed someone to accompany him even more.

Xiao Wujin had a sullen face and walked back and forth in the study uneasily.

"If something happens to Aru, I... I'm afraid I don't want to live alone!"

"Oh, can you let go of Liangzhou?" Yan Shaoqing asked back, "Xiao Wujin, Shen Ru is smart and cunning, she has always been the one to deceive others, and she will not be deceived by others. Plus my people, And Wuya, your people have also gone to look for her, everything will be fine."

Without Aru, would he still have the mind to care about Liangzhou?He used to be alone and fearless; but now, he has a family!

"Yes, if something happens to Aru, I have to let the culprit die, right?" Xiao Wujin said cruelly, "Even if it is thousands of miles away, I will do it at any cost."

Yan Shaoqing, who knew the inside story, also nodded and said: "If Cui Ti really harmed Shen Ru, I will help you vent your anger."

Shen Ru lay in wait in the forest and killed two more killers. As for the signals sent by the killers, she was not afraid. Anyway, she moved, so let them chase her!

As the forest goes deeper, the places where sunlight cannot reach become a little dark.

After disturbing a wild boar and almost stepping on a big snake, Shen Ru still stopped to rest on the canopy.Feeling the temperature drop in the mountains, Shen Ru guessed that at this moment, she was worried about Xiao Wujin.

He must be worried if he hasn't gone back so late!

Don't come looking for someone by yourself. Shen Ru is a little worried. These killers are too ungrateful. But the most troublesome thing is Cui Ti's bodyguard. After Fang Jin is gone, Cui Ti still has such a guard. Master?

"Hiss..." Suddenly, Shen Ru saw a giant python swimming towards him along the branches!
"This woman is very good at hiding. It's going to be dark soon, isn't she afraid of wild beasts in the mountains?" Under the tree, Shen Ru saw the killer leader and one of his men.

(End of this chapter)

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