Chapter 424 I’m afraid of losing you

Back at the Governor's Mansion, it was already dark. As soon as Shen Ru stepped into the courtyard gate, she was hugged.

"Aru, thank God, you're okay!" Xiao Wujin, who had always been calm, hugged Shen Ru and lamented the rest of her life.While talking, Xiao Wujin directly picked up Shen Ruheng.

"Ah, everyone is watching, let me go!" Shen Ru couldn't help but whisper, "I'm fine, I'm really fine." But Xiao Wujin hugged his hand and pressed the painful spot, causing Shen Ru to collapse Taking a breath.

"What's wrong, are you injured?" Xiao Wujin's heart tightened, he quickened his pace and carried Shen Ru to the new yard.

From the gate to the new courtyard, Xiao Wujin held Shen Ru in his arms, looking nervous and anxious.

When people in the governor's mansion saw him, they naturally lowered their heads and avoided it.

"Xiao Lang, let me down." After entering the room, Shen Ru gently pushed Xiao Wujin's chest, feeling a little distressed. He was a scholar, and even though he had good physical strength, his arms were not sore after holding her all this way. ?
Xiao Wujin put Shen Ru on the bed and couldn't wait to check her injuries.

"Aru, where is the injury? Have you applied any medicine?"

"Come on, let me tell you, although I was injured, they were even worse off. The old man from the Jinyu League was lost in the forest. I don't know if anyone will come to trouble me later." Shen Ru took off his clothes. After seeing the injury, he lifted up his clothes to let Xiao Wujin see the injury.

"Also, the guard around Cui Ti is really a master among masters. I can't even deal with her. She really wants to kill me this time."

Seeing the wounds on Shen Ru's body, Xiao Wujin felt really distressed. He touched them carefully, took a deep breath, and gathered Shen Ru's clothes. "After taking the medicine, you can't touch the water today. Aru, does it hurt?"

Shen Ru shook his head, but nodded again and said angrily: "Cui Ti is the first person to hurt me like this. I'm so angry!"

"She has come to Liangzhou. I don't have the energy to settle the score with her now, but I'm so angry that I can't just settle it!"

"Aru, if she bullies you like this, then let's leave her in Liangzhou!" Xiao Wujin was also angry. His wife was bullied like this, and he almost lost the person he loved most.

"Death penalty can be avoided, but living crime cannot be avoided. No one can stop it!" Shen Ru said angrily. Cui Ti wanted to kill him, wasn't he just panicking?What was she panicking about? Was it in Pei Wenjing's heart that she was occupied?I'm afraid that even if she, Shen Ru, gets married, will she still be able to compete with her, Cui Ti, for Pei Wenjing?

"Well, no matter what you do, I will stand by your side." Xiao Wujin was really filled with hatred. How could Cui Ti, a woman, be so cruel!

"Go to bed early tonight, I'll watch over you!"

Shen Ru was really tired. Not only was the fighting very exhausting, but he was still tense all the time. After a brief wash, Shen Ru quickly fell asleep with Xiao Wujin by his side!
After Xiao Wujin waited for Shen Ru to fall asleep, he went out and called Luneng, asking about the situation at that time.

"Madam is very brave, one against six or seven. When we arrived, madam had already killed four people..." Luneng recounted the scene and heard Xiao Wujin frowning.

Aru's kung fu is very high, but it is difficult for her to fight with two fists. In such a scene, she must be afraid!
"Tomorrow you will take people to check Cui Ti's whereabouts. Your wife is not bullied for nothing." Xiao Wujin said in a deep voice.

Shen Ru had a peaceful sleep, and when she woke up in the morning, she saw Xiao Wujin.

"Wake up, let me help you apply the medicine again!" Xiao Wujin said with a smile.

"Oh, why aren't you busy today?" Shen Ru knew that Xiao Wujin had the habit of getting up early, but she had to sleep until dawn every time!

"My wife is still injured, how can I let go?" Xiao Wujin said softly.

"A small injury, for a martial arts practitioner, this injury is nothing." Shen Ru didn't care much, "Where's Cui Ti, my whole body is full of energy now, I want to settle the score with her!"

"I have sent people to find her where to stay. Aru, aren't you hungry?" Xiao Wujin asked with concern.

"I..." Before Shen Ru could speak, her stomach began to growl.Xiao Wujin was stunned for a moment, then smiled.

"When I give you the good medicine, you should have a good meal first. After a fierce battle yesterday, you need to recover your strength first. There is no hurry about revenge."

Shen Ru took a deep breath, it was still painful to apply the medicine.

When having breakfast, Xiao Wujin was still there, and Shen Ru didn't think too much. Even after eating, she walked around the house, accompanied by Xiao Wujin, and she joked: "Xiao Lang, are you afraid?" Did I lose it?”

Xiao Wujin paused and immediately took Shen Ru into his arms.

"Yes, I'm afraid you'll lose it!"

"Let go, let go, it's outside!" Shen Ru felt a little embarrassed, she could just move her hands and feet inside the house!

"Aru, I'm afraid you'll get into trouble again when you go out, so..." Xiao Wujin whispered, "Please bring guards with you when you go out in the future!"

"It's not necessary. It's rare for me to meet such a powerful master. I can't kill him, and he can't kill me!" Shen Ru said, "I won't be so passive in Liangzhou City!"

"But, I will be afraid!" Xiao Wujin sighed in a low voice, "Aru, I am really afraid that you will leave, so I really hate Cui Ti for being so vicious!"

The corners of Shen Ru's mouth raised, feeling warmed by being cared about.

"Xiao Lang, I cherish my life more than anyone else, and I'm still looking forward to a happy marriage with you for a hundred years!" Shen Ru said, "Don't worry, I know it well. I have your protection in Liangzhou, right?"

"Aru, recover from your injuries first, and wait until Luneng and the others find out, then go out, okay?"

Xiao Wujin still wanted Shen Ru to recuperate right under his nose!His anxious heart finally calmed down a bit.

Seeing the deep affection in Xiao Wujin's eyes, Shen Ru nodded and was indeed not in a hurry.

"Well, I promise you."

In the afternoon, Yan Shaoqing came to the door with Wu Ya.

Seeing Shen Ru's energetic appearance, Yan Shaoqing was relieved.

"What do you mean, what are you going to do next?" Yan Shaoqing, who knew the inside story, asked. He didn't believe that both Shen Ru and Xiao Wujin could swallow this.

"Revenge when there is a grudge, and revenge when there is a grudge!" Shen Ru gritted his teeth and said, "When I am healed, I will go find Cui Ti."

"I know where Cui Ti is." Yan Shaoqing said, "It's where the Pei family lives."

Shen Ru was stunned for a moment, and then heard Yan Shaoqing say: "Yesterday when Wu Ya came back, I asked Lin Yang and the others to check immediately. It's a coincidence, that place is not far away from Yan's house, isn't it?"

"Xiao Lang!" Shen Ru immediately looked at Xiao Wujin, unable to wait any longer!
"Didn't you agree to recuperate first?" Xiao Wujin held down Shen Ru, "He's there, and he won't run away. Even if he runs away, he will come back later, right?"

"Having said that, I'm still... itchy!" Shen Ru sighed, "Okay, I'll wait a little longer. There are still people left by Pei Wenjing there, so I'll have to take them with me when I go."

"I'll go with you!" Wu Ya said, "I want to see how good the master is!"

(End of this chapter)

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