Chapter 426 The old lady is wise

The old lady was in good spirits. Although she was in bed, she didn't look sick at all.

"Old madam, I see you are radiant, it's good!" Shen Ru joked: "If you feel bored at home, why not go to my ranch to stay for a while and see the grass and mountains. Aunt Yu is also here."

The old lady looked at Shen Ru with a smile: "Shen Ru, you are going to have a conflict with Cui Ti!"

"Old Madam is wise, Cui Ti can't stay in the big inn in Liangzhou, so she comes here because she wants me to be a trap?" Shen Ru said bluntly: "Old Madam, Cui Ti and I will have a fight, and I'm afraid I'll hurt you!"

"Shen Ru, I still appreciate your honesty. Cui Ti is here. In fact, I know what she is hiding." The old lady looked at Shen Ru intently, "Shen Ru, can you tell me why you are here?" Is this a life-or-death situation?"

Shen Ru looked into the old lady's wise eyes and asked tentatively: "Old lady, are you really feeling well?"

"Why, what you are going to say will make me ill?" the old lady asked.

"Old madam, there is something I have been hiding for a long time. I didn't dare to say it before, but now I want to say it without any trouble."

"Before, the rebels fought from the south to the capital. Now that the war is over and the rebels have won, the Pei family will die and live. Old lady, there are still people in the Pei family." Shen Ru said cryptically.

The old lady raised her eyes and looked at Shen Ru steadily.

"It's the Crown Prince Wen Jing, right?" The hoarse voice was trembling, and Shen Ru also noticed that the old lady's hands were shaking.

"Old Madam!" Shen Ru immediately held the old Madam's hand, "You... guessed it, didn't you?"

"Yes, how could Cui Ti guard a dead person at such a young age? She came to Liangzhou again and again, taking good care of us and courting me, a dying old woman, with great respect. What do you want? Shen Ru , I am old, but I am neither deaf nor blind!"

The old lady's trembling hands showed the fluctuations in her heart. Shen Ru held the old lady's hand and said guiltily: "Old lady, you guessed it right. He is still alive and has always wanted to avenge the Pei family. Fortunately, he succeeded. I believe he will come to Liangzhou soon to take you back to Beijing."

The old lady's mood fluctuated a lot, and Shen Ru could only hold the old lady's hand tightly, not daring to speak any more.

"Okay, okay, okay!" After a while, the old lady shouted three good words in a row, but she gradually stabilized. "How long have you known about this?"

"He came to see you on the way to exile." Shen Ru said softly, "But at that time, he had just started the rebellion, and he didn't know whether it would succeed, so he didn't dare to recognize you."

"This time I made my own decision and told Old Madam about him in advance." Shen Ru continued, "Old Madam, Cui Ti and I have something that we have to resolve. However, even if she wants me to die, I will I will spare her life, but I can’t swallow this breath!”

The old lady could tell that Cui Ti must be with Pei Wenjing just by thinking about it.She had many emotions in her wise eyes, and finally, she sighed heavily.

"The pasture looks empty. As I get older, I just want to stay in a quiet and refreshing place."

"That's good. The old lady will live in the ranch for a few days and you will know. Aunt Yu is doing things like that, and some of the people who were exiled before have not been able to find suitable jobs. I have also arranged to work in the ranch. ." Shen Ru felt relieved when he saw that the old lady listened to the advice.

"Well, I know you are measured." The old lady could think that her eldest grandson Pei Wenjing could avenge the Pei family, and Cui Ti probably played a big role.

Cui Ti is kind to the Pei family and has affection for her eldest grandson, but her temper is really unpleasant. The old lady wants to use Shen Ru's hand to suppress Cui Ti.

The concubine of Prince Jing’s Mansion!Shen Ru could feel the momentum in the old lady's calm words, and she felt that the old lady didn't like Cui Ti as her granddaughter-in-law!

"Old madam, you have a good rest, I'll leave first." Shen Ru said with a smile, "Can I come to Cui Ti tomorrow?"

"Okay." The old lady nodded, but then she said, "Were the people in this house also arranged by Wen Jing?"

"The old lady is wise!"

When he came out of the old lady's room, Cui Ti also came out of the room. Their eyes met, and Shen Ru saw hatred in the other person's eyes.

"Aunt Zhao, I'm going back." Shen Ru shouted loudly.Mrs. Zhao immediately came over from the kitchen, "I'm going back, okay, I'll see you off."

"No, the old lady has something to tell you!" Shen Ru said with a smile, "Don't bother Aunt Zhao to see us off!"

"Shen Ru, what tricks are you playing?" Cui Ti asked cautiously.

"Guess." Shen Rucai didn't want Cui Ti to know! "Wuya, let's go, please remember!"

"Remember!" Wu Ya said and glanced at Cheng Yan.

Cui Ti didn't ask any more questions. After Shen Ru and Wu Ya left, she winked at Cheng Yan.

Cheng Yan's eyes darkened and he followed out.

After Shen Ru and Wu Ya walked for a while, they found themselves being followed by Cheng Yan.

"Wuya, stop, why don't you come and ask what he wants to do."

Shen Ru turned around and waited for Cheng Yan to step forward.

"You can't kill me, so what do you want to do?" Shen Ru asked bluntly.

"Kill even if you can't." Cheng Yan said with a cold face, "Should we fight here or somewhere else?"

"Let's go back another day and tell Cui Ti that this matter is not over. It's not her who is chasing me. It's me who must seek justice from her." Shen Ru looked at Cheng Yan and said, "In a real fight, one on two, will you? lost."

"When?" Cheng Yan asked.

"Well, guess what." She didn't say anything, "Cui Ti shouldn't leave Liangzhou in a hurry, so why are you anxious?"

Cheng Yan looked at Shen Ru and then at Wu Ya.There is indeed no chance of winning in the current fight.

"Okay." Cheng Yan turned around and left after saying that.

This person actually listens to advice!
Shen Ru couldn't help but sneer, but as long as this person was Cui Ti's guard, he would inevitably be beaten.

"Come back to the Governor's Mansion with me, or should you go back to the Yan family?" Shen Ru asked Wu Ya.

"Go back to the Governor's Mansion. Whenever you take action, I will be with you."

After he went out, Xiao Wujin was worried again. Shen Ru didn't stay outside anymore, so he and Wu Ya went directly back to the Governor's Mansion.

On Cui Ti's side, she was obviously a little anxious when she saw Cheng Yan going and returning.

"Why did you come back and fight?"

"She said there is no rush now. She will come another day." Cheng Yan said truthfully: "I have no chance of winning between the two of them."

"How could it be possible? Aren't you the best swordsman in the world? My mother said that no one can beat you!" Cui Ti was irritable, while Shen Ru was calm, like a knife lying across her head.

"There are mountains outside the mountains, and there are people outside the people. If you don't leave Liangzhou for one day, she will come to you for revenge. I will also take action for you when the time comes. Why are you anxious?" Cheng Yan said calmly.

"I want to be free, and I don't want to die!"

(End of this chapter)

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