Chapter 44 Moral Kidnapping
Shen Ru's words made Cui Ti dubious. She still asked Yi Cheng to order the people at the post station to boil a large pot of water. She didn't believe that this method was useless!
"Mr. Chen, let me ask you something, who lives in this guest room?"

Shen Ru said in a low voice, "I don't know how many days I will stay yet, let's find out first!"
Chen Qing frowned, why didn't he know who lived above?Then he looked at Yi Cheng.

"Hehe, hehe!"

Yi Cheng laughed and laughed.

"How does this girl know? However, I still advise the girl not to be too curious."

"I don't know what kind of big shot he is, but he is quite greedy. He sniffed me like a dog and asked for a bowl of dumplings from me."

Shen Ru could feel that there was someone above him and was not afraid that his words would be heard.

"Ha, ha ha ha ha!"

Yi Cheng immediately laughed, laughing awkwardly, and looked at Shen Ru with admiration in his eyes.

"Girl, you really know how to joke. Please hurry up and get through this road. Mr. Chen, you'd better get on your way early."

Chen Qing looked at Shen Ru and understood what Yi Cheng said.

This is asking them to leave quickly, so who is living up there?

Shen Ru didn't ask why, so he gave up his thoughts.

The man who was said to be as greedy as a dog by Shen Ru was angry, but his subordinate Luneng came to report it.

"Sir, my subordinates have found out that the family is the former Marquis of Anguo, Shen Yan, his wife, his two daughters and one son."

"Fine, I got it!"

Shen Ru wanted to know the other party's identity, but he didn't know that his family was being cared about by the other party.

Cui Ti was very anxious and wanted to move on, so she actually boiled hot water and poured it on.

Where the snow was thin, it really accelerated melting, but where the snow was thick, it did freeze as Shen Ru said.

The icy road is too slippery and makes walking even more difficult!

This made Cui Ti very depressed, but the only good thing was that it looked like the weather was clearing up and the snow would melt sooner or later.

"Shen Ru, why do you know so much?"

Cui Ti looked at Shen Ru curiously and asked.

"I used to go to Zhuangzi in the countryside with my grandfather. Although I am still young, I still remember some of the things my grandfather taught me."

Shen Ru made an excuse and said that no one would be able to ask the original owner's grandfather for confirmation anyway.

"It is said that it is better to travel thousands of miles than to read thousands of books. This is probably the truth!"

Cui Ti thoughtfully nodded and said, "Miss Shen, Cui Ti has learned a lesson."

Shen Ru smiled and said nothing.

"That's right, Shen Ru, Cui Ti has a merciless request."

But what Cui Ti said next made Shen Ru stop laughing!
"Can you return the bag of rice I gave you before?"

Cui Ti said sheepishly, "Since we are still detained at the post station, we have to provide some food. So many people eat a lot of food every day. The food I brought has bottomed out. I will return it later." How about two shi of rice for you?"

The food she had stored in her space would scare people to death, Shen Ru thought, but at the moment, she really could only go along with Cui Ti's wishes.

"Okay, I'll ask Uncle to get it from the carriage."

Shen Ru agreed.

After staying at the inn for another two days, Chen Qing couldn't stay any longer. Seeing that the snow had almost melted, he asked the officials to escort all the prisoners and set off.

But after hiding in the inn for a few days, it was extremely cold on the road.

Shen Ru's family members who were in the carriage were all covered with quilts.

"Sister, it's so cold. It feels even colder than when it snows."

Shen Nian said with a shiver, and Shen Xuan on the side also nodded hurriedly.

"Well, melting snow is colder than falling snow."

Shen Ru wanted to explain, but he stopped as soon as he reached his mouth. Explaining too much would only make people suspicious.

"That's right. When the snow melts, it will be much colder than when it snows!"

Even my aunt agreed, "You said it's so cold for those of us riding in the carriage, but what about those walking?" "It's probably warmer than us!"

Shen Ru said, "If they keep moving, it won't be too cold."

It’s just that these toes will probably get frostbite!
She couldn't help knowing this, people's hearts are different, she was not the Holy Mother.

The road conditions were worrying, which greatly hindered the journey. The walkers were too tired to feel the cold, and the feet wearing only thin shoes were numb from the cold.

In this seemingly huge team, people kept falling to the ground.

If there is no breath, the official will simply throw his body into the wilderness.

Shen Ru's family was aloof and the matter had nothing to do with them, but they also heard that Cui Ti was doing her best to help others.

Cui Ti carried some children into the carriage, delivered hot water to some frostbitten people, and distributed clothes to some weak people. Cui Ti was really good!

So, when we stopped to rest, someone came to the door!
"Shen Ru, are you at ease?"

Shen Ru was a little confused because of the accusation.

"who are you?"

Shen Ru raised his head and asked good-naturedly.

"I'm your uncle."

The man had a treacherous look on his face. He looked older than his father, but he was actually his uncle?
"Aren't my second and third uncles there? What kind of uncle are you?"

As Shen Ru spoke, she shouted to Shen Yan in the carriage: "Dad, Dad, come and see which uncle this is."

"Shen Ru, if you have enough, then Miss Cui can give her own things to others. As a Shen family member, don't you care whether your relatives live or die?"

"I don't care!"

Shen Ru responded confidently.

"I've never eaten your rice or drank your water. Why should I care about you?"

Shen Yan poked his head out of the carriage, saw the person coming, and called his cousin in a nonchalant manner.

"Aru, she was born by your uncle's concubine in the Xu family, and it's in your aunt's name."

"oh, I see!"

Shen Ru responded, "Uncle, I really don't care whether you live or die. If you want to argue, why not let's fight!"

"Smelly girl, you are really cold and heartless! I will teach you a lesson!"

Shen Ruzheng was bored. If someone came to fight, she had nothing to be afraid of.

As soon as they had a fight, Shen Ru regretted it. He was a noob!

"Shen Ru, what did you do? You beat up even your own elders."

"That's right, Shen Ru, you treated me like that before, that's fine with me, why do you still beat my eldest brother!"

Xu Ding, who had never dealt with Shen Ru before, hugged the six-year-old child and also accused Shen Ru.

"Pfft!" Xu Nanshan spat out a mouthful of blood, pointed at Shen Ru and said, "Shen Ru, do you want to kill me?"

"Bah, I didn't even hit three points with this punch, you weakling!"

Shen Ru spat, "You don't have to criticize me morally. I don't want to help you. You know the reason yourself."

"Then Miss Cui is helping people she has never met. Shen Ru, you are so selfish!"

"Oh, for me, I am selfish, vicious, cold and unfeeling, what kind of bad name do you want to give me?"

Shen Ru said indifferently: "We are all prisoners, and no one is richer than the other. What's the matter, do you want me to be a Guanyin who can save all sentient beings?"

"Miss Shen Ru, help whatever you can, isn't that what you should do?"

Cui Ti's words rang around her. Shen Ru turned around, faced Cui Ti's slightly frowning brows, and sighed heavily.

"But, Miss Cui, my family doesn't have enough food left. My parents are weak, my aunt is even more fragile and can't take care of herself, and my younger brother and sister are still so young!"

"How about you help them again, if you can, help them. Isn't this what you should do?"

(End of this chapter)

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