Chapter 450

The rest of this month is really fleeting!

Shen Ru seemed to have a premonition that the past few days would be uneventful, so he simply stopped walking around and stayed with Xiao Wujin.

"Aru, are you feeling uneasy?" Xiao Wujin also felt it, so he was still worried about Pei Wenjing coming to Liangzhou!

"Yes, I'm nervous!" Shen Ru nodded and said a little aggrievedly, "Hey, he currently has the highest power, so I'm really nervous."

Xiao Wujin pulled Shen Ru over and pulled her into his arms.

"Isn't my Aru fearless of heaven and earth? I still hear the heroic words before, why are you worried now?"

"Because there are so many people I care about. I'm also afraid that he will embarrass you and my family." Shen Ru said, "If I were alone, I wouldn't be afraid even if I stabbed the sky!"

Xiao Wujin hugged Shen Ru tighter and whispered in her ear: "Aru, don't worry, I will be with you no matter what happens."

"Sir, the regent has entered the city!" Luneng reported outside the study, fearing what might come.

Shen Ru and Xiao Wujin both stood up.

"Keep watching to see where the regent is staying," Xiao Wujin said.

"Aru, I won't go to see him. Before the imperial edict was issued, I was the governor of the previous dynasty." Xiao Wujin said, "I think he will bring someone to issue the edict first."

"Then just stand still. Is he coming to Liangzhou now as the regent?" Shen Ru frowned: "He should go to see the Pei family first! It's better to let Chongguang go back first."

Xiao Wujin thought for a while and then asked Pei Chongguang to be called.

"Chongguang, the regent has entered Liangzhou. At this moment, you should go home and be with your family first."

Pei Chongguang was surprised at first, then frowned, and finally bowed to Xiao Wujin and said, "Master, Chongguang wants to stay here."

Shen Ru and Xiao Wujin were both surprised.

"Chongguang, why is this?" Shen Ru couldn't help but ask.

"Chongguang was recommended by his wife and taught by his master. The appointment has not yet come. If my elder brother wants to embarrass the master..."

"Chongguang, you don't have to worry about my lord's affairs." Xiao Wujin said, and I have to say that at this moment, my heart was moved.

"Yes, Chongguang, don't you miss your elder brother? Go back!" Shen Ru couldn't help but feel soft in her heart.Although they had the intention of taking advantage before, this child... actually wanted to be the hostage!
Pei Chongguang grinned. As a young and mature man, he rarely showed such an expression.

"I'm happy. There are still people in my Pei family, and I have avenged my grandfather, uncle, father, and brothers and sisters." Pei Chongguang said with a smile, "But my master and my wife are also important people to me."

This child... Shen Ru and Xiao Wujin looked at each other, and they were both moved!

"Chongguang, then... it's up to you." Xiao Wujin smiled knowingly and said, "Don't worry, your eldest brother promised that Master will continue to be the governor of Liangzhou."

Pei Chongguang didn't say anything disappointing and resigned obediently.

An hour later, another news came from Luneng.

"You mean, the regent brought his cronies into the city and the army was stationed outside the city?" Xiao Wujin asked with a frown.

"Yes, sir, the regent and his entourage are staying in the house next door to the Pei family."

"Sir, there is a man named Pei Qingshan outside asking to see him." The guard came to deliver the message again.

Pei Qingshan, Shen Ru remembered, she said to Xiao Wujin: "That's Pei Wenjing's man." "Let him in."

Soon, Shen and Xiao Wujin met Pei Qingshan in the hall.

Pei Qingshan has gone through many vicissitudes after not seeing him for half a year, but the pride in his eyes cannot be stopped.

"Master Xiao, Mrs. Xiao, we haven't seen each other for a long time. My prince sent me to deliver the imperial edict to Master Xiao." Pei Qingshan said happily, "I am a rough man, I don't understand the rules, and I don't follow the rules. Master Xiao and Mrs. Xiao There’s no need to kneel.”

Shen Ru and Xiao Wujin looked at each other. This Pei Qingshan was not following the rules!
Pei Qingshan took out the shining imperial edict from his arms and handed it to Xiao Wujin.

"I'm a rough old man and don't know much about literacy, but I probably know what's above. Mr. Xiao, you govern Liangzhou well. You are still the governor of Liangzhou and have the right to appoint Liangzhou officials."

"There are other things that are not above. My prince said that the agreement we made with Mr. Xiao before will count. Even if we guard the army here, the imperial court will also send military envoys to supervise the army."

"Pei... Qingshan, what is your status now?" Shen Ru asked.

"Hey, the prince has made me a general." Pei Qingshan said happily.

"General Pei, thank you!" Xiao Wujin took the imperial edict, which was indeed covered with a jade seal.

"Okay, I'll leave now that the message has been delivered. By the way, my prince will come tomorrow. Please call Mr. Xiao to call the chief soldier, the prefect, and the officials you think should come." After Pei Qingshan finished speaking, Tong Shen Ru and Xiao Wujin clasped their fists and said, "Okay, farewell!"

"Wait!" Xiao Wujin called out to Pei Qingshan, "Pei Chongguang is still at the house. Since General Pei is here, let's take him back together!"

"Yes, there is also Master Chongguang!" Pei Qingshan slapped his forehead and he forgot about it.

Shen Ru held back her laughter and asked someone to call Pei Chongguang.

"Uncle Qingshan." Pei Chongguang was a little surprised when he saw Pei Qingshan.

"Master Chongguang, it's me, the prince is here, come back with me!" Pei Qingshan chuckled.

Pei Chongguang immediately looked at Xiao Wujin and Shen Ru.

"Chongguang, go back!" Shen Ru advised. Pei Wenjing, at least on the surface, had given Xiao Wujin face!
"Yes, Chongguang, go back. Family reunion is the happiest thing in the world." Xiao Wujin also spoke.

"Okay, then I... will go back." Pei Zhongguang was excited. Seeing that Xiao Wujin and Shen Ru both said this, he stopped insisting.

After sending Pei Qingshan and Pei Chongguang away, Shen Ru and Xiao Wujin looked at the imperial edict.

"Xiao Lang, does this imperial edict need to be framed and hung?" Shen Ru asked curiously.

Xiao Wujin laughed, "That's not necessary, Aru, you go back to the courtyard first, I have to write a letter to the officials of Liangzhou who are coming tomorrow!"

"Okay." Shen Ru naturally won't disturb Xiao Wujin. Things seem to be developing in a good direction, so she shouldn't have to worry!
Xiao Wujin was so busy that he hadn't returned to his room until dark, and Shen Ru couldn't sleep either, so he just watched the stars in the yard.

When the sound of footsteps came from the roof, Shen Ru immediately became alert.

"You all go back to the house first." Shen Ru said to Cui Xi and others, and then said loudly: "Since you are here, why don't you show up?"

Pei Wenjing, dressed in a brocade robe, stepped on the moon and landed in the courtyard, meeting Shen Ru's eyes.

"Isn't the regent coming again tomorrow?" Shen Ru said warily.

"Shen Ru, you don't have to be nervous. I'm afraid I won't have time to talk to you tomorrow, so I'm here to see you today! I know everything you did to Cui Ti!"

Shen Ru's heart sank, why, Pei Wenjing is coming to vent his anger on Cui Ti?
(End of this chapter)

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