Speaking of Yan Shaoqing, Pei Wenjing still had some impressions. That person was very close to Shen Ru.

The Yan family is next door to the Shen family.

"Okay, I also want to meet the richest man in Liangzhou. If you come, send a message. I will visit the Yan family tomorrow."

"My lord, why don't you just announce the person's arrival? He is a businessman, so he is not worthy of your personal visit!" Cui Ti was also dissatisfied with Yan Shaoqing. On the way to exile, Yan Shaoqing paid little attention to her and only interacted with Shen Ru.

For Shen Runeng to gain a foothold in Liangzhou, apart from Xiao Wujin, it was Yan Shaoqing who helped behind the scenes.Also during the war, the Yan family's caravan sold fine salt and stone candles to the army, many of which were paid for by the Fang family.

"Cui Ti, if I want to ask for anything, I must be courteous to others. What's wrong with merchants? Don't the Fang family still want to be imperial merchants?" Pei Wenjing looked at Cui Ti and felt more and more that Cui Ti was being unreasonable.

"The Fang family has paid a lot for the march, Your Majesty, this is what we agreed before." Cui Ti looked at Pei Wenjing and said with some dissatisfaction.

"Cui Ti, do you want to settle the debt between the Cui family and the Fang family with me?" Pei Wenjing sneered, "Reward according to merit, I will not treat you badly."

Cui Ti opened her mouth, complaining about Pei Wenjing, but her heart and eyes were full of Pei Wenjing, so the words she spoke were naturally filled with inexplicable emotions.

"Your Majesty, the Yan family is the largest businessman in the northwest!" Cui Ti gritted her teeth and said. Only by letting the Yan family peel off a layer of skin can she appease her hatred.

Pei Wenjing ignored Cui Ti's displeasure and sent someone to send a message to the Yan family.

Yan Shaoqing was not at home, but when he came back and learned that the regent was coming the next day, he felt a little uncertain. "Wu Ya, why don't you go ask Shen Ru to come? Well, don't go through the main entrance."

When Wu Ya came, Shen and Xiao Wujin were talking about things in the study.

"The regent is going to the Yan family. Why do I feel like he has to pluck the wool first?" Shen Ru muttered, "Let me go there!"

Xiao Wujin nodded. It was not convenient for him to call Yan Shaoqing over now, so he could only ask Shen Ru to go there.

"It just so happens that I'll tell him about my trip to the Western Regions. When the time comes, it's inevitable that the Yan family will lead the way."

"Okay!" Shen Ruwuya left.

"What virtue and ability do I have to let the regent come in person? Shen Ru, do you think this is someone who comes to ask for money?" Yan Shaoqing said it very directly!

"How did you see it?" Shen Ru asked curiously, "How did you think of this?" So sharp!

"Oh, the superior came to my businessman's house not to ask for money. Is he really not appreciated?" Yan Shaoqing said: "I met that Cui Ti several times and we parted on bad terms. This Cui Ti will be the next one in the future. The regent princess, so if the regent comes, can anything good happen?"

"Shen Ru, what will Liangzhou be like in the future? What did Xiao Wujin say?"

Seeing the look on Yan Shaoqing's face, Shen Ru knew that he was actually worried too.

"To establish diplomatic relations with the Western Regions, Liangzhou will become the hub for the Western Regions to communicate with our country. Among Liangzhou officials, there will also be people appointed from the capital, the border defense army will also have governors, and when traveling to the Western Regions, there will also be people sent from the imperial court. Yan Shaoqing, when the time comes, this business outside the customs will not be done by the Yan family alone!"

"I'm not afraid of this. Our Yan family has 28 big shopkeepers all over the world." Yan Shaoqing had already had a premonition that part of his property had been transferred outside the customs. "But if you want to establish diplomatic relations with the countries in the Western Region, you can't help but have the Yan family lead the way, right? Whoever seizes the opportunity can own half of the country. Money, it's a matter of making more or less." "Tomorrow the regent will come, Generally speaking, the Yan family is going to bleed. Don’t these officials like to take advantage of the people’s wealth?” Yan Shaoqing said a little angrily.

"It would also be good for the Yan family if we could catch up with one or two." Shen Ru suggested, "Although the Fang family will be an imperial merchant in the future, the world is so big, there will always be business that the Fang family cannot take care of. By the way, the court wants A salt merchant has been established, maybe this is an opportunity."

"That's right. We, the Yan family, are rich and powerful. If the regent wants the Yan family to contribute, then let's see if we can let the Yan family become the salt merchant!"

Yan Shaoqing is ambitious in his eyes. The fine salt from the Western Regions is still sold secretly by his Yan family.

If you become this salt merchant, you will sell it openly!

After Shen Ruyan Shaoqing talked for a long time, he pulled Wu Ya and asked about the poison.

"Wu Ya, you can't take medicine for the rest of your life. Is there a complete antidote to this poison?"

"Yes, in the Gaochang Kingdom." Wu Ya said, "The antidote contains a medicinal herb, which is only found in the imperial garden of the Gaochang Kingdom's palace. The antidote I gave you lacks this scent, so it can only last for half a year. "

"What poison and antidote are you talking about?" Yan Shaoqing didn't know. Wu Ya never said it.
Shen Ru looked at Yan Shaoqing's puzzled expression, smiled, and then talked about poisoning Cui Ti.

"Well done, how much real ability does Cui Ti have? She relies on the Cui family, the Fang family, and one man after another. That's all. She doesn't know herself yet, and she always looks self-righteous."

Yan Shaoqing complained with deep disgust: "Okay, Shen Ru, this move of yours has given yourself a guarantee!"

"But won't the regent stand up for Cui Ti?"

"Don't mention this matter. I can only say that if you lick the dog until the end, well...even if you don't have nothing, you still won't get what you want." Shen Ru simply said what happened that day, and Yan Shaoqing's eyes widened. Then the eyes looking at Shen Ru changed slightly.

"Yan Shaoqing, what do you mean?"

"Shen Ru, you are amazing!" Yan Shaoqing gave Shen Ru a thumbs up.

Shen Ru laughed dryly, and then said: "So, don't talk nonsense, that Jade is a living example."

"I think it's such a blatant preference!" Yan Shaoqing clicked his tongue and said, "Okay, Shen Ru, you have a handle on this man."

"Shut up, I only want my husband." Shen Ru was not proud of Pei Wenjing's protection. To put it bluntly, a man would only protect a woman in this way when he has feelings for a woman, and she did not need this thought.However, at the moment, she is borrowing Pei Wenjing's thoughts to gain the upper hand in the confrontation with Cui Ti.

"Xiao Wujin can make you die because of his ability." Yan Shaoqing nodded and said: "Okay, I will know what to do tomorrow. The Yan family is a businessman, so let's negotiate a deal with the regent!"

Having said this, Shen Ru felt that it was time for her to leave, so she might as well go home!
"The gate cannot be opened, so I have to climb over the wall." Shen Ru complained, "The regent's coming to Liangzhou really brings a lot of inconvenience!"

"But it also brings opportunities, doesn't it?" Yan Shaoqing is still full of hope for the future. (End of chapter)

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