Chapter 47 I’ll look for you when I get to Liangzhou

"Who is it?" Luneng's knife struck directly at Shen Ru.

Shen Ru clamped Luneng's sword with both hands and used a move to grab the blade with his bare hands.

"I said... I just wanted to watch snowflakes on the roof. Do you believe me?"

Shen Ru made an excuse that even he thought was ridiculous, and took a clear look at the man next to Luneng.

What a handsome young man!
She had a tall and straight posture, sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes, but the way she pursed her lips and glared angrily made her feel guilty.

"Luneng, take it!"

The man said with a cold face.

"Don't, don't, please keep your mouth shut and don't do anything."

Shen Ru immediately begged for peace and said, "If we really take action, this big brother will be hurt."

"You are a prostitute, how arrogant you are!"

Luneng didn't follow him anymore, he actually looked down on him so much!

The room was not large, and Shen Ru could not fully deploy it, but Luneng could not get close to her.

"Sir, I don't know who you are yet. Everything is easy to discuss!"

"I didn't see anything I shouldn't have seen, but I just broke your roof. If I hit it again, people outside will arrive."

Shen Ru said, "Um... we are all going to Liangzhou, and we are going to the same destination by different routes. Let's talk about it, let's talk about it!"

Xiao Wujin, the governor of Liangzhou, frowned even more when he saw Shen Ru, who looked relaxed in the fight with Luneng!

This rich daughter of the Marquis of Anguo's Mansion is smooth-talking and good at martial arts?
"Luneng stop!"

"Sir, something happened. I heard a bang..."

The postman outside the door came to ask.

"Luneng, go out and negotiate!"

Xiao Wujin looked at Shen Ru and said, "This house cannot be inhabited."

When Shen Ru saw this, he smiled and said, "Sir, if you don't want to talk to the civilian girl, then the civilian girl will leave first."


Xiao Wujin shouted, "Exile Shen Ru, I order you to report everything that happened on the way to exile."

Does he know his identity? !
Shen Ru couldn't help but calm down, and looked Xiao Wujin up and down.

"My lord, do you want me to know who you are?"

Shen Ru asked.

"Do not want to."

Under normal circumstances, as the governor of Liangzhou, it was impossible for him to directly take care of the arrangements for the prisoners.

"Then everyone just pretends they don't know each other and I'm leaving first!"

Shen Ru did not feel kindness in the other party, but felt like he was being seen through.

"Miss Shen, it's impossible for you to continue to be so pampered and pampered when you arrive in Liangzhou."

"Under my nose, there are no prisoners who make jokes or act cunning."

This directly categorizes them!
Shen Ru became angry, looked directly at Xiao Wujin, and said mockingly:

"This lord is so majestic. When I was listening from above, I thought you were a good official who served the country and the people. I didn't expect you to be blind."

"What's going on? You just think that when these hundreds of people arrive, they go to work as hard labor in the Liangzhou quarries. In this way, Liangzhou's taxes can be increased and the lives of the people of Liangzhou can be made easier?"

"Also, there are hundreds of people, including a few strong men. How many people's energy and energy have been consumed by these months of exile. How much work can the old, the weak, the sick and the young do for your quarry? ?”

"Humph, there are so many things I can do that I don't want to tell you!"

Shen Ru said angrily and was about to leave!Xiao Wujin was very angry and said that watching the snow scene on the roof was eavesdropping!

"Shen Ru, you are so presumptuous!"

"Sir, wasn't it you who forced me to do this?"

Shen Ru was miserable and said, "We in An Guohou Mansion have always been peaceful and peaceful. This time we were ransacked and exiled, so we have to do our duty. Sir, my parents have never suffered much in their lives, and my aunt is even more delicate. My younger brothers and sisters are young, and I have to support them all by myself!"

"When I arrive in Liangzhou, I just want my family to be well. If the adults want some strategies to benefit the people, although I don't have much talent, I'm willing to give you some suggestions."

Shen Ru thought that he had all the property of the Marquis Mansion. When he arrived in Liangzhou, what could he do if he couldn't contribute taxes to the government? It would be a waste of life to let them go to the quarry.

If this official is ignorant, then she is screwed. Anyway, Prince Jing will come to Liangzhou sooner or later to rescue everyone.

Xiao Wujin didn't know how many twists and turns Shen Ru had made in his mind, but the expression on Shen Ru's face was very lively when he was angry, which made him a little surprised.

She was originally the daughter of a marquis, but now that her family was confiscated and exiled, how could she still be so energetic?

What Xiao Wujin saw in Shen Ru's eyes was flying confidence and full of aura.

Although Shen Ru was wearing prison clothes at the moment and her black hair was tied up randomly, but even so, she could still see her beauty and carefree expression.

"When I arrive in Liangzhou, I will look for you. If you are as good as you said and can benefit the people of Liangzhou, I will grant you and your family an exemption from hard labor!"

Xiao Wujin's heart moved and the words came out!


Shen Ruliang's eyes shone brightly, and the waves in his eyes seemed to be flying, falling on Xiao Wujin's face.

Xiao Wujin nodded, and when Shen Ru looked at him like this, he actually moved his eyes away, as if he was a little embarrassed.

"Okay, I won't ask you who you are. I guess you have already found out the details about my family."

Shen Ru became interested, "Then remember what you said."

After saying that, Shen Ru was about to leave, but suddenly stopped.

"The dumplings that elder brother bought before were for you to eat, weren't they delicious? Ha, let me tell you, I can make them!"

Xiao Wujin turned his head, not letting Shen Ru see the embarrassment in his eyes.

This woman... is too wanton!

Shen Ru hummed a little tune and walked out of Xiao Wujin's room happily. She was probably related to a high official in Liangzhou.

She is not short of money, and now she has connections. Can she still endure hardships in Liangzhou?
"Shen Ru?"

Cui Ti opened the door and saw Shen Ru walking in the corridor of the guest room, feeling a little puzzled.

"Why are you here?"

"Which house does Uncle Fu live in? Let me have a look!"

Shen Ru picked it up casually and deliberately looked around.

Why did Cui Ti think Shen Ru walked out of the front room? Does she know anyone else?

"Shen Ru, although I know that you paid off the official to make your family live a better life. But since money can solve the problem, why should you lose yourself?"

Cui Ti reminded her in a low voice, "I also heard that your house was ransacked on your wedding day and your husband died on the road to exile."

Shen Ru was stunned, who?Oh, Lin Shi'an, if Cui Ti didn't tell her, she would have forgotten this person.

Looking at Cui Ti suspiciously, Shen Ru felt that she had misunderstood something.

"Shen Ru, the world is difficult, especially your current situation. I know that, but as a woman, honor and integrity are so important. Your parents would be heartbroken if they knew that you don't cherish your body like this! "

Shen Ru understood and said loudly:

"Miss Cui, I cherish my body and reputation more than anyone else. After all, I am old and I want to be popular and drink spicy food in the future."

"So, don't press all those messy things in your mind on me. You haven't seen anything, you just made up your mind like this. How dare you say it out loud?"

(End of this chapter)

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