Shen Ru dragged Yingying, opened the door, and faced the more or less familiar person outside the door, and said rudely: "The so-called eldest lady of the Anguo Hou Mansion is a lie."

"I can tolerate you walking around with the same face, but I don't allow you to use my identity to dominate my Shen family!" Shen Ru turned her head and said to Yingying.

Seeing these two almost identical faces, the servants of the Shen family were also dumbfounded.

But Shen Ru wears her hair in a woman's bun, and Yingying still dresses like a girl, which is somewhat different.

Butler Hu arrived late and was also shocked by this scene.

"Eldest... Missy!"

"Steward Hu, and the guards of the Shen family, I am very grateful for your loyalty to the Shen family. But you have to keep your eyes open to see who this is!"

Shen Ru said with a cold face: "My parents, aunt, and younger brothers and sisters are all well and good in Liangzhou. Who said they are dead?"

Yingying didn't argue. She wanted to pretend to be Shen Ru. She could do it before the real master showed up. But when the real master came, she would not be able to reconcile.

"But, His Highness the Regent arranged for me to be here!" Yingying said delicately, "If you hurt me, aren't you afraid that His Highness the Regent will blame you?"

Shen Ru looked disgusted, disgusted and angry.

If Pei Wenjing wants to do any stunt as a substitute, he can keep Yingying outside and play with the door behind closed doors, but let Yingying use her identity to recall the old servants of the Shen family and live "her" life in the Shen family mansion. Why isn't it disgusting?
"If you don't report who is the regent in the palace, you are late. I will throw this fake out!" Shen Ru shouted loudly with a cold face.

"Wait, you... eldest lady, if she is not the eldest lady, then you are?" Butler Hu asked cautiously, "Although our eldest lady is married, my uncle has died on the road to exile."

"Hey, Butler Hu, you are being cautious now, so why did you let this impostor fool you? Do I look like such a weakling?" Shen Ruqi laughed!

"The eldest lady has been in bed and comatose for a long time, and was exiled to the bitter cold place of Liangzhou. It is normal for her body to be weak." Butler Hu said, "That... girl, I was really confused. You two look so alike! "

"Ha!" Shen Ru sneered, "Housekeeper Hu, she admitted that it was arranged by the regent, what excuse are you still making!"

"On the day of the house raid, everyone's deeds of sale were returned to you. If you are really loyal to the Shen family, then why would you hesitate when facing such a counterfeit? You already know that she is not me."

"Or is it that the work of the Shen family is particularly smooth and respectable for you to do?"

Shen Ru looked at some familiar guards and servants, and finally his eyes fell on Butler Hu.

"During the house raid, the government probably didn't find the title deed to this house! Now that the house has been rehabilitated, now that the house has been returned to the Shen family, I can also take out the title deed!" Shen Ru said, taking out the house. Land Deed: "So, do you know who I am?"

"Miss, it's you, it's really you, this... what's going on!" Butler Hu slapped his thigh, a little stunned.

"It's all gone, wait!" Shen Ruwei said angrily.

Yingying always seemed weaker in front of Shen Ru. Now that her identity was exposed, she simply stopped pretending!
"Shen Ru, no matter how talented you are, can you be more capable than the regent? Just wait, he will be here soon."

"Are you an idiot?" Shen Ru sneered, "Don't you know who you are taking advantage of?" "I'm curious, how did you manage to reach the capital alive? Didn't Cui Ti torture you to death?"

Yingying's face changed, and she was a little panicked, but then she said: "You may not be very noble. You are the one Cui Ti wants to kidnap, and I will take it for you."

Shen Ruqing scolded, looked at Yingying and said: "You are from Suzhou, and you were found by Yan Shuhui. It was Yan Zhenshan's idea to replace me in Liangzhou; it was Cui Ti who wanted to take me to the capital in a daze. The proposal behind it.”

"Why, are you allowed to plot against me and not fight back? How are you innocent?"

Yingying seemed surprised that Shen Ru knew everything, but then she showed a proud look.

"It doesn't matter if you guys see through it. I really suffered a lot when I arrived in the capital, but the regent saw me!" Yingying looked at Shen Ru as she spoke: "You are not much more noble than me, with a husband like the governor of Liangzhou. , and even hooked up with the regent, no wonder that girl Cui Ti hates you!"

"Fart!" Shen Ru slapped the table and watched Yingying tremble. She scolded: "Pei Wenjing's dirty thoughts are none of my business!"

"He'd better take you away directly, otherwise, I'll throw you out!"

Yingying opened her mouth, but didn't say anything in the end.

Yunxiang on the side had been holding her breath, and her eyes widened when she heard it!
The eldest lady got married, married to the governor of Liangzhou, and was admired by the regent. This fake eldest lady was asked by the regent to pretend to be the eldest lady just because she looked similar... Oh my God!She seems to know something amazing!

Naturally, there was someone from the Shen family who belonged to Pei Wenjing. Soon, Pei Wenjing came!

Pei Wenjing, who only had personal guards with him, was dressed in a brocade robe and a jade crown. He was indeed extremely expensive!
"Nujia Yingying, I have met His Highness the Regent!" When she saw Pei Wenjing, Yingying immediately knelt down to greet him, her soft and waxy tone was so tender that she felt her bones.

Shen Ru frowned and looked at Pei Wenjing with unkind eyes.

"You let this thing live in my house, against my identity, how disgusting are you!" Shen Ru also ignored the difference in identity, and spoke indiscriminately.

"Shen Ru..." Pei Wenjing felt a little guilty. This was indeed something he did unkindly. He wanted to see things and miss people!

"I don't want to care about what you think, but this is my home. Please take this person away from me. Whether you keep him in the outer room or bring him into the Regent's Palace, please don't bear my name, Shen Ru!"

"If the regent feels that my request is unreasonable, then I will report it to the official!"

"Shen Ru, aren't you going back to the capital? This house is empty, and the old members of the Shen family all miss their old relationships..." Pei Wenjing said, even she felt that this request seemed a bit too much!

"I have the deed to the house. This is my Shen family's house. I have the right to ask everyone who has nothing to do with me to get out!" Shen Ru said rudely: "If you don't get out, it will be an occupation of a private house. Prince Regent, You can't be so stingy, you can't bear to buy a house to support yourself!"

Pei Wenjing's face looked a little ugly when she was told that.His thoughts were clearly seen by Shen Ru!
"Shen Ru, you must know that Xiao Wujin returned to Beijing to report on his work!"

"So, when we arrive in the capital, you are going to wear small shoes for my family? Your Highness the Regent, you cannot burn bridges like this!" Shen Ru said gloomily, "If you want to make my Xiao Lang unhappy, I will go to Pei's house. Let’s talk about this matter, what does it mean to repay kindness with hatred!” (End of this chapter)

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