How could Shen Ru let Cui Ti go? Once or twice, Buddha also has fire!

With great courage, Shen Ru broke away from the encirclement and quickly chased Cui Ti.

At the emperor's feet, the people were surrounded and killed in the streets, which had already alarmed the five-city military division in the capital.Shen Ru, who was deeply familiar with the capital, quickly caught up with Cui Ti and inserted the sharp sword in his hand directly into the wheel of the carriage in front of him.

With a clicking sound, the wheels of the carriage collapsed, and the carriage rolled and slid, finally hitting a roadside shop.

Cui Ti was thrown out, along with her personal maid.

Shen Ru stepped forward and looked down at Cui Ti crawling on the ground.

"Cui Ti, I really suspect that you are out of your mind. You have tried to kill me several times, but which time did you succeed?"

Cui Ti looked at Shen Ru with hatred and sneered: "Shen Ru, don't be so proud!"

"Help, come quickly, come quickly! The Princess Regent has been assassinated!" Cui Ti's maid shouted loudly.

Immediately afterwards, Shen Ru also saw the people from the Five Cities Military and Horse Division.

Behind him, those who assassinated him were no longer there.

"Shen Ru, this is the capital, not the uncivilized Liangzhou. People on the street can see the scene of you chasing me." Cui Ti got up from the ground, "I am the regent princess!"

Shen Ru's face darkened. Facing the five-city army that surrounded her, she chose to surrender without mercy!

"You are... Shen Ru!" On the way to the prison in the capital, Shen Ru heard a guard from the Military and Horse Division ask.

"Yes, I'm Shen Ru!" Shen Ru replied, "Long time no see, Song Lin!"

"Is this... could it be a misunderstanding?" Song Lin was Shen Ru's child, and the issue of siding with the family had avoided the previous chaos of King Jing.

"If I say that it was Cui Ti who wanted to kill me and I was just fighting back, would you believe it?" Shen Ru said, "I'm afraid you won't believe me if I tell the truth. I'll just let you go to prison." She just wanted to see. , what exactly does Cui Ti want to do.

"The Five Cities Soldiers and Horses Department does not distinguish between right and wrong. You'd better be calm."

"I'm very peaceful!" Shen Ru said cooperatively.

After entering the prison, Shen Ruan remained calm. As long as she was not tortured, she would not resist anything.

"Shen Ru, do you have anything you want me to tell you?" Song Lin asked in a friendly manner, "Your Anguo Marquis Mansion has been rehabilitated and pardoned, but it's a pity that the Marquis and the others are no longer here!"

Shen Ru frowned, and then figured it out, maybe it was Yingying who let it out!

"Okay, if it's convenient for you, go to the Regent's Palace and tell the Regent that I was framed by his princess and imprisoned. I'll also send a message to the Pei family. Oh, and go to Tianfu Inn to find the Liangzhou Governor. Tell me about this too.”

Shen Ru said calmly: "If it's inconvenient, forget it."

"Okay, I'll run this leg for you."

After Song Lin left, someone else came over. "Shen Ru, do you still remember me?"

"You are..." Shen Ru really didn't recognize him.

"My wife, Zheng Huiru, when she got married, you, as her best friend, were also here."

"Oh... I have a little impression."

"I'm doing clerical work in the Five Cities Soldiers and Horses Division. I heard that you were arrested. Come here and ask, what is going on?"

Shen Ru then repeated what he said before.

"Princess Regent!" Fu Shaoan was a little embarrassed, "I'm afraid this matter may be a bit tricky."

"It doesn't matter. You should receive her instructions soon. I'm not afraid. This matter has nothing to do with you. You'd better avoid suspicion first!"

There are still quite a lot of acquaintances in Beijing. In the Five Cities Soldiers and Horses Division, everyone I know, plus friends, have come to see me in waves.Shen Ru also liked the excitement and talked to them about things in Liangzhou.

Not everyone knows about Yingying pretending to be her.

"Shen Ru, look at you, you are married, but why did you hear that Tanhua Lang is dead?"

"My husband is the governor of Liangzhou. When he returns to Beijing this time, I will accompany him to report on his duties." Shen Ru replied.

Just as he was talking, the jailer came to report that a person with the identity of the governor of Liangzhou came outside.

"It's my husband-in-law who's here." Shen Ru said happily.

At the same time, Cui Ti's people also came and found the leaders of the five-city military and horse divisions to make Shen Ru suffer.

"Aru?!" Xiao Wujin hurried in and was a little surprised to see Shen Ru's guards sitting around, but he still walked forward quickly and looked at Shen Ru. "Are you OK!"

"It's okay now, Xiao Lang, Cui Ti is plotting against me!"

Shen Ru said slightly aggrieved, "I really regret not poisoning her to death!"

Hearing these words, the expressions of the guards around him froze, but they all walked away wisely.

"Aru, it's not a good thing if you stay here, why not..."

"No, Xiao Lang, go ahead and make this matter bigger!" Shen Ru said: "The regent princess framed the wife of the Liangzhou governor who returned to Beijing to report on her duties. I will not let it be done here. If it is done to me You're welcome, I'm going to make a big fuss in the Five Cities Army! I'm so angry that I don't mind venting my anger!"

Xiao Wujin was still a little worried about Shen Ru, but he also knew what Shen Ru was capable of.

"Don't let yourself get upset, just go ahead and do it!"

"Well, I will never wrong myself!"

Just before Xiao Wujin left, the commander of the Five Cities Military and Horse Division, who had received Cui Ti's instructions, came over with his people.

"Bold Shen Ru, you dare to assassinate the regent princess in the street. Come on, I will be punished!"

"Sir, the matter has not been clarified yet..." Song Lin and others advised anxiously.

"Relevant people, please get out. You are in the Five Cities Army and Horses Division, don't you know how to avoid suspicion?" Commander Fang Qizheng had a pair of sinister eyes on his face with Chinese characters, and he was staring at Shen Ru sharply at this moment.

"Song Lin, you really should avoid suspicion!" Shen Ru nodded and said, since this person is going to use lynching, she doesn't mind following the commander of the law.

"Why don't you leave quickly?" Fang Qizheng shouted again, and the guards around him even drove away Song Lin and others.

"I don't care which family you are from. I want to assassinate the Princess Regent in the street. Who sent you?" Fang Qi was signaling to his men to escort Shen Ru out of prison.

"I don't know what kind of official you are, so I can just listen to Cui Ti's side of the story." Shen Ru did not let anyone touch her and walked out of the prison on her own.

"But according to the laws of our country, officials and their families are unwilling to resort to lynching. They must be tried in public."

"The children of officials and marquises are not allowed to be lynched. I, Shen Ru, am the legitimate daughter of the Marquis of Anguo and the wife of the governor of Liangzhou. Are you sure you want to take action against me?"

"Why are you being so stubborn? I'll let you know where the Five Cities Soldiers and Horses Division is later!"

The old lady of the Pei family, accompanied by the Yang family, the Yu family, and Pei Chongguang, appeared in the Wucheng Army and Horse Division.

Pei Chongguang took out the token from Prince Jing's Mansion and ordered someone to come.

"Shen Ru is my master's wife, who of you dares to touch her!" With a small body but a righteous face, Pei Zhongguang was so angry that he shouted at the people of the Military and Horse Division.

"Ah~ help, help!"

"Oops, something happened!" Song Lin, who suddenly heard shouting and led the Pei family to the prison, felt his heart sink. (End of chapter)

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