Listen, what terrible words!Shen Ru rolled his eyes very unhappy.

Cui Ti strolled over and changed her clothes. She wore a crimson skirt under her white fox fur cloak. The makeup on her face was also exquisite.

She should have seen Shen Ru and Xiao Wujin from a distance. When they arrived, she first greeted Pei Wenjing and finally looked at Shen Ru and Xiao Wujin unkindly.

"If I remember correctly, I should be the regent princess. Why don't you know how to greet me when you meet me?"

"Cui Ti, please avoid all the red tape in the palace!" Pei Wenjing sat down and motioned for Cui Ti to take a seat.

"Shen Ru, Xiao Wujin, you should sit down and talk, and resolve this matter in front of me." Although Pei Wenjing avoided red tape, her words also carried dignity.

He condoned Cui Ti's persecution of Shen Ru, and also condoned Shen Ru's counterattack against Cui Ti. Isn't this a bad taste?
"Cui Ti, are you disappointed when I come out of the Five Cities Soldiers and Horses Division?" Shen Ru said with a cold face, "If the matter between you and me is not going to end, then let's just settle it down. Will you die or I?" "

Cui Ti couldn't hold back anymore and stood up angrily.

"Shen Ru, why don't you die? You caused me to suffer such heart-breaking pain, are you worthy of it?"

"Cui Ti!" Pei Wenjing said, frowning slightly, looking disapproving.

Cui Ti smiled miserably, staggered a little, and looked at Pei Wenjing with her beautiful eyes, looking a little out of sorts.

"I've had enough, Pei Wenjing, I am your princess, and what I want is your preference. Yes, I forced myself to beg for this fate, and I deserve it! But why should Shen Ru step on her again and again? On my head? She poisoned me!"

Shen Ru sat up straight. Did Cui Ti explode?
"Jade is dead, and there is no one around me who really understands my heart! Prince, I, Cui Ti, will risk everything for you, but do you really not love me?" Cui Ti looked at Pei Wenjing sadly, " If you really love me, why can you tolerate me being bullied like this by Shen Ru?"

"And you Shen Ru, who are you a good person? Since you are married, you should stay away from the prince. You are really disgusting. You are hanging on to Xiao Wujin and hooking up with the prince at the same time..."

"Princess Regent, please be careful what you say!" Xiao Wujin interrupted Cui Ti's words.

"Aru has never had any personal feelings for the regent." Xiao Wujin glanced at Pei Wenjing and clarified to Cui Ti, also reminding Pei Wenjing that some things should be made clear.

"If I remember correctly, Princess Regent, you are the one who wants to kill Aru time and time again. You were born in the Cui family in Qinling, and you are protected by the Fang family. You feel that your behavior of accompanying the Pei family in exile is Yi Bo Yuntian. Do you want to You want everyone to obey your words. But why should we, Aru, obey you?"

"From the beginning of the Exile Path, you have been competing with Aru for attention. You want everyone to agree with your acts of friendship. But what does what you do mean to other people? What does it mean to Aru? What’s the meaning? You can’t see that Aru’s family can be safe on the road, and you have a preconceived idea that Aru is serving people. Or you just don’t want to admit that you are not as good as Aru!”

"Aru has built a lot of industries in Liangzhou, including stone candles and cotton pads. The method for refining fine salt was also given by Aru. Cui Ti, Aru is better than you. In my heart, you carry Aru's shoes. Neither deserves it.”

Xiao Wujin expressed his unconditional trust in Shen Ru in the calmest tone.

"As for the regent's thoughts towards Aru that you have always been worried about, we Aru are such outstanding people. We are liked by others because of the good taste of those who like us. It is not because of anything we Aru did."

"Xiao Lang, you spoke so well of me, I'm a little embarrassed!" Shen Ru looked at Xiao Wujin with infinite warmth in her eyes.

Cui Ti looked at Pei Wenjing. After Xiao Wujin said Shen Ruwan was so good, she looked at Pei Wenjing.

"My lord, do you think what he said is right?"

Pei Wenjing's feelings for Shen Ru were too complicated, and he couldn't explain them in detail.For Cui Ti, in those days when we were in the same boat, he was indeed moved by Cui Ti's passionate feelings for him.

"Cui Ti, marrying you will bring the Cui family and the Fang family to a higher level." Pei Wenjing said seriously, "You are the only princess in the palace."

"This is what I want, this is what I deserve, but you see, as a husband, when his wife is slandered, he should stand up without hesitation and defend his wife without any worries. Your Majesty, what are you doing to me? , is this true?"

Cui Ti said sadly, which was also the source of sadness, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

"Princess!" The maid was the first to exclaim, and then Pei Wenjing immediately stepped forward to support Cui Ti.

"Hurry up and find the doctor!" Pei Wenjing looked anxious and ordered immediately.

Shen and Xiao Wujin also stood up. Putting aside what Cui Ti was like as a person, Pei Wenjing was indeed incompetent as a husband! "Ah!" Cui Ti suddenly shouted again, covering her body tightly.

"It hurts, it hurts so much, Your Majesty, the poison must have taken effect. Shen Ru poisoned me!" Cui Ti's scream was a little shrill, and she looked at Shen Ru with hatred.

Shen Ru was a little confused, but it was a pity that Wu Ya was not here!
"The poison only attacks once every half a year. You should have taken the antidote once, right?"

"Shen Ru, I hate you and want to kill you. I couldn't hurt you, but you hurt me so miserably. Even if I die, I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost."

Shen Ru frowned, but then relaxed and said calmly: "It's not that you can't hurt me, I've been hurt too. I'm not dead because I'm strong, not because you're merciful."

Cui Ti's whole body was in pain, as if she had been run over by a car, and the wailing sounds of pain were so heavy that she even had goosebumps.

I saw Shen Ru silently moving closer to Xiao Wujin.

"I really didn't know this poison attack would be like this."

"Maybe it's for other reasons." Xiao Wujin whispered. He didn't think Cui Ti was pretending. After all, how could she look so miserable in the eyes of outsiders when she was so self-centered.

The doctor came quickly, but he couldn't find out the cause of Cui Ti's pain at all. He only said it was due to excessive anger.

Pei Wenjing couldn't see Cui Ti in such pain. The pain attack was the same as last time, so he simply gave Cui Ti an antidote.

Not long after the medicine entered my stomach, the pain stopped!

Cui Ti was gasping for air and covered in cold sweat. She held Pei Wenjing's hand tightly and accused: "Your Majesty, I want Shen Ru to die, I want her to die!"

"If she dies, no one will really be able to cure your poison. Cui Ti, now that things have come to this, I advise you to put aside your grudge with Shen Ru."

Pei Wenjing said seriously: "I do have different feelings for Shen Ru, but she didn't do anything or gave me any hints, and I won't do anything to Shen Ru. Cui Ti, my wife will only be you!"

Cui Ti was stunned at first, and finally pushed Pei Wenjing away.

"My lord, what I want is your protection! Do you think you can relax by saying this? I can't let go. Jade is dead, Fang Jin is gone, and everyone is Shen Rushan's fault. Do you want to I let go, it’s impossible!”

Pei Wenjing knew that he was doing something wrong. He could not protect Cui Ti like Xiao Wujin protected Shen Ru.

"Cui Ti, without the power of the family or the power of the palace, you can't defeat Shen Ru. But she can hurt you alone, do you understand?"

"I don't understand, I just know that I hate Shen Ru and Shen Ru must die!"

Cui Ti said crazily, looking at Pei Wenjing with a somewhat unkind look.

"Shen Ru is still here, right? I'm going to kill her right now!"

"Cui Ti!" Pei Wenjing grabbed Cui Ti. "Stop making trouble"

Shen Ru and Xiao Wujin were still waiting in the front hall, discussing whether it was time to leave.

"It seems like we can't do anything today. How about another day? Well, you said there would be rumors about her soon..." Shen Ru whispered to Xiao Wujin.

"Well, let's go first." Xiao Wujin responded, "There's no rush."

"It's hard to describe Pei Wenjing's attitude. What's Cui Ti's name..." Shen Ru muttered, "You can't be kind to others!"

Pei Wenjing didn't come out for a long time. Shen Ru and Xiao Wujin talked to Pei Wenjing's guards and left without caring about the outcome!
Back at the inn, Shen Ru was also tired and not ready to go out again. (End of chapter)

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