Chapter 53: Don’t kill someone and run away next time

The village was quaint, and due to the current solar terms, there were almost no green vegetables. However, every household raised chickens and ducks. Shen Ru went out for a walk and finally brought back a basket of eggs.

The original plan to buy chickens and ducks was abandoned after seeing the miserable expressions of the villagers.

Roosters crow and hens lay eggs. Some people rely on this to make a living!
Outside the ancestral hall, the team was already lined up in a dark line. Seeing this, Shen Ru didn't bother to say hello to Chen Qing and climbed directly onto the carriage.

"Mom and dad, look, this is a basket of eggs I bought from the villagers. There are about fifty of them. Here is the dry food they made, and these are snacks."

What was presented to the family was not just a basket of eggs, but the rest was taken out by Shen Ru from the space.

"Sister, this dry food looks the same as what I bought outside before. The people here are so capable!"

Shen Xuan held a piece of rice cake and said in surprise.

"It's amazing that these snacks are available in this place."

Mother Shen also picked up a snack. It looked like it was bought from a shop outside.

"It was just a salesman who had stocked up on goods. When he arrived in this village, it was snowing heavily and he couldn't get out. Fortunately, he met me and asked me to buy them all."

Shen Ru lied casually, but it was quite reasonable.

"Aru, we are so lucky to have you!"

Shen Yan sighed loudly, "My father raised you personally in the past. If he saw what you look like now, he would be pleased."

Shen Ru was not modest at all, so she nodded and said, "I have lived up to my grandfather's teachings!"

"Old madam, young master, don't be restrained and eat whatever you want."

Shen Ru said carelessly.

It was already noon when we set off from the village and reached the official road.

It was still difficult to walk, and there was no place to rest.

After not sleeping all night and traveling all morning, the prisoners were not hungry at all with that little white porridge. Every one of the prisoners was hungry again.


"Mr. Chen, bad luck, two more died!"

When Shen Ru heard the sound outside, the large team stopped and heard the officers whispering to each other. Chen Qing went to the back of the team, and after a while, he heard the officers waving their whips and urging the prisoners on their way.

"Another prisoner must have died."

Shen Ru said quietly, "If we hadn't arrived at the inn before dark, more people would have been in trouble."

"Hey, Aru, if it weren't for you, I'm afraid my aunt wouldn't have been able to hold on for so long."

Lian Shi said with sincerity, "Have you seen Feng Shi? She is very tough."

Yes, the old lady looked like she was lingering, but she was still holding on. Shen Ru also admired Feng's strength.

Along the way, a few people in the carriage chatted, but no one was really interested.

As evening approached, we finally arrived at the inn. In the exile team, a few more people fell with a thud.

As soon as Shen Ru got off the carriage, she saw the maid Cui Ti coming up to her.

"Are the old lady and the young master here? My young lady has been waiting for you for a long time."

Oh, Cui Ti has arrived!
Shen Ru felt happy in her heart, but she really wanted to see how Cui Ti felt about the death of Tong San of Wangchuan City.

"here I am!"

Shen Ru jumped off the carriage first, then opened the curtain and let Mrs. Pei and the young master get out.

Seeing Jade immediately come forward to help, Shen Ru raised the corner of his mouth and said cheerfully:

"Where is Miss Cui? I want to talk to her about something."

"My lady has also opened a guest room for this old gentleman. When the carriage stops, please invite this old gentleman to rest in the guest room!"

Jade said gently, then looked at Shen Ru.

"If Miss Shen wants to see my young lady, then please wait a moment. The young lady wants to talk to the old lady about something first!"

Shen Ru could also hear the frivolity in Jade's tone. Cui Ti seemed to look down on her!
"Okay, I'm not in a hurry."

Shen Ru didn't care, there was no need for her to compete with Cui Ti. "I would like to thank Miss Cui for her kindness, but I am tired, so I will not go with her."

Mrs. Pei said, "Chongguang, let's go find your mother!"

Jade was stunned, is this... prejudice against his own lady?

But before she could say anything, the old lady let her grandson help her and walked away.

Jade picked up Kong, her expression a little unbearable, but she didn't care about Shen Ru and chased the old lady.

"Sister, her eyes have reached to the sky!"

Shen Xuan muttered strangely.

"Little girl, you have good eyesight!"

Shen Ru said playfully in approval.

As most of them entered the detention center of the post station, Shen Ru saw Chen Qing talking to Yi Cheng and Cui Ti of the post station.

Judging from Chen Qing's face, Cui Ti probably made some mistakes this time.

After everything was settled, Shen Ru said to the official officer and went to find Cui Ti.

Cui Ti provided rice and food to everyone in the post station, and also gave Chen Qing some benefits, so that the future path was determined and she could follow.

"Shen Ru, thank you for taking care of the old lady and the young master."

When she saw Shen Ru, Cui Ti said directly that the maid Jade beside her didn't think Shen Ru's color was too good.

"Respecting the elderly and loving the young is a virtue."

Shen Ru smiled and said, "Miss Cui left in a hurry. After you left, something big happened at the station!"

"Oh? What's the matter?"

Cui Ti asked with curiosity on her face.

"It was Cao Tong of Wangchuan City who died in the inn. In fact, some people suspect that it was you who did it."

Shen Ru deliberately lowered his voice and said, "Those people said that Cao Tongpan offended a girl with a red mole at the corner of her eye. Miss Cui, it must be you!"

"It turns out that fat, wretched man is the general judge of the city. He offended me. I didn't want to cause trouble, so I left at dawn."

Cui Ti's face became a little tense.

"Don't worry, it's settled. Although a high-ranking official has asked about your matter, I think how can a delicate, gentle and kind-hearted girl like Miss Cui kill someone?"

Shen Ru said slowly, "Even if it has something to do with you, it must be your guards who are loyal to protect the main body!"

"Shen Ru, what do you mean?"

Before Cui Ti could speak, Jade on the side asked.

"It's nothing, I'm just telling you about this matter!"

Shen Ru said nonchalantly: "You are walking too fast. You should see what I do to the prodigal son who takes action!"

"How did you do it?"

Cui Ti couldn't help but ask.

"Break their limbs and leave them half alive!"

Shen Ru replied, "The roads were blocked due to heavy snow, and the doctor couldn't make it. In the end, I helped repair the severed limbs and collected some medical fees."

"Miss Cui, next time something like this happens, be more confident and running away is not the best choice!"

After Shen Ru finished speaking, he simply left.

How could the heroine of the original book be the one who killed someone and ran away? It was a bit disappointing for her!

Cui Ti behind him looked dim.

When Shen Ru was out of sight, she said, "Jade, are you saying that the old lady has a problem with me?"

"That's right, I think this Shen Ru must have said something behind her back."

(End of this chapter)

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