Chapter 59 Evil thoughts abound
Shen Rushi saw Luneng and several guards at the inn he arrived at that night, and immediately understood that Xiao Wujin's days of traveling with them were over!
"Master Xiao, Master Lu is here to pick you up."

Shen got off the car and shouted, "We won't accompany you on the way down there!"

Xiao Wujin's face was heavy, and he walked directly to Luneng without saying much after getting off the car.

"Huh, he's finally gone. He feels like he can breathe easier now that he's in the carriage."

Aunt Lian said exaggeratedly.

"A good young man keeps a sullen face all day long, hey, why bother!"

Shen Yan also lamented that this court official was not as peaceful as a prisoner like him!

"Aru, you can stop worrying so much!"

Shen's mother sighed, "It's not that I think you are nosy, it's just that you are a daughter's family after all!"

Shen Ru felt that she had the responsibility to make the whole family feel better and did not want to explain too much.

These are thighs, golden thighs, she just hugs them!

As for whether the Fanbang killer will appear later, seeing that Xiao Wujin has guards around her, she doesn't need to worry.

Everything returned to the previous state, and we set off at dawn. After two or three days of calm, Shen Ru heard the nonsense from the people in the third room again!
"Why, that young disciple left?"

Seeing that that person was no longer around the Shen family, Yang deliberately spoke sarcastically.

"Shen Ru, you are really very dissolute. You are restless on the road of exile. But you are a widow. Once others know about your previous affairs, who will fall in love with you?"

"You, Shen Ru, have completely ruined the reputation of the Shen family. Fortunately, I, Shen Fu, have a daughter. Second brother, you must take good care of your Ping'er and don't imitate Shen Ru's wanton temper."

Shen Ru looked at the hateful faces of Sanfang and his family and couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"What's the matter? I haven't spanked you for a few days. Are your skin itchy?"

"Shen Ru, don't go too far, we are your elders!"

The expressions of Shen Fu and Yang changed. Shen Runa was a person that even a wolf would dare to kill!
"Shen Ru, are you so angry? Others know your true face and don't want you anymore. What are you doing to us with your anger?"

Shen Ming stood up and shouted, "You are so licentious, will you die without a man?"

Shen Ru's parents and aunt also heard this!
Shen's mother, who was eager to protect her daughter, stepped forward and gave Shen Ming a scratch without saying a word.

"Mom, I'll do it myself!"

Shen Ru grabbed Shen's mother and stepped forward to kick Shen Ming.

"Shen Ru, are you angry because someone exposed you?"

"Officer, here we come, Shen Ru hit someone!"

Shen Ming covered his shoulders and shouted loudly, "Shen Ru, do you think you can cover the sky with one hand? Just wait, I will let everyone see your true face. You are a piece of shit!"

The official who wanted to stop him was stopped by Chen Qing. Shen Ru was a person who had a close relationship with the governor, so he could beat him up if he wanted to.

Shen Ru was too lazy to speak when she could do it. Shen Ming was so good at jumping around, let's see how she smashed his mouth.

"What are you doing, what are you doing?"

When Mrs. Yang saw her son being beaten, she immediately went to stop him.

"If you scold us, Aru, I think you also need to deal with it!"

Mother Shen stepped forward and pushed Yang away. Even her aunt came up immediately and fired her bow left and right at Yang's face.

"Bang!" Shen Ru punched Shen Ming in the face. She frowned in disgust when she saw that there was a tooth in the blood spit out by the other person.

"What's the matter, second uncle, third uncle, keep talking, I think you are not very old, and you are not thinking clearly!"

Shen Ru rattled his hands and walked towards Shen Fu and Shen Tong.

"You... you... you can't hit people, official officers, official officers..."

"Shout, if anyone stops me today to teach you two a lesson for being disrespectful, I will fight them together." Shen Ru firmly believes that force can shut people up!
Qian wanted to step forward to stop him, but after all, he was her husband!

"Mom, daddy has a bad mouth, so don't interfere!"

Shen Ru held Qian's hand. She knew very well that Shen Ru did not get all this by relying on her body.

"But...that's your father!"

"It's embarrassing for me to have such a father!"

Shen Fu and Shen Tong's screams rang out, and Shen Ru's handwriting was left on their faces, and Shen Ming, touching his swollen face, didn't dare to scream anymore.

But, why don’t the officials care about it, and why don’t other people care about it?
"The fight is almost over, it's time to hit the road!"

It was Chen Qing who reminded Shen Ru to stop.

Shen Ru waved her hands and looked at a few people with disdain. Why can't they learn to behave well? Do you think she can scold them casually?
"Madam, Mrs. Lian, do your hands hurt?"

Shen Yan, who was holding a pair of daughters, saw that his wife, concubines and daughters were all back, and he asked with distress.

"It's okay. We don't care if you interfere with brotherhood. Anyone who scolds Aru will be beaten!"

Mother Shen said angrily.

"Yes, yes, tell them to talk nonsense!"

Shen Yan nodded repeatedly, the second brother and the third brother were so outrageous, they dared to say such things to Aru!
Everything here was seen by Cui Ti and the others, and Cui Ti couldn't help but frown.

"This Shen really too rude!"

Mrs. Pei on the side only opened her eyes to look at her, and then continued to close her eyes to rest.

Shen Ru didn't think people with two or three bedrooms would stop there, especially Shen Ming, who had a very extreme personality.

"Father, mother, aunt, Xuanxuan, and Nian'er, you all should be careful. I'm afraid they will try some dirty tricks."

"Let them do it, and one day they will kill themselves!"

Shen's mother said disgustedly, "To put it bluntly, this son born to Feng is not like a member of your Shen family."

"Madam, you can't say this nonsense."

Chen Yanku laughed and said, "Isn't this trying to discredit my father?"

"Why can't you say it? Even after the Feng family ascended to heaven, I asked whether these two sons were abandoned by her. How could a father who is so upright and aboveboard have two such vicious sons?"

"Speaking of which, Aru still looks like the old Marquis!"

Lian said with emotion, "Aru is right, we all have to be careful. I just saw Shen Ming's eyes, which were vicious."

Shen Ming put away the teeth knocked out by Shen Ru, feeling extremely angry. He thought that Shen Ru was already with another man, so Chen Qing, wasn't he feeling aggrieved?

Since all the officials are leaning towards Shen Ru, he can only rely on himself!

The whistling north wind is still biting and the official road is getting narrower.

That day, the prison van in front got stuck in the mud, causing the entire team to stop.The officer called several prisoners to push him away.

Shen Nian wanted to be convenient, so Shen Ru took him out of the carriage, but there was no hiding place on this long and narrow road!

After thinking about it, Shen Ru took Shen Nian to a stone and turned her back to make it easier for Shen Nian.

Shen Ming, who had been staring at the Shen family, flashed a ruthless light in his eyes. Since he couldn't move Shen Ru, then he should kill the only male in the big house!
With evil thoughts in his mind, Shen Ming quickly walked to Shen Nian while no one was paying attention, and even quickened his pace as he got closer.

"what are you doing?"

Shen Ru, with quick eyes and quick hands, immediately pulled his younger brother to a halt, but Shen Ming, who was trying to push someone, failed and fell down the gentle slope.

(End of this chapter)

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