Chapter 67 Officials are going on strike

Shen Ru brought Cui Ti down and found that the exiled troops were neatly waiting for them.

"Hey, Mr. Chen, I'm a little flattered by this battle!"

Shen Ru teased, "It's okay, two little thieves, ah, Miss Cui, your carriage fell apart, what should we do now?"

Cui Ti looked annoyed, but she felt that there was a sense of gloating in Shen Ru's words.

"Aru, you're fine."

The Shen family all got off the carriage and waited, and Shen's mother looked at Shen Ru up and down.

"What can I do? Everyone is waiting for us. This is really embarrassing!"

Shen Ru chuckled and looked at the exile team that stopped for them.

"Since everyone is fine, let's hit the road!"

Chen Qing said with a cold face, he would not say that he was worried about Shen Ru running away.

Although he hadn't arrived in Liangzhou yet, Baishui City was already in turmoil, and he was worried that things would get worse if he continued further.The border land is not peaceful at all!

"Aren't Jade and Fang Jin back yet?"

Cui Ti asked her driver.

After getting a negative answer, Cui Ti was a little worried.

"The old lady and the young master are a little injured, so I'll let them get into the carriage and rest. Aru, let's get into the carriage too!"

Shen Yan urged.

Shen Ru looked at Cui Ti. Their carriage was quite big, and even Cui Ti wouldn't be able to squeeze in it.

"I can ride a horse!" Cui Ti said first, looking at Shen Ru.

"Mr. Chen, let's take the people and set off first. I'll sort out my things here and then follow!"

Cui Ti straightened her hair and regained her calm appearance.

Chen Qing didn't ask much. Cui Ti was not a prisoner, so he had nothing to do with it.

After shouting again, the team started to move.

He still had to avoid the fleeing people, but this time he finally made it to the inn before dark.

Cui Ti followed her on a horse and carried some baggage as she said.

But after arriving at the inn, Cui Ti felt a little uneasy. Logically speaking, Feicui and Fang Jin went to the city to buy things and it was time to come back!
"Shen Ru, can you go into the city and take a look?"

Cui Ti said to Shen Ru, which shocked Shen Ru!
"You want me to go to the city to help you find someone?"

"It's dark and the roads are slippery. I, a woman, go to a town where riots are happening to find two people who are not related to me. Cui Ti, how can you talk?"

Shen Ru's words made Cui Ti blush.

"But you are so good at martial arts!"

"How about I give you money, 100 taels?"

"Ha!" She is not short of money!

Shen Ru chuckled lightly, "No, saving you is just a matter of course. I don't have any purpose, but if you ask me to go to the city to find someone, I won't go. I'm a prisoner and I can't move around at will!"

"Then I'll go talk to Mr. Chen and he will agree."

Cui Ti was a little anxious, something must have happened, otherwise Fang Jin and Jade would not have come back at this time!

"Master Chen agreed. He can't ask the prisoners to enter the city. Cui Ti, are you taking it for granted? You have to find your own people, or you can just wait here with peace of mind."

"Shen Ru, are you so unwilling to save them? What if something happens to them?"

Cui Ti said anxiously, "Jade is just a weak woman!"

"Anyway, I'm going to find you, but I won't go!"

Shen Ru didn't want to waste words with Cui Ti. Didn't she feel that her request was excessive?
"Shen Ru, you are so selfish!" Shen Ru didn't care at all when she heard Cui Ti's accusation against her behind her.

She is still comfortable with her family.

"Aru, what does she want from you?"

As soon as she returned, Mother Shen asked with concern, "I didn't tell you that while I was waiting for you, I met some people who had run away from the city. The city was closed. Those who ran late couldn't get out. Now no one can get in." Not going."

"Oh, then it seems Cui Ti's guards and maids are trapped in the city."

Shen Ru said clearly, "She asked me to go to the city to help her find someone just now. I don't know what she thought."

"Hey, why is she so shameless? We Aru saved her, but she has to go even further!"

Aunt Lian said angrily, "Why does this eldest lady of the Cui family take so much for granted? Our Aru is also a pampered person, so we can still run errands for her?"

"She said give me money, 100 taels!"

Shen Ru said with a smile.

Suddenly, Aunt Lian's face froze, but then she cursed again:
"You actually used money to humiliate us, Aru, um, Aru, do we need this money?"

"not bad!"

Shen Ru responded with a smile, and the family was obviously relieved.

"That's right, we don't need the money!"

Shen's mother also said immediately, "You saved her, and she climbed smoothly. We A'ru will not take this risk."

Cui Ti couldn't ask for help from Shen Ru, so she naturally asked for help from Chen Qing.

"Miss Cui, we are official servants, escorting prisoners!"

Chen Qing emphasized, "Do you know the current situation in Baishui City?"

"Baishui City is on lockdown to suppress the riots. Your people are probably trapped in the city."

"Then what should we do, Mr. Chen? Is there no way to get them out?"


Facing Cui Ti's request, Chen Qing said very simply and neatly that he just wanted to escort the exile to Liangzhou as soon as possible and then return to Beijing to resume his life!
Cui Ti was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. What would she do if Jade and Fang Jin were trapped?
Seeing everyone acting like they had nothing to do with him, Cui Tiqiang calmed down and went back to the guest room to rest.

"Uncle Zhong, do you think we should continue to wait, or should we go to Liangzhou with these prisoners?"

"Second Miss, if you look at me, I will naturally be waiting at the inn. You don't need to follow me and suffer that."

The wind and sand are so blinding that even when riding a horse, I feel like there is sand in my hair and face.

Cui Ti was worried about the safety of her entourage, but also thought that she would be unable to take good care of the old lady and the young master if the carriage was destroyed. She thought carefully before speaking.

"Uncle Zhong, you can go to the official road and take a look. Aren't there many people fleeing now? See if anyone is willing to sell the carriage to us."

"I can buy it no matter how much it costs."

"The second young lady is indeed smart. I'll start by asking at the inn."

Cui Ti nodded and calmed down. Even if there were too many disappointments, she would not give up.

The closure of Baishui City also resulted in the short-term solution being unable to be replaced, which made Chen Qing angry again.

"Master Chen, we are assigned the task of escorting this section of the road. There is no one to take over right now, so we can't continue walking. It's unjustifiable if we cross our boundary."

"That's right, Mr. Chen, you can either wait here at the inn, wait until the gate of the state capital opens, and then change the shift."

Chen Qing was angry and helpless after listening to the short explanation of several officials. At the moment, there was really no other way.

The more I want to reach Liangzhou as soon as possible, the more things delay me!
Shen Ru and others only found out on the second day that this road was no longer possible.

Knowing that the officials were on strike, Shen Rule was worried, so he delayed it, but eating and drinking became a problem again!

(End of this chapter)

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