Was your home ransacked on your wedding day?I emptied the Marquis's house and tore my son-in-la

Chapter 7 I can’t tell the difference between wild vegetables and herbs.

Chapter 7 I can’t tell the difference between wild vegetables and herbs.
After what happened at night, there were more people in charge of escorting the people there.

The treatment of the Shen family shocked the rotating officials, but Chen Qing stopped them with one hand, leaving them speechless.

"It must be Shen Ru's bastard who sold her body!"

Mrs. Feng was extremely jealous as she watched the Shen family sitting on the trolley, staring straight ahead.

"She came in from outside last night."

"Mom, please keep your voice down. It's only embarrassing for them." The eldest son Shen Tong supported Feng and whispered, "Ping'er said that Shen Ru was cruel, so she was the one who killed Lin Shi'an."

"Yes, grandma, I was staring at her, and she went to the front to have a conversation, and the matter of Lin Shian's escape came up. Do you think it was evil or not?"

Shen Ping muttered, "I will definitely catch her doing what she did. Shen Ru is an extremely vicious woman."

"Sister, what are they muttering about? I always feel like they are saying bad things."

Shen Xuan tugged on Shen Ru's sleeves to remind Shen Ru.

"Don't worry, why don't you say it in front of me? I'll give you a big slap in the face."

Shen Ruyouzai said.

As the large army was walking, something happened.

"Sir, stop for a moment. My child has a fever and has fainted. Sir... help!"

"My stomach hurts. It hurts so much. Sir, stop for a moment and let me go for a while!"

In the long queue, people kept wailing. The official checked and ran to the front to inform Chen Qing.

"Mr. Chen, it's not good. Many people have symptoms of fever and diarrhea. It looks like they are infected with wind and cold."


Chen Qing was startled and then said in a low voice:
"A group of pampered guys have only been away for a few days before problems arise. Give them a stick of incense and solve everything that needs to be solved!"

"Stop, stop, just a stick of incense, do whatever you need to do."

"Cough~" Shen Ruzhen was eating cakes with her family when she heard the sound of coughing from the crowd!
"It may be that I got caught in the rain yesterday, had a restless sleep at night, and contracted the wind and cold."

Aunt Lian glanced around the others and said.

"Aru, if it weren't for your arrangement, the rest of us would probably be like this."

"The wind is cold..." Shen Ru looked around. They were walking on an official road. Not to mention the dust, there were weeds on the roadside and shrubs near the forest.

"I'll go down and take a walk." Shen Ru said and jumped off the cart.

There were some dead grass leaves on the roadside, and she recognized them as solitary grass. This season was a good time to dig out the roots of dry grass.

There are also parsnips and plantain, these herbs that can be seen everywhere on the roadside, are actually very useful in treating colds, colds and coughs.

Seeing Shen Ru pulling weeds, Shen Ping couldn't help but sarcastically said:
"Shen Ru, is there something wrong with your brain? You don't have a lot to eat, why are you digging wild vegetables?"

"Yes, I dig wild vegetables, why not?"

Shen Ru didn't even look at her. Shen Ping always focused on her for some unknown purpose.

"What the hell do you want to do?"

Hearing Shen Ru admit it so directly, Shen Ping couldn't help but ask suspiciously.

"none of your business!"

Shen Rutan said, calling her younger brothers and sisters to pack up all the herbs she picked. In just one stick of incense, she had a full harvest.

There were many conditions on the road, which caused them to miss the inn that night and had to spend the night in an open area.

The officers were very angry, and if they heard any of the prisoners complaining, they would pull them out and teach them a lesson.Shen Ru fried some herbs and came to the coughing people.

"The child has a bad cough. If you believe me, give him this medicine."

The sick child was from Prince Jing's Mansion. Unfortunately, almost all the men in the manor had been wiped out, leaving only this little boy who looked to be four or five years old.

Shen Ru thought that in the future, Prince Na Jing would regain his clan members who had been exiled in the northwest one by one, so her small effort should be regarded as a good deed.

"Thank you, Miss Shen." The elderly Princess Jing nodded slightly to Shen Ru.

There is only one concubine, two sisters-in-law, and a child left in Prince Jing's Mansion.

Seeing the graceful and luxurious women in the past now looking down and out, Shen Ru felt sad.

However, compared to the group of unfriendly relatives in her family, the cousins ​​of Prince Jing's Mansion still protected these members of the family all the way.

The child drank the herbal juice given by Shen Ru and his cough was really relieved.

"Miss Shen still knows medical skills?"

Princess Jing asked in surprise and relief.

"In the past, I learned a lot of herbal medicine from my grandfather. Plantain can be found everywhere. It has the effect of relieving asthma. Seeing that the young master was infected with wind and cold, I helped him fry some herbal medicine."

Shen Ru replied, "It's just a matter of hands."

Being thanked by several people in Prince Jing's Mansion, Shen Ru replied that his family members had also been given some herbal medicine to prevent colds.

"Had it not been for the rebellion in Prince Jing's Mansion, would we have fallen to this point?"

Feng Shi started to make a desperate statement again, "Shen Ru, you are simply stupid. What good can you get by trying to please the culprit?"

"I'm happy, but do you care?" Shen Rute annoyed Fengshi, beeping every day and never saying a kind word.

"I think you have forgotten your last name. That is your enemy, the enemy who implicated our Shen family in exile."

Feng said fiercely, then coughed, and her throat felt vaguely sore.

Shen Rucai ignored Feng. There were so many people sleeping on the ground, and there was a big temperature difference in the autumn night. Fortunately, the baggage she asked Cuixi and Anqiao to bring was quite large. It was normal for her to dig out her cloak and other things, wasn't it?
The next day it turned white in the east, and the officials got up and drove the people on their way.

Feng found that her nose was blocked and her throat hurt, so she started to yell even more.

"Grandma, I saw Shen Ru picking a lot of wild vegetables yesterday. What she gave to the people in Prince Jing's Mansion were wild vegetables. I can do the same!"

Shen Ping volunteered, "When I have a break, I will go to the roadside to pick some. If you drink it, you will be fine."

"Ping'er is so powerful, so hurry up and don't make mother feel uncomfortable for too long." Shen Tong immediately became excited after hearing this.

Shen Ping walked provocatively in front of Shen Ru, held her head high and said:

"Shen Ru, I can do everything you know. Our second room will not lose to your family."

Shen Ping's face is like a question mark, where does Shen Ping's damn desire to win come from?

When Shen Ping picked a bunch of weeds and showed them off in front of him, Shen Ru was even more speechless.

Shen Ping couldn't tell the difference between wild vegetables, weeds and herbs. How proud was Shen Ping!

"Pfft~Ping'er, are you sure this green and black thing is the concoction?" Feng took a sip of Shen Ping's concoction and sprayed it out immediately.

"This is what Shen Ru gave you to drink. Grandma, good medicine tastes bitter. Just drink it and you'll be fine."

"OK then!"

Shen Ru suppressed a smile. She didn't mean to stare at Feng Shi and Shen Ping!

In fact, I feel like they are clowns, deliberately showing off!
(End of this chapter)

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