Chapter 71: I give it to you, you pay for it

Lose your life!Shen Ruxin's throat was raised, and she felt the look in Pei Wenjing's eyes. This really had nothing to do with her!
"1000 tael once, 1000 tael twice, 1000 tael..."

"One thousand five hundred taels!"

Pei Wenjing raised the price again!

"Master Xiao, don't be impulsive, don't..."

"One thousand five hundred taels!"

Xiao Wujin spoke again, ignoring Shen Ru's stop.

"2000 taels!"

Pei Wenjing seemed to be worried about winning this map. The bidding went from 300 taels to 2000 taels, which made the owner happy.

"2000 taels once, 2000 taels once, 2000 taels twice, 18 two or three times! This topographic map of the Western Region belongs to the No. [-] distinguished guest!"

"Hmph!" Xiao Wujin sneered in a low voice, with a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

"Buying a map for 2000 taels is really a big deal."


Shen Ru couldn't help but ask questions, wasn't he the one who raised the price so fiercely before?

"Do you think I lost? No, someone bought this thing at an inflated price. I congratulate him!"

Shen Ru heard ridicule from Xiao Wujin's words, but why did she think that Xiao Wujin couldn't eat the grapes and said the grapes were sour?

"Shen Ru, if you can visit all the countries in the Western Region for me in the future and draw the most detailed map for me, I can ensure that your family is a popular drinker in Liangzhou!"

Xiao Wujin suddenly looked at Shen Ru and said seriously.

Shen Ru felt a lump in her heart and looked at Xiao Wujin in disbelief.

"Master Xiao, I am a woman!"

She didn't want to go through the border crossing, nor did she want to take the Silk Road.

"There are not many differences between men and women. Do you think you are inferior to men?"

Come on, Shao Lai put a high hat on her. Shen Ru rolled her eyes in front of Xiao Wujin.

"Sir, I... don't want to do anything big."

"If you don't want to be famous, just do it quietly without signing your name!"

Did she mean this? She felt that Xiao Wujin was squeezing her!
I#, Shen Ru cursed in her heart, pursed her lips and said nothing, only looking at Xiao Wujin with resentment.

Perhaps sensing Shen Ru's reluctance, Xiao Wujin turned his head and continued to look at the auction items.

"Liangzhou is closed off and the people in the frontier are miserable. If nothing changes, it will be very difficult!"

After a while, Shen Ru heard Xiao Wujin's words again.

What's the matter with her!
Shen Ru cursed in his heart, deliberately pretending not to hear it and only looking at the auction items in front of him.

"Next, there is a set of weapons, but such a small flying knife feels like only a woman's delicate hands can hold it."

"This set of flying knives comes from Tuo Buhua, the best master in the Western Regions in the past. I wonder which guest is willing to buy it for the female guest to play with?"

"The starting price is 50 taels!"

Xiao Wujin raised his sign, and obviously not many people wanted this thing, so the deal was finally settled for 70 taels of silver.

The thing was delivered to Xiao Wujin's hands, and Xiao Wujin threw it directly to Shen Ru.

"give you!"

"Huh?" Shen Ru looked at Xiao Wujin in surprise. She didn't use a flying knife.

"By the way, I'll pay you when it's over. I don't have that much money!"

Shen Ru looked at Xiao Wujin in shock, wondering how on earth he said these words.

If you don’t have money, why go to an auction?

If you don’t have money, what gift can you give?

Shen Ru wanted to poke a few holes in Xiao Wujin's body with the flying knife in his hand.

"Shen Ru, I know what you are thinking. If you murder an official of the imperial court, you will be guilty of a higher crime and your family will be affected."

"Master Xiao, I think you are the stingiest man in the world."

Shen Ru calmed down and said slowly.

"You must not have a family. Whoever marries you will be unlucky!"

Xiao Wujin frowned and pursed his lips, as if he wanted to say something but finally stopped.Xiao Wujin was not interested in the items being auctioned later, and it was soon time to pay.

If Shen Ru didn't want something that she didn't really like even though she spent money on it, she would be the one who took advantage of it if she paid for it.

"I'll give it."

While they were pushing and shoving, Pei Wenjing, who was covering her face, paid for the map and spoke.

"No need, I'll pay."

Xiao Wujin stopped him, and then... took out the banknote.

Shen Ru's eyes widened. Why pretend to be poor when you have money?

Seeing Xiao Wujin pay the money generously and neatly, Shen Ru reluctantly accepted the set of flying knives.

Pei Wenjing did not reveal Shen Ru's identity. She only cast doubtful eyes on Shen Ru and Xiao Wujin. Finally, she gave Shen Ru a meaningful look and walked away!
"Do you know?"

Xiao Wujin asked keenly.

Shen Ru shook his head and said, "Maybe you made him spend more money, and he wants to remember your face!"

Xiao Wujin was stunned and said nothing more.

After leaving the auction house, Shen Ru felt that it was quite boring. None of the items in this auction were what she wanted.

Walking on the street, Shen Ru was hungry.

"Since you gave me a set of throwing knives, I will treat you to a nice meal without any trouble!"

Xiao Wujin did not refuse, only responded coldly.

Shen Ru didn't care whether Xiao Wujin really wanted to go, she just said casually, if two people are eating together, we can have a few more dishes!

After casually entering a restaurant, Shen Ruzhen quickly asked the waiter to take orders. Xiao Wujin frowned at this look.

"You used to go to restaurants often?"

Xiao Wujin couldn't help but ask, "In the past, the life of the Hou family was luxurious and extravagant?"

"Stop, stop, stop, don't say anything more when you come to dinner. I know you want to judge my past life, but I was born to be the daughter of a noble family."

"Besides, the title of the Shen family was created by the ancestors with their lives. It is said that the predecessors planted trees and the descendants enjoy the shade. This is the principle."

Xiao Wujin couldn't see the suffering after being down and out on Shen Ru's face, nor was there any trace of resentment.

It can be seen that her journey of exile is really not difficult.

"Shen Ru, what I told you is true. If you contribute to Liangzhou in the future, I can help your family live a stable life in Liangzhou."

"Let's talk again, let's wait until we get to Liangzhou."

Shen Ru waved his hand to signal Xiao Wujin not to make a big deal.

"I've never been there, so I don't know anything."


Xiao Wujin had a far-reaching vision. He traveled a lot this time and collected a lot of things that would be beneficial to Liangzhou's future development.

"By the way, why did the Fanbang killer kill you?"

Shen Ru asked curiously.

"Fight for land!"

Xiao Wujin made it clear.

"Outside Liangzhou City, there is a piece of fertile grassland that stretches as far as the eye can see. I want to add that area to Liangzhou City, so that herders can have new grazing land."

Shen Ru looked at Xiao Wujin and couldn't help but ask: "Outside the city?"

"Why not?"

Xiao Wujin asked back.

Why does she feel that Mr. Xiao has some gangster mentality?
"Did that land belong to foreign countries in the past?"

"Those small nomadic countries move around frequently. The grassland is vast and endless, and they can't use it all up. Why can't they let us Liangzhou herdsmen graze?"

This... Shen Ru admires Xiao Wujin's idea of ​​serving the people wholeheartedly, but thinking about it, it will definitely be difficult to implement.

" far is your plan going?"

"Two opposing leaders have been killed. It seems that the new leader spent a lot of money to hire assassins to kill me!"

Xiao Wujin replied, "As long as I don't die, I will definitely win that grassland!"

(End of this chapter)

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