Chapter 80 Everyone is a thief
The official who was sent to investigate came back quickly, and from a distance he saw the torch moving quickly to the front.

"Boss, it's strange. The nearest village is pitch dark. I tried to push open several unlocked doors, but they didn't let me."

"It doesn't matter if it's uninhabited. We can just stay here for one night without disturbing anyone."

Chen Qing made a quick decision and directed everyone to enter the village.

"No one is allowed to make noise or disturb the public."

After entering the empty house mentioned by the official who visited the village before, Chen Qing warned everyone.

Shen Ru was also a little tired, not to mention his parents and younger siblings. He found a corner and the family rested together. The younger siblings quickly fell asleep.

But Shen Ru felt like someone was watching in secret!
"Miss Shen, can you come out and speak?"

Fang Jin quietly walked in and whispered to Shen Ru.

"I feel something is wrong with this village."

Shen Ru was very tired, but after hearing what Fang Jin said, she put a piece of ginseng in her mouth that she had not eaten before and walked out with Fang Jin.

The whole village was filled with thick fog, and when I went outside, I felt like my breath was filled with water vapor.

Shen Ru rubbed his hands in the hot air and asked, "What do you think is wrong?"

"Do you feel like someone is watching us?"

Fang Jin asked, "It's very foggy and I can't see it clearly, but that's how I feel."

"Also, this village may have been abandoned for a long time, but it doesn't feel overgrown with weeds along the way."

"So, where did everyone go?"

Shen Ru also felt the same way, but she guessed: "Could it be that those who stay behind closed doors are actually afraid of people outside?"

"Whether it's a human or a ghost, who knows?"

Fang Jin looked at the thick fog and frowned.

"Do you still have the energy to find out? I don't. I just want to rest with my family now."

Shen Ru said, after walking on the mountain road for a day, her sister couldn't walk behind, and she was also carrying her on her back. Although she was in better spirits than her mother and the others, she was still tired!

Fang Jin looked at Shen Ru and then said, "Miss Shen, go and rest. I will keep an eye on the outside."

Shen Ru and Fang Jin naturally had nothing else to say.

"Thank you!" After saying this, Shen Ru yawned and went back.

The next morning, suddenly the crowd burst into screams.

"There is a thief, who stole my steamed buns."

"Mine is gone too, and all the steamed buns I saved and saved are gone."

Shen Ru was also missing something. Someone stole one of her burdens under her nose. Shen Ru was shocked and angry!

Even though I was so tired that I slept a little dead at night, why was this baggage beside me gone?
Outside the door, Cui Ti and Chen Qing were also talking about this matter. All the things Cui Ti brought were gone!
"Master Chen, there are thieves. There are definitely thieves in this village."

Cui Ti said angrily, "If it wasn't done by the villagers, then there was a traitor!"

"Miss Cui, please be careful. It's not just you. The prisoners are also short of a lot of food."

Cui Ti was stunned. What kind of food could a prisoner have? Some steamed buns were also stolen?

"Just in case there's too much trouble, get on your way immediately."

Chen Qing asked the official, but no one on the official's side had lost anything. So, was this thief picking on the weak?

I just don’t know that a master like Shen Ru wouldn’t notice someone approaching?
Shen Ru was very upset and had great doubts about herself. Was she so slow that she didn't even know someone was approaching?
When she walked out of the house with everyone else, she couldn't help but look up and around.Fang Jin came over and said, "No one came near last night. I don't know how the thief stole the things."

Shen Ru couldn't figure it out, who would steal something from a prisoner?

But there was no time for them to investigate this matter. Chen Qing had ordered everyone to continue on their way, and this time they must speed up.

There were already villagers walking around in the village. Based on the principle of not disturbing the people, Chen Qing asked everyone to stay away.

When the villagers saw the officials and the prisoners, they naturally gave in immediately. With both sides retreating, it felt like there were two roads in one road.

"Sister, look!"

When walking out of the village, his younger brother Shen Nian held Shen Ru's hand.

"The hat that kid is wearing is mine!"

The younger brother's words were full of grievances.

Shen Ru looked over and saw that the child sitting on the ridge of the field, with the felt hat on his head, looked familiar indeed.

"Let's buy it later!"

Shen Ru endured it. The child on the field ridge was about the same size as her younger brother, but the clothes he wore were obviously ill-fitting and there were two patches of plateau red on his face. She looked at it inexplicably and felt sad.

Are these people working in the fields thieves?

When leaving the village, Shen Ruduo looked at the place name at the entrance of the village.

Heather Village, she remembered it!

Walking back to the official road, it was still a muddy road with flying yellow sand, but soon, Shen Ru saw the inn and the familiar carriage.

"Uncle Fu, dad, mother, look, it's Uncle Fu!"

Shen Ru immediately said to his parents.

Shen Fu and Shen's mother, who were also miserable, looked up and saw Uncle Fu and the carriage. Their eyes suddenly filled with tears. Alas, after all, their bodies were too weak to endure this hardship!
Although it was only mid-afternoon, if he missed this inn, he would have to share his food and sleep outdoors at night. In addition, the northwest was not very safe. Chen Qing finally decided to stay at the inn for one night and wait for supplies to be in place before setting out on the road.

"Master Chen, where is the nearest town? Since we are stopping at the inn in the afternoon, I want to go shopping in the town. As you know, our things have been stolen!"

Shen and Chen Qing started discussing.

Chen Qing also knew about this, but he looked Shen Ru up and down and asked in a low voice;
"How much money do you have left?"

"Of course I asked Uncle Fu to take care of this... valuable thing, so what was stolen is some clothes, things to keep out the cold, and dry food. Shouldn't I buy it again?"

Chen Qing was numb, and Shen Ru didn't tell the truth either.

"Take it easy on yourself and don't be too showy."

"Shen Ru, I will go into the city with you."

Just when Shen Ru told Uncle Fu to take care of his parents, siblings, and was about to ride into the city, Cui Ti suddenly came to her side and said.

"No, I refuse!"

Shen Rucai didn't want to be with Cui Ti. After saying a word, she rode away without looking back!
"Miss, look at her arrogance."

Cui Ti's maid Jade said angrily.

Cui Ti was also a little helpless. She originally wanted to discuss it with Shen Ru. There was an identity mark in her stolen baggage, and she had asked Fang Jin to go back to the village to look for it.

He and Jade didn't know kung fu, so they went into the city rashly, fearing that they would get into trouble.

"Forget it, let's wait until Fang Jin comes back. Let's borrow some of the money Uncle Zhong has on hand first!"

Cui Ti was a little worried. She was exhausted from walking on the mountain road, and her identity mark was stolen. This made her unable to get the money out when she got to the bank. She... now, she has no money!
(End of this chapter)

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