Chapter 653: If not a lucky star, then what is?
When they arrived, they saw Yuehua taking the patient's pulse. Her clinic was the same one as before.

However, the people in that clinic had long since left.

It was just her and Wen Qingyu. Shitou glanced at him and asked in a low voice, "This is the boy that my daughter accepted as a disciple on behalf of her mother, right?"

Qin Yue took a look at her, nodded and said, "She is a potential martial artist, but I don't want to take her in. I don't have the energy or time. Just let her take her in herself."

"Look at that boy, he's very diligent. He can even talk to the patient while getting medicine. He's a chatterbox."

"Yes, a little bit. My daughter used to be a chatterbox. But in the past few years, she has become calmer and less talkative, but she has also become a lot more ruthless."

"Well, that's what happens when you're more experienced. Innocence is only present in childhood. However, the boy she brought with her is not bad. If..."

"It depends on fate,"

"Does he know that our daughter is a girl?"

"Yes, it was revealed by the leader of the Snow Mountain Sect in the capital of Chu. That old Taoist priest was born with this ability."

"How about I help out at our daughter's pharmacy?"

"Forget it. Leave some room for those villagers to work. Many people are waiting for this job."

"But they don't know how to prescribe medicine. If they make a mistake, someone could die."

"Come if you don't mind being exposed."

"Forget it, just come and visit my daughter once in a while."

"Look far away, don't look near. Your daughter is very smart."

"Should we farm or do some small business?"

"Farming, this place is not suitable for business right now."

"Then how many acres should I buy from the village chief?"

"No need. I see there is a wasteland behind our yard. Let's ask the village chief."

"it is good!"

The two of them sat in the clinic opened by Yuehua for a long time. She saw that her daughter did not charge the people for medical fees, and even only charged for the cost of medicinal materials.

"Alas, this is like giving away something for nothing."

"There is no other way. People are too poor to afford medical expenses now."

"I don't know if my daughter prepared any herbs or anything like that on her journey north this time."

"She's very smart. Let's go home. You've been here for almost a day. Your husband will cook for you."

For some reason, as soon as the couple left, Yuehua looked towards the door and felt something was strange.

Her clinic had just been open for three days, but it was already packed with patients on the second day. The two of them were so busy that they only had two meals a day.

She didn't even have time to look for a waiter. Yuehua didn't want to stay here for long. Besides wanting to help the common people, she also wanted to take in two apprentices, spread Qin Yue's medical skills, and solve the problem of difficulty in getting medical treatment for the people here.

If she wanted to keep the doctor, she had to train local people with families, so she opened this clinic.

A few days later, Yuehua posted a notice at the door, recruiting three waiters, who had to be fifteen or sixteen years old. The monthly salary was 150 coins, with one meal provided at noon. The only requirement was that they had to be people from around the town.

Now, the clinic was very busy and was surrounded by people since early morning.

Yuehua was also efficient and had finalized the candidates for three waiters in the morning. They immediately stayed to help Qingyu.

The others left in disappointment, and the clinic returned to its former tranquility.

Because of Qin Yue's rescue, the people and disaster of Shang State were saved, and the earth gradually recovered.

In the blink of an eye, it was the end of February. Qin Yue and his companion went back to Shanshui Village for a day to deal with some matters, and then returned to Ping'an Village.

At this time, the weather was getting warmer, and Shitou had already applied for more than two acres of wasteland at the back.

The village chief also went to the government office to register the two people's household registration and also got the title deed for the wasteland. Because of the disaster, the price of all land dropped again. The wasteland was free and could be cultivated as it pleased. Taxes would be collected ten years later.

At this time, the villagers began to work.

However, with so much land, it is not possible for a family to rely solely on labor, after all, they cannot eat enough every day.

Even with Qin Yue's secret help, it wouldn't work.

So, this cow has to be bought.

Everyone knew that Shitou had silver, but no one dared to ask for it. Qin Yue noticed this and discussed it with Shitou. The dean of Xingyue Academy, the King Xiaoyao of Dongzhou, suddenly became a cattle official.

The couple bought five cows from the city at once. The village chief was very excited. Although they were not his, they were still his villagers.

In the past, we had to rent cows from others, but now we have our own cows in the village.

He took people to look for stones.

"Brother Zhuzi, do you want to rent this cow?"

Shitou showed his big white teeth and laughed: "I bought it with the intention of renting it out. How did you rent cows in the past?"

"Ten cents a day."

"Then I'll give you five cents a day. You're in trouble now, so just keep an account. Take the cattle out during the day and bring them back to me at night, otherwise you won't have enough food to feed the cattle."

"This, this is so embarrassing."

"We are all from the same village, so you don't have to be polite to me."

"Well, I'll help you build the cowshed with my help. Otherwise, they will freeze at night."

"it is good"

In this way, the area behind the cowshed was built in just one day.

They also dug a special place for the cows to put their dung.

Qin Yue also tidied up the backyard and made five small areas for growing vegetables, while the village chief also brought people to help turn over the stones in the wasteland behind.

For this, Qin Yue also made sure they had a good meal.

The refreshing pickles, steamed bread, and cornmeal porridge were enough to fill their stomachs, and they were already very grateful.

Finally, Qin Yue distributed the remaining steamed bread to those who helped. Every household had children, so any help was appreciated.

In March, all the snow on the ground melted away, and a breeze blew, bringing some warmth. As soon as the seeds were sown in the ground, a drizzle fell.

Although it was small, it rained for two days.

The villagers came to the field excitedly, and looking at the wet yellow soil, tears flowed again.

Farmers' life is really not easy.

At this time, Qin Yue proposed to the village chief to plant trees.

"Village chief, the disaster seems to have passed. We should plant trees now. Trees can retain water. As long as their roots are alive, they will grow next year. When the trees are strong, their branches can be cut and used for firewood. We don't need to cook food stalks anymore. We can burn the stalks. Not only will they provide nutrients to the soil, but they can also kill insects and eggs, especially to avoid locust plagues."

The village chief thought for a moment and asked, "Have you ever been to school?"

"Yes, my husband and I have read it."

"No wonder you have such broad knowledge. Okay, I'll listen to you, but it's hard to find these saplings."

"We still have some money. If we can't buy any, we can go to the mountains to find cold-resistant trees. Planting trees is not difficult. We can plant trees in front of or behind houses, or in empty and useless places. It would be best to plant trees on both sides of the village roads as well."

"As long as there are saplings, it will be fine. Leave the planting to me."

"it is good"

So, after renting the cow to the villagers, the two went out again. When they came back, they pulled several carts of saplings, filling the entire yard.

The next day, the village chief immediately took people to start planting.

No one complained. Even if they didn't have to do the work in their own fields, they would rush to do it as long as their benefactor asked them to do it.

After going through so many things, they already regarded Qin Yue and the other person as their lucky stars in their hearts.

Since their arrival, there has been water, snow has fallen, and food has dropped from the sky. If this isn’t a blessing, then what is?
They were almost worshipping the two of them like Bodhisattvas.

By the end of March, the crops in the fields had sprouted, looking lush and green, and the trees had also been planted. I don’t know if it was the old village chief’s illusion, but in just half a month, he felt that the trees had grown a lot thicker and were about half a person taller.

It's really weird.

However, they attributed all this to God's compensation to them.

Qin Yue smiled when she heard Shi Tou say this.

"I want to let nature take its course, but no, we can't stay here for too long, we need to make this a quick end."

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