The head of the Tang family turned around and looked at Shen Xinrou: "Miss Shen, thank you for telling me this and letting me know some things that I never knew before. After the gift, I will personally take someone to deliver it to you."

Shen Xinrou hummed.

After this incident, she believed that the head of the Tang family would not dare to take away her own things. After all, taking away these things would be fatal.

The head of the Tang family watched Shen Xinrou leave with a smile on his face.

He turned his head, his expression gloomy to the extreme.

Tang Lingyue looked at Shen Xinrou's leaving figure with crazy eyes.

If it weren't for Shen Xinrou, she and her mother wouldn't be like this.

Nothing will be exposed.

He wouldn't let the head of the Tang family hate them so much.

She will never let Shen Xinrou go!
The head of the Tang family glanced at Tang Lingyue and wanted to deal with Shen Xinrou?Doesn't Tang Lingyue take herself too seriously?
The head of the Gong family looked at Tang Lingyue beside him. It seemed that the head of the Tang family was not going to care about Tang Lingyue this time.

He stood up and looked at Patriarch Tang: "Since the matter has been resolved, I will leave first. Patriarch Tang, you should be able to solve the rest yourself."

The head of the Tang family looked at the head of the Gong family and said gratefully: "The head of the Gong family really thanks you for coming this time."

"You're welcome. After all, I didn't help much when I came here this time." Family leader Gong didn't expect to see such a wonderful scene when he came over.

This Shen Xinrou is really powerful.

The head of the Tang family showed a smile that was not quite a smile, and shook his head with a wry smile.

After the head of the Gong family left, the head of the Tang family asked his people to take away Mrs. Tang and Tang Lingyue.

This time, the head of the Tang family was not cautious about Tang Lingyue.

Tang Lingyue was made very uncomfortable and screamed: "What are you doing? You hurt me."

The head of the Tang family looked at Tang Lingyue indifferently.

Now that everything has been clarified, the head of the family wants to let Tang Lingyue die.

How could I help at this time?

As for whether Tang Lingyue was in severe pain, what did it have to do with them?
Mrs. Tang saw Tang Lingyue's face turning pale in pain, and said quickly: "Honey, please let Yue'er go, she can't do this because she is injured."

The head of the Tang family glanced at Mrs. Tang: "This is not my daughter, why should I think so much about her?"

Mrs. Tang looked at the Tang family leader blankly, panicking all over.

"No, we have lived together for such a long time, and you have watched Yue'er grow up. You can't do this." Mrs. Tang did not expect that the head of the Tang family would be so vicious at this time.

I don’t care about the children I watched grow up.

The head of the Tang family glanced at Mrs. Tang: "If I knew that this child was exchanged for my daughter, I would definitely not adopt her."

Tang Lingyue, who was in pain, was dumbfounded when she heard what the head of the Tang family said.

Looking at the head of the Tang family blankly, Tang Lingyue said sadly: "Dad, I have been with you for so long, can't it be compared to the blood relationship?"

The head of the Tang family did not speak, but he knew exactly what he was thinking.

If Tang Lingyue was really just his adopted child, he would definitely not hurt Tang Lingyue like this.

Just a pity!
Tang Lingyue's appearance was paid for by the disappearance of her daughter.

If he had known about this earlier, he would definitely not have anything to do with Tang Lingyue, or even care about her life or death.

At this time, Mrs. Tang and Tang Lingyue finally realized what the problem was.

This time the head of the Tang family was really angry.

Mrs. Tang is a little worried about what will happen to her and you, Tang Lingyue.

The head of the Tang family never said a word to them again.Take people back to Tang's house.

On the other hand, the head of the Gong family returned to where he lived and saw that Tang Hai had not left. After thinking about it, he told Tang Hai about their family.

After Tang Hai heard what the head of the Gong family said, he was dumbfounded.

"Master... Is there any misunderstanding here?" Tang Hai never expected that so many things would happen today.

Tang Lingyue, whom he didn't like very much, was actually exchanged for his precious sister.

This result made Tang Hai stupid.

The head of the Gong family looked at him in disbelief, thinking that all this was fake.

"This is all true. You should go back and take a look first. Your dad is not very rational right now. Don't let him do something he regrets."

Tang Hai returned home in a daze. As soon as he got home, he saw the head of the Tang family sitting on the sofa, while Mrs. Tang and Tang Lingyue were kneeling on the ground.

Tang Lingyue's face turned pale, and she obviously hurt the place where she was injured before.

Seeing Tang Hai come back, Head Tang was not surprised at all.

"came back."

"Dad, what is going on? I heard the head of the family say a lot, is it true?" Tang Hai asked carefully, looking at the head of the Tang family.

The head of the Tang family hummed: "It's all true."

When the head of the Tang family was about to say something else, Mrs. Tang screamed: "That's not the case. Son, you have to believe me, that's not the case."

Seeing Mrs. Tang like this, Tang Hai frowned and said impatiently: "What do you want to say again?"

"Your dad is crazy. He wants my life. It's okay to send your sister somewhere else." Mrs. Tang thought, no matter what, Tang Hai would definitely help and put in a good word.

Tang Hai looked at Mrs. Tang in front of him and suddenly felt a little ridiculous.

"Sister? Who is my sister? Tang Xianxian, who was thrown away by you, is my sister, and this is just the daughter of your first love." Tang Hai instantly understood the mood of the Tang family leader.

If he were the head of the Tang family, he would probably make the same choice as the head of the Tang family.

At least no one will see them looking too wolfish.

Tang Hai looked at his father worriedly: "Dad, if you have any ideas, you can tell me and I will solve the matter."

The head of the Tang family glanced at his son and laughed self-deprecatingly: "Solve it? How do you solve it? Your mother even planned to marry me. What a life-saving grace. What happened in the first place was that she and Song Huanyan planned it together. of."

Thinking of what happened back then, the head of the Tang family looked very ugly.

Pointing at Madam Tang, she smiled sarcastically: "She threw away our biological daughter for the daughter that another man didn't want."

He always thought that his daughter was lost accidentally, and he blamed himself very much in those years.

Even before, what he said was very unpleasant.

It's not like what a father should say at all.

But now everything has changed.

Mrs. Tang has changed and so has he.

He no longer looks like himself.


"Xiao Hai, you don't have to persuade me. I have already thought clearly that we are not done with this matter today."

Tang Hai came here not to persuade the head of the Tang family, but to ask something: "Dad, I just want to know, are we the ones who caused our family to be like this?"

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