"It's exactly what I thought. The last obsession has disappeared." The purpose of Shen Xinrou coming to see Xu Zhaodi today was to see if the original owner's obsession had really disappeared.

Now it seems that she was right, the original owner's obsession is indeed gone.

In this case, no matter what she does to Xu Zhaodi in the future, she doesn't have to worry about being backlashed by her obsession.

So fine.

It’s also Xu Zhaodi who is too stupid.

If you don't want such a good daughter, you will end up like this.

He turned around and glanced at Xu Zhaodi's house.

I hope Xu Zhaodi will not regret this incident in the future.

When Chen Shuo saw Shen Xinrou coming back, he quickly walked over and looked at her worriedly and asked, "How are you? Are you okay?"

Shen Xinrou smiled and nodded: "Of course I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me,"

Chen Shuo looked at Shen Xinrou seriously and was completely relieved when he saw that Shen Xinrou seemed to be fine.

Holding Shen Xinrou's hand, the two went home together.

After returning home, Chen Shuo asked seriously: "Why did you suddenly want to find Xu Zhaodi today? Is there something you want to tell Xu Zhaodi?"

Shen Xinrou smiled and shook her head: "It's not to say anything to Xu Zhaodi. The purpose of me going to Xu Zhaodi is to confirm something."

Chen Shuo looked at Shen Xinrou with curious eyes. What on earth could make Shen Xinrou like this?

Shen Xinrou pulled Chen Shuo to sit down beside him and began to tell Chen Shuo about the original owner's obsession.

Upon hearing this, Chen Shuo looked at Shen Xinrou worriedly: "Is there anything else going on now? Why didn't you tell me?"

Shen Xinrou reached out and touched her nose, and said guiltily: "Don't I want you to worry?"

Chen Shuo frowned: "If you don't tell me this, will I stop worrying?"

"That was not what I meant."

"That's not what you mean, then what do you mean?" Chen Shuo deliberately pretended to be unhappy with a straight face.

Seeing that Chen Shuo seemed really angry, Shen Xinrou hurriedly said, "Don't I want you to worry? Besides, even if I tell you, there is nothing I can do to eliminate the obsession in my body, and there is nothing you can do."

Chen Shuo just looked at Shen Xinrou, making Shen Xinrou feel guilty: "I'm serious, I'm not kidding you."

Chen Shuo sighed softly. Of course he knew that what Shen Xinrou said was true, and there was really nothing she could do about it.

But now I feel a little unhappy when I hear Shen Xinrou say this.

Carefully reaching out to pull Chen Shuo's clothes, Shen Xinrou looked at him pitifully.

That pitiful look made Chen Shuo unable to bear to bully others.

"Don't be angry, isn't it okay now?"

Chen Shuo stretched out his hand and rubbed Shen Xinrou's hair fiercely, and said helplessly: "You stinky girl, you know how to bully others."

Shen Xinrou blinked innocently: "I didn't bully anyone."

"Yes, you didn't bully anyone, you only bullied me."

Shen Xinrou laughed. What she said seemed to be right. She really seemed to like bullying Chen Shuo?
Chen Shuo looked at Shen Xinrou's innocent smile and didn't know what to say for a moment.

Shen Xinrou took Chen Shuo's hand and shook it gently: "Don't be angry. I promise to tell you everything in the future. Is this okay?"

Chen Shuo looked at Shen Xinrou with a look of disbelief, which made Shen Xinrou instantly furious.

"You still don't believe what I said?" Shen Xinrou looked at Chen Shuo with sharp eyes. As long as Chen Shuo dared to say that he didn't believe it, she would directly hit him.Chen Shuo still had some self-knowledge and desire to survive, so he began to comfort Shen Xinrou, who was already furious.

"It's not that I don't believe what you said, I just think that according to your personality, if anything happens in the future, you will definitely solve it first and then tell me and discuss it with me before solving it. It's probably unlikely." Chen Shuo was very concerned about this. He said firmly.

Shen Xinrou coughed lightly, how could this person know her so well.

Does she know everything she's thinking?

When Chen Shuo saw Shen Xinrou like this, there was nothing he didn't understand.

He really hit the mark.

"No matter what you want to do, you must remember to take care of yourself, and you must tell me when you meet someone you can't beat." Chen Shuo knew that there were some things that Shen Xinrou couldn't be imprisoned in, and he couldn't let her do it, so he could only talk to his old father. He kept urging Shen Xinrou.

Shen Xinrou was not impatient at all and listened carefully to what Chen Shuo said.

Seeing Shen Xinrou listening to him so obediently, Chen Shuo felt a little embarrassed.

Shen Xinrou blinked at Chen Shuo and asked doubtfully, "Why didn't you say anything?"

Chen Shuo was choked and speechless.

This girl said this as if he was an unreasonable person.

"I think you should already know this. Why should I continue to tell you this?" Chen Shuo asked angrily.

Shen Xinrou laughed immediately: "Isn't this just a casual question? Don't be angry."

Chen Shuo suddenly felt that his future life would probably continue to be filled with happiness and pain.

As for this pain, it must have been brought about by Shen Xinrou's surprises for him from time to time.

However, what Chen Shuo didn't know was that now was just the beginning.

Shen Xinrou didn't know what Chen Shuo was thinking. She just looked at Chen Shuo innocently: "I really didn't want to bully you."

"It's okay, I'll bully you." Chen Shuo reached out and rubbed Shen Xinrou's hair, saying with a smile on his face.

Shen Xinrou breathed a sigh of relief in her heart and chatted with Chen Shuo about what happened next.

"I have already agreed with my friends to come over when we have a break. Now we are going to school." Chen Shuo looked at the time and it was almost time for their class.

"Humph, I went to class, and you went to lecture the students." Shen Xinrou muttered dissatisfied.

Obviously both of them are equally powerful, why can Chen Shuo give lectures to students, but she still has to listen to the teacher's lectures.

When Chen Shuo heard what Shen Xinrou said, he looked at Shen Xinrou dumbfounded: "If possible, I don't want to lecture."

Shen Xinrou silently looked up at Chen Shuo, was this man showing off to herself?
Chen Shuo coughed lightly and quickly explained: "I'm not showing off to you."

Shen Xinrou snorted and left from the side.

Chen Shuo quickly caught up with him, and the two went to school side by side.

As soon as he arrived in the classroom, someone who was close to Chen Shuo came and said, "Chen Shuo, Tang Lingyue has dropped out of school. Someone is here to handle the procedures for her today."

Chen Shuo frowned subconsciously. He was not surprised that Tang Lingyue suddenly dropped out of school.

But someone came to pack her things, which he didn't expect.

"What are you thinking about?" Seeing that Chen Shuo didn't speak, the classmate next to him asked.

Chen Shuo came back to his senses and shook his head with a smile: "We have nothing to do with Tang Lingyue. Her dropping out of school will have little impact on us. We will continue to attend classes."

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