Chen Shuo nodded seriously: "Why can't I complain to my aunt and the others? I will go and tell my aunt later that you go out and tell people that you want to beat me."

Jiang Ye felt that he was really more unjust than Dou E.

Isn't that what he said?Why did he tell outsiders that he was going to beat his brother?

"Chen Shuo, can you speak properly?" Jiang Ye asked angrily through gritted teeth.

Chen Shuo thought about it carefully, then shook his head decisively: "No, no, I just want to tell my aunt."


Seeing Chen Shuo and Chen Shuo bickering like two children, Shen Xinrou helplessly called Li Dafei over: "Dafei make some food."

"Okay lady."

Hearing Shen Xinrou's voice, Chen Shuo muttered dissatisfiedly: "Why do we let him eat here, wife?"

Shen Xinrou gave Chen Shuo a slap in the face and warned him not to say more or talk nonsense.

After being warned, Chen Shuo suddenly felt bad.

Looking at Shen Xinrou sadly, Shen Xinrou felt helpless.

Could this person be a little more normal?
"This is your cousin. You can't let us not give you food when someone comes here twice, right? Those who don't know may think we are stingy." Shen Xinrou consoled her very nonchalantly.

Jiang Ye then nodded with satisfaction: "It's better to be younger brothers and sisters. What's the use of this younger brother? He doesn't even know how to let us cook for us."

Yang Jin felt that if Jiang Ye continued to seek death like this, Chen Shuo was really going to file a complaint.

They all know how much Jiang Ye's parents like Chen Shuo.

This guy really wasn't worried at all about Chen Shuo stabbing him in the back.

Chen Shuo glanced at Jiang Ye meaningfully: "If I remember correctly, my aunt and the others are going to my house in a few days."

"..." Jiang Ye shut up instantly.

If you can't afford to offend him, can you still afford to hide?

While a few people were chatting, Shouhou and the others came in happily from outside.

I saw someone at home and asked in confusion: "Sister, do you have any guests?"

"Your brother-in-law's friend."

Shouhou and the others greeted Jiang Ye and the others and ran to the kitchen to help Li Dafei cook.

Jiang Ye and the others looked at Shouhou and the others who were leaving, and asked in confusion: "They should be older than you two, right? Why do they still call you sister and brother-in-law?"

Shen Xinrou told Jiang Ye and others about their acquaintance with Shouhou and the others: "Shouhou and the others have been following me since then. They are very capable and talented. They are now studying at Qingdao University."

Jiang Ye and the others looked at Shen Xinrou in shock. Are these people studying at Qingda University?
Did they poke Qingda's nest?

"They are all very good at reading." Shen Xinrou said as she looked at the shocked expressions of several people.

What else could Jiang Ye and the others do besides admire him?
Soon Li Dafei and the others prepared the food and brought it out. Seeing that several people were still chatting, he greeted them: "Sister, it's time to eat."

"Let's go and let you try Da Fei's craftsmanship."

Jiang Ye and the others went to eat, and after a few bites they were conquered by the taste.

"Brother, what do you think about us coming to your place to eat later?" Jiang Ye asked while eating.

Rolling his eyes at Jiang Ye, Chen Shuo said angrily: "It's not that good. You didn't give us any money, and you still let us repeat the crime every day? Where's your face?"


"..." This time it was Chen Shuo's turn to be speechless.

Too lazy to talk to Jiang Ye, he sat on the edge and ate slowly.

It was Jiang Ye who came to have a meal to fool Chen Shuo.He doesn't have that much time.

After dinner, Jiang Ye and the others left. After they left, Shen Xinrou looked at Li Dafei and said, "After Dafei, I will find you some more talented people. By then, our restaurant will become bigger and bigger. "

Li Dafei kept nodding: "Okay."

Shouhou and the others waited for Jiang Ye and the others to leave before excitedly saying, "Sister, we have found a few more talented people."

"tell me the story."

"Hehe is studying financial management and is a lesbian. Her family values ​​boys over girls. She secretly saved money to come to study. She said she never wants to go back and wants to stay in Kyoto. We have been observing for a while and feel that this The people are quite nice, but the original family is not very good." Shouhou frowned and said.

"Are you worried that when she gets up later, her family will come to find her? Will she cause trouble to us then?" Shen Xinrou saw Shouhou's hesitation, and after a moment's thought, she knew what was going on.

Shouhou nodded: "I'm just worried about this, but as for everything else, it's fine."

"What's her name? I'll bring someone here to have a look later. If they are suitable, I can train them." Although the two people Shouhou was looking for before seemed honest, they were too ambitious. Not only that, their personalities were the kind of people who would retaliate against others. People, this kind of person is a trump card when used well, but if used incorrectly, no one will suffer backlash.

No matter how talented she was, she didn't really want such a person, so she stopped contacting him after that.

Later, I heard from Shouhou and others that those two people were causing trouble for them at school.

This made Shen Xinrou even more sure that she was doing the right thing.

If it weren't for Shouhou and their own ability and strength, I don't know what would have happened now.

"She called me too much."


Shen Xinrou frowned and looked at Shouhou: "It seems that this girl is not living a very good life at home."

"It's really not good. I'm skinny and skinny, and I'm very hard-pressed every day."

"Whenever you have time, you can bring someone over and I'll apply for the job first." Shen Xinrou said thoughtfully.

"it is good."

After getting down to business, Shouhou and the others went back to their respective rooms to rest.

When returning to the room, Shouhou said: "We have to continue to work hard and strive to buy a house as soon as possible and bring our family here to live there."

After staying here for a long time, they understand that there are many more opportunities in Kyoto than outside.

When family members come over and find anything to do, they can make money, and they can also make a lot of money.

"When the time comes, we'll ask my sister to see what's going on there. Maybe she can give us some advice." Li Dafei also wants to take his family over.

After all, the conditions here are much better than over there.


The next day Shouhou and the others came over with a lot of spare parts.

Duo Yu was a little nervous when he saw Shen Xinrou.

His hands kept tugging at his clothes.

Shen Xinrou looked at Duo Yu helplessly and said, "You don't have to be so nervous, I don't know how to eat people."

Duo Yu swallowed his saliva and said, "I...I'm not nervous."

Shouhou suddenly laughed: "Are you still not nervous? I've told you, my sister is very nice, you don't need to be so nervous. If you can do it, you can follow my sister to do things. My sister is not I’ll treat you badly.”

The fat man looked at Duoyu and didn't know what was going on with this man.

My sister didn’t say anything to bully anyone, so why are she still scared?

"You sit first."

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