At least you don't have to worry about hygiene when you're at school.

Zhou Lin and Xu Mei had the same idea. To them, Duo Yu's existence was indeed just a maid.

It is so naive for a maid to try to change her own destiny.

"Zhou Lin, when are we going to do it?" Seeing that Zhou Lin didn't say anything, Xu Mei suddenly became interested and looked at Zhou Lin expectantly and asked.

"Let's observe first. If the redundancy is real, we will think of a solution. If it is just a temporary change, we can also take action in advance." Zhou Lin said casually, playing with the pen in her hand.

Xu Mei and several others looked at each other with excitement in their eyes, obviously because they were about to deal with a lot of troubles.

While Xu Mei and the others were discussing how to deal with Duo Yu and make her obedient, Duo Yu had already arrived at the door of Shen Xinrou's house.

When Duoyu came to Shen Xinrou's house again, his thoughts had completely changed.

Duoyu opened the door from outside and walked in.

People who were practicing inside were surprised when they saw her coming, and some were not surprised.

Shen Xinrou watched Duo Yu coming over and said calmly, "It seems that you have already thought about it."

Duo Yu nodded heavily: "I've thought about it, I want to change, I want to become stronger so that people can't bully me."

"I don't want to cowardly follow my parents back when they come looking for me in the future, and then ruin my life." She thought a lot last night.

Secretly saving money to study was the most rebellious thing she had ever done.

Now she feels like she can still do a lot more.

Shen Xinrou smiled slightly: "Now that you have thought it through, you are welcome to join us."

"Thank you."

The thin monkey was also very happy about this: "Welcome."

"Are you going to live in the dormitory or come to live with us?" Shen Xinrou asked, looking at Duoyu.

"I want to live in the dormitory. I have an unfinished account with the people in our dormitory." Duoyu knew that Zhou Lin and the others would definitely not let him go.

She also hasn't forgotten the previous bullying.

I also want to take revenge on Zhou Lin and the others.

"Can I learn martial arts from you?" Duo Yu looked at Shen Xinrou and asked seriously.

"Do you want to learn?"

Duoyu nodded seriously: "I want to learn. Only if I am strong enough can I not be bullied. I know that I was embarrassed by others in the dormitory yesterday. They will definitely not let me go."

Even if he lets her go for now, once she relaxes, she will definitely take action.

There is only one reason for not living here, and that is that she wants to use those people as stepping stones to take her first step.

Shen Xinrou looked at Duo Yu, and suddenly felt that this person seemed to have changed a lot.

Shen Xinrou smiled and nodded: "Since this is what you want, we can teach you, Shouhou, you teach her."

"Okay." Thin Monkey looked at Duo Yu with evil intentions.

That look made Duo Yu a little scared.

Swallowing his saliva, he looked at the thin monkey and said nervously: "You...what do you want to do?"

Thin Monkey chuckled: "I didn't want to do anything. I just wanted to teach you martial arts. Don't worry, I won't do anything."

Duo Yu looked at Shouhou silently, why didn't he believe Shouhou even more?
Shen Xinrou's mouth twitched as she looked at Shouhou's malicious look, and said helplessly: "Shouhou, don't always bully others."

"And you scare people like this." Shen Xinrou said angrily.

Shouhou looked at Duoyu innocently: "Did I scare you?"

Duo Yu nodded silently, having to say that he was really scared.The thin monkey sighed heavily: "Okay, then I won't scare you."

"Now we will teach you martial arts. You have to endure it and don't embarrass us." Shouhou's expression suddenly became serious.

Such a thin monkey surprised Duoyu.

It seems that he didn't expect that Slender Monkey would have such a side.

Duo Yu nodded lightly, as long as she could make herself stronger, she would be willing to do anything.

"I know, I want to become stronger, I will definitely be able to hold on." Duoyu looked at Shouhou firmly.

The thin monkey smiled slightly and took Duo Yu to the side to start practicing.

Duo Yu doesn't know how much confidence her current decision will give her when her parents come to visit her in the future.

Duoyu stayed with Shen Xinrou and the others all day.

Shen Xinrou also taught Shouhou and the others a lot of knowledge without hiding it.

It was only at this time that I realized what Shouhou and the others meant.

It turns out that Shen Xinrou is such a powerful person.

She really learned a lot today.

At night, Shen Xinrou asked Shouhou and the others to send Duoyu back to school.

"Thank you, Shouhou." Duoyu looked at Shouhou and said seriously.

Shouhou waved his hand gently: "You're welcome. If you really want to thank me, help my sister work well in the future. She will not treat us badly when we help her."

Shouhou thought for a while and told Duoyu all their experiences.

"Because of my sister's appearance, we are what we are today. If you want to become stronger, you are right to follow my sister." Shouhou said.

After today's day, Duo Yu already knew how powerful Shen Xinrou was. With such a person, she would indeed have a chance to become stronger.

And what Shen Xinrou said today was right. If she didn't become stronger, she would definitely be the one who was bullied in the end.

According to Zhou Lin's viciousness, the reason why she is not taking action now is just because she is not sure whether she really wants to change.

Once confirmed, she will definitely plot against herself.

You must become stronger, so strong that you are not afraid of people like Zhou Lin.

Seeing that Duoyu had his own ideas, Shouhou said: "We are in the same class. You should be careful. As for the people in the dormitory, if there is something that can't be solved, just come and tell us and we will help." your."

Duoyu suddenly felt warm in her heart. This feeling of being helped and taken care of was really different and made her feel really at ease.

"I know, I will tell you if anything happens."

"Then you go back quickly, I have to go home and rest."

"it is good."

Duoyu returned to the dormitory with a brisk pace.

When she went back, she saw people in the dormitory sitting on the bed staring at her.

If I had been too redundant before, I would have been afraid, and the courage I mustered up yesterday would have disappeared, but not now.

Because Shen Xinrou told her this afternoon that she must resist bullying in the dormitory.

She might not be able to beat so many people, but as long as she catches one of them and beats him hard, the others won't dare to do anything.

He was so cruel that he was afraid of losing his life.

No matter how powerful Zhou Lin and the others were, as long as she risked her life, Zhou Lin and the others would not dare to do anything.

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