One sentence left Zhang Shanshan speechless: "Do you want to make money?"

The thin monkey frowned and looked at the person in front of him. What does this woman mean?
What does he mean by whether he wants to make money?

"What do you mean by that?" Shouhou narrowed his eyes at Zhang Shanshan. This person must have bad intentions.

"I'll buy some information from you and see what value the information you give me has. Then I'll give you money." Zhang Shanshan said seductively.

"If your news is important to me, I can give you hundreds or even thousands of dollars. Have you never seen this much money?"

Shouhou laughed angrily at Zhang Shanshan's words.

What do you mean he has never seen so much money?

Over the years, they have been there when his sister sold supplies, and they have seen tens of thousands or even more money.

Have you never seen hundreds of dollars?

Every time my sister takes out money and supplies to distribute to them, it amounts to hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

This woman actually wants to buy herself with hundreds of dollars?

She must have some problem with her sister, otherwise she wouldn't be like this.

Shouhou looked at Zhang Shanshan and asked calmly: "What news do you want to know?"

"Do you agree to cooperate with me?" Zhang Shanshan was surprised that Shouhou agreed to her request so quickly.

Did this person really not plot against her?
"I just want to hear what news you want to know, and then consider whether to cooperate with you." Shouhou said casually.

What he said made Zhang Shanshan frown and feel dissatisfied.

Then Zhang Shanshan said a relatively casual message: "About the news about the restaurant in your hands."

Shouhou knew as soon as he heard that this was definitely not the case, and this woman must have more than this on her mind.

"Da Fei is responsible for this matter. I don't know much."

"You don't know if it's making money?" Zhang Shanshan felt that Shouhou must be deceiving her.

How could this not be known?
"Why should I tell you this private information when I didn't get anything?" Thin Monkey crossed his arms and looked at Zhang Shanshan with a half-smile and asked.

Zhang Shanshan frowned and looked a little ugly, but she still said reluctantly: "What do you want?"

"It's not what I want now, but what you can give me." Shouhou leaned on the chair and looked outside.

While Zhang Shanshan was silent and confused, Shouhou glanced at the time and said, "It's time for me to eat. I'm going home first."

After speaking, he got up and prepared to leave.

When Zhang Shanshan saw Shouhou leaving like this, she took out 200 yuan and put it on the table: "I'll give you 200 yuan. You tell me about the restaurant and at the same time keep our meeting today a secret. Isn't this a request too much? "

Shouhou glanced at the 200 yuan and sat back on the chair: "What do you want to know?"


"I've already said, this is managed by Da Fei. I don't know, and I can't cook. It's useless for you to ask me for the recipe." Let's not talk about the fact that he doesn't know the recipes and secret ingredients. Even if he knows, I won’t tell this woman.

Hearing this, Zhang Shanshan frowned slightly: "Do you really not know or did you deliberately not tell me?"

"If you don't believe me, forget it. I'm busy with classes, so how can I have time to care about the restaurant? Besides, this restaurant doesn't belong to me, so why should I care so much?" Shouhou said nonchalantly.Zhang Shanshan didn't trust her very much after hearing this.

"Does your restaurant make money?" This is what Zhang Shanshan wants to know.

If they make money, they should be able to make money if they get the secret recipe of the restaurant.

Shouhou looked at Zhang Shanshan in front of him as if he were an idiot, and said with a look of disgust: "You are really weird. Whether our restaurant makes money or not, you can tell by just visiting it? Is it just our restaurant?" Passenger flow, can you believe it when I say it’s not profitable?”

Zhang Shanshan was so crowded by the thin monkey that she almost cursed. She glared at the person in front of her and gritted her teeth and said, "Isn't this a bit too much for you to say?"

The thin monkey looked at the person in front of him in confusion, and said confusedly: "Why did I go too far? What I said is the truth."

Zhang Shanshan glanced at Shouhou: "I want the restaurant's menu and all the secret recipes."

Listening to Zhang Shanshan's loud words, Skinny Monkey rolled his eyes: "Do you think it's possible? Why do you think I will betray my sister because of you?"

"I know you may not accept it if you betray Shen Xinrou at this time, but what if I give you enough benefits?" Zhang Shanshan looked at Shouhou and asked word by word.

Hearing what Zhang Shanshan said, Shouhou suddenly laughed, looked at Zhang Shanshan and said, "Do you know what benefits my sister has given me?"

"What?" Zhang Shanshan didn't think Shen Xinrou could bring them much benefit.

Shouhou leaned on the chair and said: "My sister provides our tuition and living expenses, and the money earned from the restaurant will give [-]% of the profit to our brothers. What qualifications do you think you have to let me betray my sister?"

"Mrs. Zhang, don't think too highly of yourself, and don't underestimate others too much. It's not just what you want, you can do it." After saying this, Shouhou stood up and prepared to leave.

Already knowing Zhang Shanshan's purpose, Shouhou had no intention of saying even one more word to her.

Zhang Shanshan's face turned green with anger.

Looking closely at the thin monkey who was about to leave, he laughed sarcastically: "It seems that you are really loyal to Shen Xinrou."

"My sister is very good to me. Without my sister, we wouldn't be where we are today. No matter what you say, we will never agree to you." Shouhou said firmly.

"That sounds so nice. Since Shen Xinrou is so good to you, why doesn't she buy you a house?" Zhang Shanshan asked with a sneer.

Shouhou rolled his eyes at Zhang Shanshan and said with a look of disgust: "I said you are really strange. Why does my sister treat us? What does it have to do with you? Besides, does my sister owe us? We don't know how to save money ourselves. Money to buy a house?”

My sister has already given them dividends. If they still want to ask her to buy a house for them, what will happen to them?

Not to mention that they didn't agree, even if his parents knew about it, they wouldn't agree to it.

Listening to Shouhou's words, Zhang Shanshan continued to sow discord: "If Shen Xinrou is really good to you, this house should be prepared for you."

Thin Monkey raised his hand and pointed to the watch on his wrist: "Did you see it? Rolex, my sister bought it for us. A watch costs [-]."

"Before we came to college, my sister bought bicycles, sewing machines, and many other things for my family. These were all given to us by my sister."

The money Shen Xinrou spent on them could buy several houses in Kyoto.

Only people like Zhang Shanshan can be villainous.

Zhang Shanshan looked at Shouhou in shock. She didn't expect that Shen Xinrou would give Shouhou and the others so much money.

There are so many more things.

Shen Xinrou is very generous and can provide all these things. (End of chapter)

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