"What? You actually want to keep coming? Do you think we are just decorations?" Thin Monkey said angrily.

"Okay, there's nothing to be angry about." Shen Xinrou didn't care about this.

After all, Zhang Shanshan was no match for her, and it would be useless no matter how many people she found.

Frowning slightly, Shouhou looked at Shen Xinrou worriedly: "Sister, what if these people ask someone from the ancient martial arts world for help?"

"People in the ancient martial arts world are not so leisurely, and even if they come, they are no match for me." Shen Xinrou said nonchalantly.

It's okay if these people don't come to get it, but if they do, don't blame her for being rude.

That's how she is, she doesn't look down upon people who hurt her.

"That's good."

"Sister Zhang Shanshan will definitely find someone else if she doesn't benefit from me."

Li Dafei snorted coldly and said: "Only this kind of woman would think that we would believe what she said. What a fool."

"They're giving me money. They say I can give you any amount you want. Aren't you interested?" Thin Monkey looked at Li Dafei teasingly and asked.

Li Dafei rolled his eyes at Skinny Monkey and said angrily: "I think you'd better shut up."

"Sister, we still have to be careful about Zhang Shanshan. There must be a reason why she can gain a foothold in the Song family." Li Dafei said with a frown.

Li Dafei was worried that Zhang Shanshan would find some evil ways to deal with Shen Xinrou.

At that time, there is nothing they can do.

Shen Xinrou was amused by their behavior.

Li Dafei and the others looked at Shen Xinrou, who was still laughing despite being like this, and said helplessly: "Sister, you really have to think about this matter, otherwise what will happen if something happens to us?"

Shen Xinrou smiled and nodded: "Okay, I will listen to you, but you must also be careful. Since Zhang Shanshan is looking for you, she will definitely use other methods."

"We got it." Although he said this, he was actually thinking about how to make himself more powerful.

When Chen Shuo came back from the research institute in the evening, he saw Shouhou and the others practicing martial arts seriously.

He looked at Shouhou and the others in surprise: "Don't you only practice martial arts during the day? Why are you starting at night now?"

Shen Xinrou said helplessly: "I don't know how to explain this to you."

Chen Shuo became even more confused after hearing this, and looked at Shen Xinrou inexplicably.

What's the matter.

"This Shanshan is a bit brainless."

"You're right, but Shouhou and the others thought that this woman was stimulated to practice more every day, which I didn't expect." Shen Xinrou said with a helpless smile as she watched them practice seriously.

Shouhou and the others now practice for an hour and a half every morning and then go to class. After dinner in the evening, they have the opportunity to discuss the future together.

Now she was suddenly brought up to practice her evening chat, which really surprised her.

"Sister, have you thought about what to do?"

"I didn't think about it. It wouldn't be good for us to take the initiative in this matter. Wait for Zhang Shanshan to take action and deal with the people directly." Shen Xinrou narrowed her eyes and said coldly.

"it is good."

Chen Shuo reached out and touched his chin, not knowing what he was thinking.

"If you need anything, just come to me. Although I don't have any skills, I still have connections." Shen Xinrou looked at them and said with a smile.

Shouhou and the others looked at Chen Shuo with disgust. Do you want to see who this man is when he speaks?

Do you want to see how many good things you have done over the years that have benefited the country and the people?How dare you say that you have no ability?
Shen Xinrou looked at the disgusted looks on Shouhou and the others' faces and couldn't help but laugh: "Do you think your brother is disgusted by this?"

Chen Shuo coughed lightly and said with a smile: "I'm serious about this, I only have some connections, and I can't help with anything else."

Skinny Monkey and the others laughed.

Is it because the brother-in-law can't help, or it's not his turn to take action?
For this kind of person, my sister can beat him to death with one finger.

Shen Xinrou was amused by the sad eyes of Shouhou and the others.

He looked at Chen Shuo teasingly and said, "Look what you did to scare them?"

"What does this have to do with me? I'm not trying to scare anyone." Chen Shuo frowned and said unhappily.

The thin monkeys on the side said quickly: "Sister, this matter has nothing to do with brother-in-law."

"Look, what did I say?"

Shen Xinrou rolled her eyes at Chen Shuo. Did this guy really not threaten Shouhou and the others?
She really didn't believe it at all.

Shouhou and the others looked at each other and said, "Sister, we will tell you when there is news from here."

Shen Xinrou nodded and said she understood: "By the way, how is Duoyu's recent situation?"

Recently, many students have been attending school.

I don't know what's going on now.

"Sister, don't worry about Duoyu. After all, Duoyu is really powerful. After he decided to change himself, he changed a lot every day." Shouhou said, thinking of Duoyu now.

"In the past, Duoyu was the little maid in their dormitory. Now she dares to criticize others. You must know that there are two rich people in their dormitory." Shouhou is still very satisfied with Duoyu's performance.

After hearing what Shouhou said, Shen Xinrou felt relieved immediately.

"In this case, I am completely relieved. It is also a good thing for her that Duo Yu can change herself."

Shouhou nodded in agreement: "You're right, Duoyu looks better like this now."

"Why do you fall in love with her?" Shen Xinrou asked with a half-smile.

Shouhou looked at Shen Xinrou helplessly: "Sister, don't say this anymore. Don't worry, you will spend money in the future. Don't think about it now."

The reason why he helped Duoyu was just because Duoyu was capable and looked quite pitiful.

As for liking it?This is even more impossible.

The only person he has been attracted to over the years is the girl from before.

Shen Xinrou blinked and looked at Shouhou in surprise: "You don't still think about the lesbian from before, do you?"

The thin monkey coughed lightly and turned his head in embarrassment.

Even if his sister knew, she didn't want to tell her, because she didn't want to lose face?
Chen Shuo looked at Shen Xinrou in confusion and asked, "Which lesbian from before? Do I know her?"

Shen Xinrou shook her head: "You don't know him. He is someone we met in the store when we first came to Kyoto."

Then Shen Xinrou told Chen Shuo what happened at that time. After hearing this, Chen Shuo looked at the thin monkey in front of him with a strange expression.

I really didn’t expect Shouhou to be such a dedicated person.

Shouhou looked at Chen Shuo embarrassedly and said awkwardly: "Brother-in-law, please don't look at me like this."

It was embarrassing to be stared at by my brother-in-law like this. (End of chapter)

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