Shen Daqiang felt a little happy looking at so many dishes.

After eating, Shen Daqiang looked at Shen Xinrou hesitantly, and the latter knew what Shen Daqiang meant at a glance.

Go to the room and hand over the things left by Mr. Shen and the others to Shen Daqiang.

"This was left to me by grandma a few days before she passed away. I forgot about it and found it when I was sorting things out a few days ago." Shen Xinrou said with a complicated expression as she looked at the things in Shen Daqiang's hands.

Shen Daqiang's face was a little pale. He looked at the things in his hands and didn't know what to do for a while.

"You take a look first." Shen Xinrou said immediately when she saw that Shen Daqiang was a little overwhelmed with the things.

Shen Daqiang nodded slightly and opened the small box.

Shen Daqiang's father knew some words, which contained the story of what happened.

Shen Daqiang recognized this character, it was indeed his father's character.

In addition to the things his father left him, there were also things left by the old lady.

The old lady left a pendant.

When he saw this pendant, his expression suddenly changed.

This thing was given to Xu Zhaodi when he got married.

Xu Zhaodi kept wearing it, and then one day Xu Zhaodi never wore it again.

He also asked Xu Zhaodi at that time.

Xu Zhaodi said she lost it somewhere.

Unexpectedly, it was in the box that his mother left for him.

Shen Daqiang's eyes were filled with hatred.

Just because his father saw what happened between Xu Zhaodi and that man, he was treated like this.

Xu Zhaodi is really great.

Thinking that he was so kind to Xu Zhaodi, Shen Daqiang felt that he was extremely stupid.

I can't wait to give myself a slap.

"It's all my fault. Your grandparents said they didn't agree with me marrying Xu Zhaodi, but I didn't agree because I liked them and didn't say anything. Who knows, they lost their lives just because of me." If it weren't for Xu Zhaodi, As a monster, my parents must still be alive now.

But it's too late to say anything now.

Shen Xinrou remained silent and did not speak. For Shen Daqiang, this might be the cruelest thing, right?

Chen Shuo and the others were quiet and didn't speak, just looking at Shen Daqiang.

"Thank you very much for Xinrou. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have known that my parents died because of Xu Zhaodi." Shen Daqiang said bitterly.

"Don't worry, I will definitely not let Xu Zhaodi have an easy time in the future." Shen Daqiang said angrily.

"It will be very difficult for Xu Zhaodi now that there is help behind her."

"They are just using her. Only a stupid person like Xu Zhaodi would believe what the other party would do for her." Shen Daqiang said with a sneer.

Shen Xinrou didn't expect that Shen Daqiang could see so clearly.

"You are right. Xu Zhaodi is just a pawn who is being used. He will probably come to make trouble at our wedding later." Since someone can take care of Xu Zhaodi, Shen Xinrou will not let go of this opportunity.

Shen Daqiang frowned, what on earth did Xu Zhaodi want to do?
The wedding is the most important day for a person, especially for people like the Chen family.

If Xu Zhaodi went to cause trouble, how would Xinrou survive in the Chen family?
Xu Zhaodi did this on purpose.

"Did Xu Zhaodi do it on purpose? What on earth did she want to do?"

"The [-] yuan in gift money and the people behind her have made me lose face before getting married." Shen Xinrou said the words in an understatement that made Shen Daqiang feel angry.

Shen Daqiang looked at Shen Xinrou with a complicated expression: "Aren't you angry?" "There is nothing to be angry about. After all, we are used to it."

"..." How had Shen Xinrou been bullied to such a degree that she could say such a thing?

"Xinrou, you..."

"I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me. After all, it's useless what Xu Zhaodi wants to do to me. I have the ability to deal with her, but it's just that it's hard to do it because of this blood relationship." Shen Xinrou was also helpless.

Shen Daqiang suddenly understood the reason why Shen Xinrou told him this.

In this case, he helped Shen Xinrou resolve the matter and let Shen Xinrou live her life in peace.

The father and daughter chatted for a long time before going back to rest.

The day after Shen Daqiang arrived, Xu Zhaodi came to the door again.

This time I brought a lot of things to Shen Xinrou's neighbor.

After taking Xu Zhaodi's things, the neighbors couldn't say anything more, but someone took the things and secretly went to Shen Xinrou and the others to talk about it.

"Girl Xinrou, that woman is here again. We took her things today so we can't help you. Don't be angry."

Shen Xinrou's mouth twitched as she looked at the person in front of her with helpless eyes.

"Thank you, aunt, for coming to tell me about this." I didn't expect that Xu Zhaodi would bribe her neighbor with something.

"What are you saying politely to me? This Xu Zhaodi is not a good person at first glance. You have to be careful not to be bullied." The woman warned worriedly.

"it is good."

After sending the woman away, Shen Xinrou looked at the speechless thin monkey beside her.

"This Xu Zhaodi is also a talented person. He actually knows how to use things to bribe people." But why does he feel so uncomfortable?
What should I do if I want to be angry?
Shen Xinrou shook her head in a funny way and said, "Isn't this human nature? Don't give up the things that are delivered to your door."

After all, there is no relationship between them, and there is no need for them to be at odds with their own interests.

"Sister, you are right."

Shen Daqiang saw Shen Xinrou and the others coming over and heard a bit of what they just said.

"Is Xu Zhaodi here?" Shen Daqiang looked at Shen Xinrou and asked.

Shen Xinrou nodded and told Shen Daqiang what was going on outside.

Shen Daqiang snorted coldly and said seriously: "I'll go out and take a look."

Shen Xinrou did not stop him and let Shen Daqiang go out.

When Shen Daqiang went out, Xu Zhaodi stood there with a proud look on her face.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, he turned around and saw Shen Daqiang standing at the door.

The smile on his face suddenly froze, and he looked at Shen Daqiang who suddenly appeared in disbelief, and asked with a gloomy face: "You... why do you appear in this place?"

Shen Daqiang looked at the frightened Xu Zhaodi and sneered: "Xu Zhaodi, you always come to trouble my daughter. You are really brave."

Xu Zhaodi was completely panicked when she saw Shen Daqiang. She didn't know why Shen Daqiang suddenly appeared here.

And doesn’t Shen Xinrou hate Shen Daqiang very much?

Why did Shen Daqiang come out of Shen Xinrou's house?

Looking at Shen Daqiang, Xu Zhaodi seemed to have thought of something: "Did you know that Shen Xinrou was getting married, so you came to find her at this time?"

Shen Daqiang knew what Xu Zhaodi meant as soon as he heard it, and Xu Zhaodi immediately laughed angrily.

"Xu Zhaodi, shut up. Do you think everyone is like you?"

Hearing this, Xu Zhaodi frowned and looked at Shen Daqiang: "Since you are not here to ask for a betrothal gift, what are you here for?"

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