People didn't take it seriously when they were nice to her, but now they regret it after losing her. How can things be so simple?
Xu Zhaodi struggled to get the police to come back, but no matter what, the police did not go back and instead disappeared.

Seeing the police leave, Xu Zhaodi fell to the ground.

Regret filled my heart.

She didn't regret taking the lives of Shen Daqiang's parents, but she regretted why she didn't hide it better.

"Shen Xinrou, you bitch, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't have ended up like this." Xu Zhaodi quickly thought that Shen Xinrou was responsible for her ending today.

Shen Xinrou cursed in anger.

Shen Xinrou didn't know this.

Xu Zhaodi was quickly taken away, and she stared at the sky before she died.

What he thought of was not the man he liked, but the life he lived after marrying Shen Daqiang.

Since marrying Shen Daqiang, he has been very kind to her and has never asked her to do any heavy work.

Why didn't he cherish such a person by his side?
If there is an afterlife...

If there was an afterlife, she would never be entangled with that man again.

Xu Zhaodi slowly closed her eyes, and the police took her away.

This news was also shared with Shen Daqiang. Shen Daqiang felt a little complicated when he heard the news. Shen Daqiang really liked Xu Zhaodi.

Now that he heard that the person had died, he felt a little confused.

When Shen Xinrou heard that Xu Zhaodi was dead, she had no idea about this person. She just looked at Shen Daqiang in front of her, wondering what she was thinking.

Shen Daqiang looked at Shen Xinrou in front of him: "Shen Xinrou, I will go back the day after tomorrow. You take care of yourself here."

"it is good."

In the past two days, Shen Daqiang's mood has not been very high.

The time spent talking to Shen Xinrou also decreased.

Shen Xinrou said nothing to this, but just bought a ticket for Shen Daqiang when he was leaving.

After sending Shen Daqiang away, Shouhou stood next to Shen Xinrou and said, "Sister, why do I feel that Shen Daqiang seems to have some complaints against you?"

"I know."

"But so what? In fact, Shen Daqiang could give up doing this, but he didn't. Even if he blames me now, it's a bit unjustifiable, right?" Shen Xinrou said with a cold face.

Shouhou thought about it carefully and realized that this was true.

"Sister, you are right. This has nothing to do with us. He made his own decision."

"You don't have to worry about me. Shen Daqiang and I will never see each other again. Even if we are unhappy, it will have no effect." Shen Xinrou said indifferently.

This time I am separated from Shen Daqiang and the others, and there will probably not be many opportunities to meet in the future.

After listening to what Shen Xinrou said, Shouhou felt relieved: "Sister is right."

After returning home, Chen Shuo looked up at Shen Xinrou: "He's gone?"

"It is true that he has left, but Xu Zhaodi's death probably made him feel a little uncomfortable."

"So what if I feel uncomfortable? Can I still cause trouble for you?" Chen Shuo looked at Shen Xinrou and asked.

Shen Xinrou couldn't help laughing. She clearly didn't mean what she said. Why did Chen Shuo say that?
"Shen Daqiang is just having a little emotion in his heart. In fact, he knows very well that this matter has nothing to do with you." However, people will always find someone who can help take the blame for certain things.

And Shen Xinrou is the person Shen Daqiang is looking for.Shen Xinrou looked at Chen Shuo next to her in a funny way: "This matter is not very good to me. I didn't take it seriously."

"I know you don't take it seriously, but you don't take it seriously and some people take it seriously."

Shen Xinrou was stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help laughing.

Chen Shuo is right, but what does this have to do with them?

"We don't care about Shen Daqiang and the others. Xu Zhaodi got everything she has now by herself. How can she expect us to bury her with her?" Shen Xinrou muttered angrily.

Chen Shuo's mouth twitched as he looked at Shen Xinrou beside him, his eyes full of helplessness towards Shen Xinrou.

Reaching out to rub Shen Xinrou's hair, Chen Shuo said helplessly: "Xinrou, isn't there something wrong with what you said?"

"What's wrong with this? Did I say something wrong? Isn't all this Xu Zhaodi's fault?"

"It's her fault. What happens to her has nothing to do with us. We don't need to pay too much attention to it." Chen Shuo said soothingly.

"it is good."

After leaving, Shen Daqiang sat in the car and looked outside, wondering what he was thinking.

When he learned that Xu Zhaodi was dead, his mood was somewhat complicated.

Especially when facing Shen Xinrou, I suddenly didn't know what to do.

His attitude towards Shen Xinrou in the past two days made him feel a little uncomfortable.

But in the end I gave up everything.

Looking at everything outside, Shen Daqiang sighed and muttered: "Forget it, I won't spend that much time with Xinrou and the others in the future, so let's leave it like this."

After Shen Daqiang returned, Shen Xi came to pick him up.

Seeing that Shen Daqiang was not in a very high mood, Shen Xi asked worriedly: "Dad, what's wrong with you? Are you okay?"

Shen Daqiang shook his head: "I'm fine, you don't have to worry."

"It's fine."

When he got home, Shen Daqiang told Shen Xi what Xu Zhaodi had done. When Shen Xi heard that Xu Zhaodi had really killed his grandparents, he was stunned.

"How could this happen?" Shen Xi never thought that his grandparents were killed by Xu Zhaodi.

What Shen Xinrou said was true and she didn't lie to him.

"Xu Zhaodi has three lives in her hands. She is already dead. This is Xu Zhaodi's money. I gave some to Xinrou. You and your wife will keep the rest." Shen Daqiang took out the money and handed it to Shen West.

Seeing so much money, Shen Xi was a little shocked: "Why so much money?"

"When Xu Zhaodi was there, he made a lot of money by using the news about betraying Shen Xinrou. Xinrou originally wanted to give us all the money as compensation for your grandparents, but I think this money was obtained by betraying your sister. Yes, I will make the decision and give half of it to your sister."

Shen Xi nodded in agreement: "Dad, you should do this, but does Xu Zhaodi really have three lives on his hands?"

"it is true."

This result made Shen Xi somewhat unacceptable.

When he took a deep breath and didn't know what to say, Shen Daqiang said: "Xu Zhaodi is dead. From now on, we have nothing to do with this person. Shen Xi should not talk about her anymore. We just live a good life. You can take this money." Let’s see if we can buy a house in the city or something.”

"Dad, are you keeping the money?"

"Why do you give me money? I live here with you now. You and your daughter-in-law take care of food and clothing. I will take care of my grandson." As he said this, Shen Daqiang seemed to have thought of something and took away 200 yuan. (End of chapter)

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