Chapter 381 Zhang Shanshan takes action

"I may have to do something after Mom." Chen Shuo looked at Jiang Lihua and said.

"No matter what you want to do, as long as it doesn't harm the country and the people, we can help you. We are also your and Xinrou's backing." Jiang Lihua looked at Chen Shuo and said seriously.

With a smile on his face, Chen Shuo said softly: "Thank you, Mom."

"Why are you being polite to us? How are you two preparing for your wedding? Even if I told you I would prepare it for you, you wouldn't do it." Jiang Lihua looked at Chen Shuo dissatisfied and said.

This gave her no sense of accomplishment as a mother.

"Mom, don't worry. Xinrou and I have already made preparations. You don't have to worry." Chen Shuo said with a smile.

As for the mother's sad eyes, just pretend she didn't see it.

Mr. Chen said cheerfully: "I have already told my comrades that they will all come when the time comes."

"it is good."

"We will go to A Fei's place to hold the wedding. It won't be convenient at home." Chen Shuo thought of something and looked at Jiang Lihua and the others and said.

Jiang Lihua raised her eyebrows and looked at Chen Shuo: "Do you need to tell me? The food at Da Fei is better. Now our dean always goes there to treat guests."

"You're right, the food at Da Fei's is really delicious. A few old guys and I will go there to sit and help out when we have nothing to do." Mr. Chen said cheerfully.

The children at home are busy, so the old guys go there when they have nothing to do.

There is a lot of good tea there.

"Grandpa, as long as you like it."

"Of course we like it, but I would like to ask Da Fei to take a rest and not be too tired."

"Grandpa, don't worry, Da Fei is also a practitioner of ancient martial arts, so there will be no problem." Shen Xinrou explained with a smile.

Mr. Chen nodded cheerfully: "Then I'll be relieved."

While the family was talking, Zhang Shanshan had already found some people.

"Zhang Shanshan, you have to deal with Shen Xinrou, and we may not be able to help you with this matter."

"Why? Even you are afraid of the Chen family? Aren't you capable of anything?" Zhang Shanshan asked anxiously.

The other party shook his head: "It's not that we can't do it, but the Chen family is too powerful, especially Chen Lang and the others. If we fight against the Chen family, my brother will join in."

"No matter who you look for, Zhang Shanshan, they will never go against the Chen family." The Chen family is now at its peak, and they have a vague tendency to become the first family in Kyoto. If the trouble gets bigger, they will not be able to live without it.

They didn't want to offend Chen Lang's group of lunatics at this time.

Zhang Shanshan glanced at the people in front of her with disgust, and said dissatisfiedly: "You still have the nerve to say how awesome you are? Is this how awesome you are?"

After hearing what Zhang Shanshan said, the faces of the people nearby turned dark.

"Zhang Shanshan, you'd better shut up."

"Why should I shut up? You said Qin Chu can help me solve all my problems. What's going on now? Is this how you solve my problems?" It's not like she doesn't want to give her money.

Why are these people so cowardly?
"As long as you deal with Shen Xinrou, take the money and leave immediately, no one will be able to find you by then."

"The money I will give you this time is 1 yuan. Are you really unwilling to do this?" Zhang Shanshan knew that these people wanted money, and 1 yuan was enough to make them excited.

Sure enough, after hearing that there was 1 yuan, the people opposite looked at each other and said, "Okay, we want this money."

"But we need a deposit of five thousand."

"Okay." Zhang Shanshan directly gave them 5000 yuan.Seeing how excited they were after getting the money, Zhang Shanshan's lips curled up slightly. She wanted to see how Shen Xinrou died this time.

"After the matter is successful, you come to me and I will give you another 5000 yuan. Remember, I not only want Shen Xinrou to die, but I also want her to be ruined. Do you understand?"

Zhang Shanshan's words made those around her feel numb. They had never seen such a vicious woman.

"this matter……"

"You just need to do what I say in this matter. You don't need to worry about anything else." Zhang Shanshan said seriously.


After the others left, Zhang Shanshan had a smile on her face and said, Shen Xinrou, let me see how you die this time.

Not one of Zhang Shanshan's moves escaped Song Huanyan's attention.

When he learned that Zhang Shanshan was looking for someone to deal with Shen Xinrou, Song Huanyan thought Zhang Shanshan was crazy.

"What happened?" Zhang Li asked confusedly, seeing Song Wanyan's expression change instantly.

Song Wangyan told Zhang Li what Zhang Shanshan did.

Zhang Li laughed sarcastically: "You have to get rid of Zhang Shanshan in this matter. Shen Xinrou is very powerful. Even people who practice ancient martial arts may not be her opponents. Now Zhang Shanshan has found some such people to cause trouble for Shen Xinrou. There’s no telling what trouble will happen later.”

"Okay, I know about this."

"You go back and explain this matter clearly first, otherwise the Chen family will blame you for this matter, and the loss outweighs the gain." Zhang Li looked at Song Wangyan with a worried look and said.

When did Zhang Shanshan become so stupid?

People like Shen Xinrou cannot be moved. Doesn't Zhang Shanshan know this at all?

"Okay, I'll go back first, and I'll come back to you later." Song Wangyan didn't want to go back and look at Zhang Shanshan's face, so he looked at Zhang Li and muttered.

"I'll just stay here and not go anywhere. You go and do your work. When you finish your work, we can be together." Zhang Li said with a smile.

She was really happy while living here.

She felt that her kindness to Song Wangyan all these years was not in vain.

Song Wangyan nodded and returned to the Song family.

When Zhang Shanshan saw Song Wangyan coming back, she said with a gloomy face: "Song Wangyan, you still know you are coming back? Do you still know that you have a wife and a family?"

Song Wangyan didn't want to come back because of this, and he felt disgusted when he saw Zhang Shanshan's face.

"Song Wangyan, what's your attitude? I'm talking to you, didn't you hear me?"

Song Wangyan sat down on the sofa farthest from Zhang Shanshan: "So what if I heard it? Zhang Shanshan, I don't care what you do, but you'd better not involve my Song family, or I'll be rude to you."

"Are you rude to me? Song Wangyan, have you forgotten who your wife is after you have been with Zhang Li for a long time? If it weren't for Shen Xinrou, we wouldn't have lost so much now." Zhang Shanshan felt very angry just thinking about Zhang Li. Hated.

Why does Zhang Li still appear in their lives?

"I won't bother you to worry about this." Song Wangyan said indifferently.

This matter has been resolved long ago, and some things that the Tang family needs were given, and this matter was treated as if it never happened.

It's just that Zhang Shanshan doesn't know this.

Zhang Shanshan was so angry that she was trembling all over after listening to Song Wangyan's words: "Song Wangyan, do you know what you are talking about? This is my home."

(End of this chapter)

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