Chapter 383 Are you looking for me?
Shen Xinrou and the others already knew about this matter when Zhang Shanshan took action.

It's still a bit surprising to hear Song Wuyan say that now.

"Why did you come to tell us this?"

"Zhang Shanshan has gone crazy. I don't want to implicate us." Song Wangyan said bluntly.

Shen Xinrou couldn't help but applaud Song Wangyan. What this man said was indeed right. Once Zhang Shanshan's people took action, Song Wangyan would be implicated.

"Is there anything else you want to tell us?" Shen Xinrou felt that Song Wayan's purpose in coming to her might be more than this?

"There are some things." Song Wangyan told Shen Xinrou everything about Zhang Shanshan, even some changes.

Shen Xinrou was immediately interested. This picture of Shanshan was a bit interesting.

Chen Shuo looked at Shen Xinrou helplessly, stretched out his hand and rubbed the center of his brow: "Xinrou, don't act nonsense."

Seeing Shen Xinrou acting like this, you knew she had bad intentions.

He didn't believe that Shen Xinrou didn't realize that Song Wangyan was using them and wanted to use their hands to get rid of Zhang Shanshan.

"Master Song, your plan is very good. It's a pity that you shouldn't use these methods on us. It will not be good for you." Chen Shuo said coldly.

Chen Shuo's words made the head of the Song family smile slightly: "Chen Shuo, my purpose for doing this is a win-win situation."

"A win-win situation, you just told us the news, and we will do all the rest. Is this what you call a win-win situation?"

After listening to Chen Shuo's words, Song Wangyan coughed lightly and looked at Chen Shuo: "Whatever I can do, I will do it."

Chen Shuo sneered: "If you can really do these things, you will not come to us, but directly attack Zhang Shanshan. You come to us and say such things to us, maybe for the sake of the Song family, but in the end What's more important is that you want to use us to get rid of Zhang Shanshan, right?"

Chen Shuo immediately exposed Song Huanyan's thoughts.

Song Wangyan looked at Chen Shuo bitterly and said helplessly: "If I had a choice, I wouldn't want to do this, but isn't there no way now?"

What else could they do if there was nothing they could do?
He really couldn't think of any other way except asking someone for help.

Shen Xinrou looked at Song Wangyan like this, raised her eyebrows and said, "Master Song, will we elaborate on what you said?"

"..." Song Wanyan said.

"We won't do what Song Wangyan said we want to do, but we won't do anything we shouldn't do." Shen Xinrou looked at Song Wangyan coldly and said.

Did this person really regard them as being taken advantage of?

Song Wangyan knew there would be such a result when he came, so he had nothing to worry about what Shen Xinrou and the others said.

She just looked at Shen Xinrou and said seriously: "I know what you are thinking, but I still want to tell you one thing. No matter what, don't underestimate Zhang Shanshan. This woman has a lot of things in her hands."

Shen Xinrou looked at Song Huanyan and began to consider whether what this man said was true.

"Everything I said about this matter is true. I don't know where Zhang Shanshan's connections came from, but you should be careful." Song Wangyan said coldly.

It's always good to be careful when doing these things.

Shen Xinrou and the other two kept staring at Song Wangyan.

Seeing it like that, Song Wangyan felt a little helpless: "Everything I tell you is true. Do you think you don't believe me?"

"Master Song, you have been coming to our place for some time. You can leave here." Chen Shuo looked at Song Wangyan and directly issued an order to expel the guest.

Song Wangyan's mouth twitched and finally chose to leave.

He had already said what he should have said to Shen Xinrou and the others. As for whether they believed what he said in the end, he didn't know.

Watching Song Wangyan leave, Shen Xinrou asked Chen Shuo beside him; "Do you believe this person?"

"Why don't you believe it? I think this person is quite interesting." "Really?" Shen Xinrou looked at Chen Shuo noncommittally.

He reached out and rubbed Shen Xinrou's hair, and said softly: "I know what you are thinking, but this Song Huanyan is really scheming."

This Song lie was hidden very deep.

Even Zhang Li or Zhang Shanshan don't know much.

The way I am now is just for them to see.

"Why do you think Song Wangyan came to us?" If Song Wangyan is really that powerful, then he should be able to do what he wants to do.

Zhang Shanshan should not be his opponent.

Since he could easily deal with Zhang Shanshan, what was his purpose in coming to them?
"He came to us just to test us." Chen Shuo narrowed his eyes and said coldly.

One sentence made Shen Xinrou couldn't help laughing.

"You're right, but I want to see what Song Wangyan wants to do." Shen Xinrou said with narrowed eyes.

This Song Wangyan came to see them today and he was really very utilitarian.

I came here today probably to test their attitude.

"No matter what, Zhang Shanshan is looking for someone to deal with me. To be honest, I want to see who he will find." Shen Xinrou said enthusiastically.

"Shouldn't you be disappointed?"

Shen Xinrou waited for several days but did not find anyone who would cause trouble for her. This made Shen Xinrou begin to wonder if Song Huanyan was deceiving her.

Soon Shen Xinrou no longer had such thoughts.

When she was walking home alone, she felt someone following her.

Shen Xinrou nodded in understanding, so that was it.

She was with Chen Shuo or Shouhou and the others before, but these people didn't come to her, probably because they were worried about being dealt with by Chen Shuo and the others.

Now that I'm walking alone on the road, it doesn't seem to be a problem if they show up?
Shen Xinrou pretended not to know that someone was following her, and walked to a deserted place.

The people following Shen Xinrou were a little confused about this. What did Shen Xinrou want to do?
Instead of taking the big road, take this small road?

He frowned slightly and kept up with Shen Xinrou's pace.

Because they don't know how many chances they have to deal with Shen Xinrou now.

Shen Xinrou smiled and led the people to a more remote place.

"Boss, this is wrong. Why does this woman bring us to such a deserted place?"

"No matter, let's deal with Shen Xinrou first." After saying that, when he was going to see Shen Xinrou, he found that Shen Xinrou was not there.

He immediately ran out in a panic and looked around.

"What's going on? Where are the people? How can we deal with Shen Xinrou if we do this?"

Others looked around innocently, wondering why Shen Xinrou was suddenly gone.

He was clearly not far ahead just now, why did he suddenly disappear?

"Why are you still standing there? Why don't you hurry up and find us?"

When they were looking around, Shen Xinrou's voice suddenly sounded behind them: "Are you looking for me?"

(End of this chapter)

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