Long Yue and the others frowned and looked around.

Is there anyone else in this place besides them?
They didn't see anyone following them along the way.

Is Shen Xinrou deceiving them?
After looking around, Long Yue focused his attention on Shen Xinrou again: "Shen Xinrou, don't think that anyone will come to save you."

Shen Xinrou glanced at the other party with a half-smile.

"Save me? I want you to see if I need someone to save me." Shen Xinrou said meaningfully.

After stretching her muscles, Shen Xinrou looked at Long Yue and the others with calculating eyes.

"You are from the ancient martial arts world, but you have come to me again and again. Now you want to take me back and let me think about what you want to do."

A flash of panic flashed in Long Yue's heart: "What are you talking about? We only took you there because you have the qualifications."

Shen Xinrou sneered: "What nonsense are you talking about? In terms of qualifications, don't my elder brother Chen Lang have the same qualifications as his teammates? Why didn't you go to Chen Lang and the others instead of coming to me? Yes? Do you think I'm easy to bully, or do you think I'm just a woman who will go with you as long as you give me some benefits?"

Long Yue's expression changed.

Regarding Chen Lang and others, the Long family actually brought people to deal with them.

As a result, none of their people were opponents of Chen Lang and the others.

Moreover, the techniques they practice are very overbearing and are not found in the ancient martial arts world.

So they concluded that there must be an expert around Chen Lang and the others, and this person was very powerful.

If this person appears in the ancient martial arts world, he will definitely bring them a lot of benefits.

When they couldn't deal with Chen Lang and the others, they chose Shen Xinrou, who was easier to deal with.

Shen Xinrou looked at Long Yue and the others whose expressions changed, and couldn't help but laugh: "I understand, you have already gone to trouble Big Brother and the others, but it's a pity that Big Brother and the others are more powerful than you, and you can't take them away. Big brother and the others came to see me."

Long Yue's face turned red, and he looked at Shen Xinrou in front of him, and said with a gloomy face: "Shen Xinrou, what do you think you are capable of? You'd better just surrender, otherwise you will be the unlucky one."

"Then I'll wait and see." She already knows what she needs to know, and Shen Xinrou doesn't intend to continue to entangle with these people.

Seeing Shen Xinrou like this, Long Yue was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

Why does this woman like to play her cards against common sense so much?
Really annoying.

"Shen Xinrou, what are you doing?"

"Do it." Just when Long Yue was about to say something else, a hoarse voice spoke from the darkness.

Shen Xinrou raised her eyebrows and looked into the distance: "It seems that the people here are not just from your Long family. This makes me very honored."

Long Yue turned his head and looked over, and his expression changed when he saw the person coming: "Why are you here?"

The other party glanced at Long Yue and said with cold eyes: "Sooner or later, bad things will happen if I let you, a loser, come here."

Shen Xinrou seems to be somewhat important to the current country, otherwise she would not have cooperated with the elders and others several times.

If they continue like this, they will be in big trouble.

They don't have the ability to face an entire country.

Their purpose was just for Chen Lang and his friends to practice their skills, so there was no need to make the matter such a big deal.

Hearing this, the people on the side frowned: "What's going on? Something happened over there?"

"Don't ask questions about things you shouldn't know about Long Yue. If you know too much, you will be the unlucky one. Do you know that?"

Long Yue couldn't help but rolled his eyes: "You think I want to know? I don't care if you don't tell me."

"It would be best if that was the case."

Long Yue's face turned green with anger.

"Fuck off."

Shen Xinrou frowned as she looked at the two people arguing. Is there something wrong with these two people?
Shouldn't we take action now?Shen Xinrou looked at the person who appeared behind him.

This person is obviously much more powerful than Long Yue.

"Who are you? You are better than Long Yue."

"Of course I am better than Long Yue. As for who I am, you are not qualified to know."

Shen Xinrou narrowed her eyes slightly.

Are people in the ancient martial arts world so arrogant now?

Putting her hand to touch her chin, Shen Xinrou began to think about how to deal with these two guys.

"It seems that all your people have come out." Shen Xinrou said suddenly.

Long Yue looked at the people around him, what did this woman mean by this?
"Shen Xinrou, it is best for you to go back with us now. Have you thought about it?"

"You two want to take my wife away, have you asked me?" Chen Shuo walked out of the corner at this time.

Long Yue and the others were startled when they saw Chen Shuo suddenly coming out.

Especially Long Yue.

Long Yue looked at Chen Shuo: "When did you come? Why didn't I notice it?"

"I've been here since the beginning."

Listening to what Chen Shuo said, the people around Long Yue glanced at him: "That's all you have? Why have you been here for so long and you didn't even notice?"

Long Yue said unconvinced: "If you were so powerful, wouldn't you have noticed someone here? What qualifications do you have to say that to me?"

Seeing Long Yue like this, the man next to him ordered: "Do it and take Shen Xinrou away directly. As for Chen Shuo, we don't need to worry about it."

The person's life or death is not important to them.

Chen Shuo was immediately happy when he heard someone said they wanted his life.

"Except for fighting against a few younger brothers, I haven't fought anyone else for so long. Let me see how powerful you people in the ancient martial arts world really are." Chen Shuo moved his wrist and said coldly.

Looking at Chen Shuo like this, Long Yue suddenly thought of something and said, "You know how to do ancient martial arts?"

Chen Shuo raised his lips and smiled: "When did I say I couldn't do it anymore?"

"Very good." The man next to Long Yue said happily.

Since Chen Shuo knows ancient martial arts, they don't need to threaten Chen Lang with Shen Xinrou and the others. If they capture Chen Shuo, they can still know what kind of skills they practice.

Why can it improve so quickly?

Shen Xinrou reached out and poked Chen Shuo's arm, raised her eyebrows and said, "I treat you as prey."

"Let's see who will become the prey in the end." Chen Shuo said meaningfully.

Shen Xinrou laughed loudly: "You are right."

"Do it."

Some people who knew ancient martial arts appeared around.

Shen Xinrou squinted at Long Yue and the others. It seemed that they had prepared quite a lot of people this time.

Shen Xinrou reached out and touched her chin, and said meaningfully: "Let's see who can deal with those two unscrupulous descendants first."

"It's up to you, but I don't have such unworthy descendants."

Facing Chen Shuo's disdain, Shen Xinrou snorted: "It sounds like I have it." (End of Chapter)

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