"Okay, we will take you with us then, but only after we get married."

"it is good."

Shen Xinrou asked Shouhou and the others to divide the things, and started to make preparations as the wedding date was getting closer.

While they were preparing for the wedding, construction of Yang Jin's community had already begun.

There are many workers together.

Work is in full swing.

Pre-sales of the house have even begun.

When Shen Xinrou heard the news, she looked at Shouhou and the others beside her: "Do you want to buy a few houses in the community?"

Shouhou and the others thought about it and wanted to buy a house. After all, you can live in this house anytime, and you won't lose money even if you buy it.

After thinking it over carefully, several people told Shen Xinrou about the matter.

"Sister, we want to go shopping."

"Okay, let's go check out the situation together then."

"it is good."

When the market officially opened, Shen Xinrou took Shouhou and the others there, and Shouhou even called Song Jia along.

In Shouhou's opinion, this house is where the two of them will live in the future, so there is no problem in calling Song Jia.

The group of people came to the sales department, which looked relatively deserted. After Shen Xinrou and the others stated that they wanted to buy a house, they were taken to see the model house.

After seeing the new house, Song Jia was already excited.

Shen Xinrou bought two sets of [-], and Shouhou and the others each bought two sets of [-].

Nowadays, houses are relatively cheap, with a bungalow costing only a few dozen yuan.

A house costs several thousand dollars less.

Shouhou and the others have also saved a lot of money in recent years and have enough money to buy a house.

I gritted my teeth and bought two apartments.

One apartment is reserved for the family.

"Part of this house will be delivered by the end of next year, and then you can come and choose floors."

"it is good."

There were not many sales on the first day, but more and more people came after them. Originally they just wanted to take a look. After seeing the model house, many people made the decision to buy a house.

Shen Xinrou was not surprised by this, but Yang Jin and the others were crazy with joy.

I originally thought that not many houses would be sold, at least before the construction was completed, but who knew that hundreds of houses were sold in half a month.

This recouped all the money they invested in the early stage.

The house was bought and Shen Xinrou's wedding was approaching.

Xuan Chen and the others had a headache: "Isn't Shen Xinrou going to cause trouble for the Gong family? What's going on now? Is she not going or what?"

"Shen Xinrou probably didn't go, she just wanted to get married, so the time was wasted." Elder Xuan said firmly.

Hearing his father's words, Xuan Chen immediately felt relieved.

"Why would someone like Dad, Shen Xinrou, be with people from the secular world? And it seems that Shen Xinrou has no intention of leaving the secular world. What is she trying to do?" Xuan Chen asked, somewhat confused.

For those who practice ancient martial arts, their life span will definitely be much longer than that of ordinary people.

Isn't Shen Xinrou willing to fall into this trap?
"If Chen Shuo were an ordinary person, I would agree with what you said, but Chen Shuo is not. Not only is he not an ordinary person, he is also a very powerful ancient martial arts genius. I am no match against him, and you needless to say." Elder Xuan He said with a slight sigh.

Shen Xinrou didn't know where she found this person.

This talent makes people jealous.

If they knew that Shen Xinrou and Chen Shuo were so powerful, they would never confront Shen Xinrou or even cause trouble for her.But sometimes this is the point that is missed.

"Dad Shen Xinrou is so evil."

After hearing this, Elder Xuan just smiled and shook his head.

There are some indescribable emotions about this matter.

"This matter is not something we can interfere with. If those old guys in the ancient martial arts world know that we can enter and leave the secular world casually, or even do something here, they will probably cause us trouble." Elder Xuan said with a headache.

"Can we still be afraid of these people? Dad, what do you think? Are you just giving up?"

"It's not that I just gave up, but I was worried that we would end up embarrassed."

"..." Seeing his father like this, Xuan Chen beside him was a little speechless, but it wasn't like this, right?

"There are so many of us who have never spanked two children. Do you think it's embarrassing?" Elder Xuan asked angrily when he saw Xuan Chen like this.

Xuan Chen was silent and didn't speak, but his father was right. It was indeed a bit embarrassing for them to say so.

"Dad, I will work hard to practice from now on."

"I believe you, but it's time for the Gong family to bleed." Elder Xuan said viciously.

"That's right."

Shen Xinrou was not very clear about what Xuan Chen and his son said. She was sorting out the things she needed for her wedding.

There are only three days left before their wedding.

I don't know what's going on. Shen Xinrou, who has been to many places and seen a lot, is actually nervous.

Looking at the things on the table, Shen Xinrou frowned slightly.

These things were all bought by Chen Shuo.

Chen Shuo has been so happy these days that people can't even look at him.

In the Chen family, Jiang Lihua looked at the guest list and confirmed it with the old man and the others again.

"Dad was right this time."

The old man nodded with satisfaction: "That's right, that's good. I'm worried that it will give the girl a bad idea."

Their family is still marrying wives, so of course they need to be known.

People who have a good relationship with the Chen family have been ready to have a feast.

The same is true for relatives of the Chen family.

People around him couldn't stare at Chen Shuo, they could only look for Chen Lang.

No, the day before Chen Shuo and the others were to get married, someone came over to talk to Chen Lang.

After Jiang Lihua found out who it was, she shook her head gently and refused: "Forget it, my son can't reach such a high level."

The other party was stunned for a moment, then frowned and asked, "What are you doing? Regarding the relationship between your two families, isn't it a good thing for your two children to get married and get together?"

Jiang Lihua sneered: "If you were talking about someone else, I would be willing to let my son see it, but forget about the person you are talking about now."

"Why?" The person on the other side asked with some confusion.

What's wrong with this girl from the Su family?Jiang Lihua didn't like it so much.

"The person you are talking about is Su Ruo, right?"

"Yes, Su Ruo, this child is gentle and sensible. He will definitely be able to get along with you."

"Did you come up with it yourself, or did the Su family ask you to come?" Jiang Lihua asked calmly.

Hearing this, someone's brows furrowed even more: "It must be the Su family who came to tell me. What's going on? It seems to me that you don't have a good impression of the Su family at all?"

"I don't just have a bad impression of their family, I hate everyone in their family." Jiang Lihua's eyes were full of disgust for the Su family.

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