In the era of rebirth, scientific research power starts from farming

Chapter 394 It’s nothing if you don’t like it

Su Ruo's eyes lit up, and she knew that Chen Lang would definitely not give up on her.

When Su wanted to say something, Chen Lang continued: "When I like you, I can pamper you and protect you like an ancestor, but when I don't like you, you are nothing, just like now .”

Hearing what Chen Lang said, Su Ruo's expression suddenly changed. She looked at Su Ruo blankly and said with a pale face: "Chen Lang is not like this, right? You are not such a person, and you will not do such harm. It’s my business that you liked me so much before.”

"When you said those words to me in a giving tone, I no longer like you. Su Ruo, who do you think you are?" Chen Lang looked at Su Ruo and asked coldly.

Su Ruo kept shaking her head: "That's not the case. If you don't have me in your heart, why haven't you gotten married?"

Isn't it because he missed her that he didn't get married?

Chen Lang was immediately angered and looked at Su Ruo as if he were looking at an idiot: "I don't get married just because I haven't met the person I like. You don't think I don't get married because of you, do you?"

Su Ruo didn't believe what Chen Lang said at all: "Chen Lang, don't say such things. You still like me, right? No one will dislike you if you admit it directly."

This sentence made Chen Lang want to beat Su Ruo. Where did this woman get her confidence? How could she say such a thing?

Looking at Su Ruo in front of him, Chen Lang said with disgust: "I don't like people like you, Su Ruo. I tell you, don't say such things. It's embarrassing to say them."

Chen Shuo looked at Chen Lang. It seemed a bit embarrassing to be pestered by such a person.

Of course, Chen Shuo didn't say this. What if Chen Lang took action against him?
Although Chen Lang is not his opponent.

But after all, he is his eldest brother, so it is not okay to take pleasure in others' misfortune.

"Ashuo, let's go. There's still a lot to do." Chen Lang was too lazy to continue talking to Su Ruo.

This Su Ruo is a self-centered person. As long as she thinks it is right, everyone will agree with what she says. If you continue to argue with such a person, it will not be clear at all.

Instead of wasting time here, it's better to do something else.

"it is good."

Seeing that Chen Lang was about to leave with Chen Shuo, Su Ruo reached out and grabbed Chen Lang's clothes: "Chen Shuo, if you have something to do, you can do it yourself. Why should you take Chen Lang with you? He is not your servant."

Chen Shuo looked at Chen Lang, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Brother, when did it become your turn for someone like this to make irresponsible remarks about your affairs? Why didn't I know?"

Chen Lang shook off Su Ruo's hand and glanced at Su Ruo: "Don't make the decision for me here. Compared with my brother, you are nothing."

Su Ruo kept shaking her head, not believing that Chen Lang had really given up on herself.

"Chen Lang..."

Chen Lang dragged Chen Shuo and ran away, without giving Su Ruo a chance to continue talking.

Su Ruo stood there blankly watching Chen Lang's leaving figure. After a while, he said, "It seems that Chen Lang really knows ancient martial arts, otherwise he wouldn't be so fast."

"Since you really know ancient martial arts, it's impossible for me to let you go." Su Ruo said with sharp eyes.

Since she couldn't catch up with Chen Lang, couldn't she go find Chen Lang's family?

The corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and he turned around and went to Chen's house.

Now everyone in the Chen family knows about the Chen family and the Su family.They also saw how arrogant the Su family was when they came here.

For such a person, how could they put people directly in?
"What are you doing? I'm here to see Aunt Chen and the others. Get out of my way." When had Su Ruo ever been stopped like this?
Seeing Su Ruo's arrogance, the people on the side looked disgusted: "Miss Su, our Chen family is not a place where you can come and leave whenever you want. Don't have any relations with our wife here."

"That's right, some people said at the beginning that it is best to treat them as strangers when they meet on the street in the future. How come it took so long for you to forget what you said?"

Listening to what the two said, Su Ruo looked a little ugly.

These words were indeed spoken by her to the Chen family.

But now she regrets it.

"I came to see my aunt because I have something to say." Su Ruo said, looking at the person in front of her.

The people on the side looked at each other with dissatisfaction in their eyes, but they also knew what Su Ruolai's purpose was: "You are just here for our eldest young master, but you are disappointed. What our eldest young master said is very Clearly, someone like you is not worthy of entering our Chen family."

These words sounded familiar to Su Ruo.

Then she thought that she had said the same thing to Chen Lang back then. When she said it, she didn't care what Chen Lang thought at all, she just said that Chen Lang was not worthy of her at all.

It's even worse than that.

"What happened was my fault. Now I'm here to apologize to my aunt and the others." Su Ruo lowered her stance.

The person at the door rolled his eyes and said angrily: "What are you talking about to apologize for? Who is a good person who comes to apologize with nothing?"

Only then did Su Ruo realize her problem and suddenly felt a little annoyed: "I came in a hurry..."

"What's the rush? You didn't pay attention to the Chen family at all. You thought the eldest young master liked you before, and he would give you this opportunity even if you didn't bring anything." How could the people around believe what Su Ruo said? ?
They all know what kind of person Su Ruo is. If this is the case, what else is there to say?

"You just think that the eldest young master will still like you as before. If you say anything casually, the eldest young master will listen to you. Who knows how the current eldest young master can care about you? Su Ruo, don't be too arrogant. It’s up to you, our eldest young master is not something someone like you can imagine. We will have an eldest young lady in the future, but this person will definitely not be you."

Su Ruo looked a little ugly when she heard the Chen family humiliating her like this: "If you treat me like this, Chen Lang will not let you go."


Jiang Lihua came out of the house and saw Su Ruo standing at the door.

He was still quarreling with his family members like that, and suddenly felt a little dissatisfied.

"Auntie." Seeing Jiang Lihua coming over, Busu Ruo greeted her quickly.

Jiang Lihua frowned and looked at the girl in front of her, and said with an ugly face: "Miss Su, I can't afford to call you an aunt. I'm just an ordinary person. You'd better not say such things to save the money." It’s going to be disgusting at that point.”

Hearing Jiang Lihua say such words, Su Ruo looked a little ugly: "Auntie, what I did before was wrong. Can you forgive me this time?"

"Now I know I regret it. Chen Lang is the one who treats me best. I still want to marry Chen Lang." Su Ruo said pretending to regret.

If it were someone else like that, they would definitely be soft-hearted.

But the person in front of her was Jiang Lihua.

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