"Other ways? Is there any other way for you to get involved with the Chen family? As far as our two families are concerned, even if they are related to the Chen family, the Chen family will not give us the content of this ancient martial arts. It will be all in vain then." Su Ruo's father shook his head and said.

Now that their family has offended people like Chen Lang, if they really want to say something, it can't be settled like this.

"Dad, I already said that I was using 10 yuan as a pretense, what else do you want?" Su Ruo felt that she had given the Chen family a lot of face, but the Chen family was so ignorant that there was nothing she could do.

Listening to what Su Ruo said, the head of the Su family looked at his daughter helplessly: "Using money to hit others? What are you thinking?"

"What's wrong with me doing this?"

"The money Chen Shuo has earned over the years alone is more than one hundred thousand, plus the money from Chen Shuo's uncle. In the past few years, Jiang Lihua has successively come up with some special medicines. These are also rich. After all, now you Do you still think people care about your 10 yuan?" The head of the Su family looked at Su Ruo helplessly and asked.

Su Ruo frowned, is the Su family already so powerful now?

"Dad, I don't want this?"

"I know you don't want to do this, but the things between you two can't be explained clearly. Now that you've gone through it yourself, you still don't know what their attitude is?" The head of the Su family said with a headache.

If he had known that the Chen family would have such a fate, nothing he could have said would have made things so bad.

It's fine now, there's no room for maneuver anymore.

"Dad, let's just forget it?"

"I'll go talk to Chen Lang later."

When Chen Lang returned home, he saw Jiang Lihua looking at him with a very strange look.

The look in your eyes made Chen Lang feel guilty: "Mom, why are you looking at me like this?"

"Su Ruo said that if you are willing to marry her, you will bring one hundred thousand as a pretense. What do you think about this?" Jiang Lihua raised her eyebrows and looked at Chen Lang and asked.

Chen Lang frowned and said impatiently: "Who does Su Ruo think he is? You can get everything by just giving some money? How long has it been, and Su Ruo is still so naive and self-righteous."

10 yuan is a lot.

But he may not be able to get it out.

People at home may not be able to take it out.

How on earth could she think that she cared about her money?

Jiang Lihua nodded with satisfaction when she saw Chen Lang like this.

If his son wanted to marry someone for 10 yuan, he would definitely let Chen Lang know what true homelessness meant.

"Mom, so you are waiting for me here? Am I not your son anymore?" Chen Lang looked at Jiang Lihua angrily and said.

Jiang Lihua snorted coldly and said with a look of disgust: "Did I say something wrong? Our family is not short of money for you to spend. If you dare to bring me such a thing because of money, you see how I will deal with you. "

Chen Lang reached out and rubbed his eyebrows, looked at Jiang Lihua helplessly and said, "Mom, what on earth do you think? I haven't said anything yet, and you're treating me like this?"

"What did I do to you? Can you tell me clearly?"

With a slight cough, Chen Lang shook his head decisively. He didn't dare to cause trouble to his mother at this time.

Otherwise, it won’t be Jiang Lihua who takes action then.

"Mom, don't worry. It's not like I can't find a wife. I want someone like this to support me?" Chen Lang said again.Jiang Lihua looked at Chen Lang with sharp eyes. Seeing that Chen Lang was serious, she nodded with satisfaction: "I feel relieved if you think so."

"I don't expect you to find me a daughter-in-law as good as Xinrou. As long as she has good character, I have no problem with anything else." Jiang Lihua glanced at Chen Lang. This was already her lowest standard for Chen Lang. .

Chen Lang was so angry that he almost vomited blood: "Mom, in your eyes, I can't even find a wife?"

"Yes, if you can find a wife, your brother will get married in two days. You are still single. Don't forget that you are several years older than your brother." Jiang Lihua said with disgust.

After hearing this, Chen Lang had given up resisting.

Now in my mother's heart, she is already a useless person.

He is not worthy to be compared with his younger brother.

"Mom, do you think anyone can be as lucky as my brother? When he went to the countryside, he found a girlfriend and came back. As soon as he came back to college, he was ready to get married." When it came to this, Chen Lang was still a little jealous of his brother.

Listening to what Chen Lang said, Jiang Lihua agreed very much.

"Hold on tight. Don't let your brother's children run away because of the soy sauce. You don't have a partner yet. Will I think you will be embarrassed when the time comes?"

Chen Lang wanted to say something that was not embarrassing, but when he saw Jiang Lihua's warning look, he didn't dare to say a word.

Jiang Lihua was too lazy to pay attention to Chen Lang and started to do her own thing.

The head of the Su family found an opportunity to meet Chen Lang.

Chen Lang looked at the people standing in front of him, feeling a little irritated, and looked at the people in front of him impatiently: "What on earth do you want to do? The humiliation to my family was not enough at the beginning, and now you want to continue?"

The head of the Su family knew as soon as he heard that Chen Lang had misunderstood him, but more importantly, he still didn't want to have too much contact with them.

"I can explain to you about Chen Lang. At the same time, I also want to apologize to you for what our family did to your family."

Listening to what the head of the Su family said, Chen Lang suddenly laughed: "Apologise to us? I will forgive you as soon as you apologize? If I forgive you, what will happen to my family when you made it difficult for them to hold their heads high?"

"We can compensate your family for Chen Lang, as long as..."

"Okay, I don't want any compensation from you. I just want you to stay away from me now, and stay farther away from me, okay? I feel very disgusted when I see you." Chen Lang was disgusted. said.

The head of the Su family originally thought that he would have a chance to find Chen Lang.

Who knew Chen Lang could be so soft-hearted and unwilling to eat.

Frowning slightly, the head of the Su family looked at Chen Lang beside him: "Can we have a good chat about Chen Lang?"

"I don't think we have anything to talk about. I also think you shouldn't continue to come to me. It's really boring. What do you think?"

Hearing this, the head of the Su family frowned: "Chen Lang, do you really want to do this? If you marry Ruoruo, no matter what you do, we will support you unconditionally. Just think about it."

"Are you threatening me?"

"I'm not threatening you, I just want you to know what's best for you." The head of the Su family shook his head gently. He knew that he couldn't threaten Chen Lang.

Once the threat is made, its nature changes, and that's not what they want.

Chen Lang glanced at the head of the Su family, and anyone could say something high-sounding.

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