Chen Shuo looked at Su Ruo in front of him with sharp eyes: "Who is your family? Su Ruo, don't think too highly of yourself. People like you are not worthy."

Listening to Chen Shuo talking about his granddaughter, the old man of the Su family frowned slightly and turned his eyes to Mr. Chen: "Old Chen, your grandson is a bit arrogant."

"No matter how arrogant he is, he can't compare to your granddaughter. No matter what, I can support my grandson in whatever he does, as long as he doesn't do anything that hurts anyone."

When Mr. Su heard what Mr. Chen said, he felt a little embarrassed.

He was really familiar with these words.

Because that's what he told Mr. Chen and the others back then.

He said that this was a matter between children. No matter how arrogant Su Ruo was, he could make Su Ruo live a good life and support Su Ruo.

Who knew that Mr. Chen would remember those words.

He looked at Mr. Chen in front of him with some embarrassment: "Old Chen, it's been so long, do you still want to continue talking to us?"

"Why can't you say it? Your family came to our house first to cause trouble."

Hua Jintian frowned and walked over: "What's going on?"

Su Ruo felt guilty when she saw Hua Jintian, otherwise Hua Jintian would know these things.

But Chen Shuo and the others have no such worries.

He told the story exactly what happened when the Su family came over to cancel the engagement.

There is no embellishing.

Just simply tell what happened.

A few simple words made Hua Jintian frown. He didn't expect the Su family to be so shameless.

You did such a thing in the first place, and now you want to come here and ask for forgiveness?

Where in the world can such good things come from?
But not everyone can come.

"Since you have chosen to break off the engagement, then don't make trouble at other people's weddings. This will only show that you are ignorant." When there was an engagement, you said you would break off the engagement, but now when people really break off the engagement and want to get married, Feeling unhappy again?
Su Ruo kept shaking her head: "Chen Lang doesn't like this person at all. The person he likes is me."

"He just took a wife to make me angry on purpose."

Everyone was speechless when they heard what Su Ruo said.

Didn't Su Ruo see how happy Chen Lang was when he came back with his bride?

That's not like just finding someone to get married to.

"Su Ruo, you may not have seen it, but we have. Chen Lang has been very happy these past two days. Before you came, the smile on his face had never stopped. He didn't look like he was looking for someone to get married casually to make him angry. you."

Su Ruo felt humiliated after listening to what they said.

His eyes fell on Chen Lang: "Chen Lang, I don't listen to what they say, I want to listen to you."

"Xu'er is the person I fell in love with at first sight. As for you, I have no feelings for you after we broke off the engagement." Chen Lang said expressionlessly as he looked at Su Ruo in front of him.

Su Ruo's face turned pale and she looked at Chen Lang in front of her.

"What you said is not true. You are lying to me, right?"

Hearing what Chen Lang said, Su Ruo didn't want to believe anything.

Looking at Long Xuer next to Chen Lang, what is so good about this person?
Just because Long Xuer looks better?
"Look, you don't believe what others have said. You have to listen to me. Now that I have said it and you still don't believe it, then tell me, what do you want me to say?" Chen Lang frowned and looked at the person in front of him. Su Ruo asked.

Long Xuer looked at Su Ruo suspiciously and said, "You don't think that you can get Brother Chen Lang to come back to you, do you? Miss Su Ruo, please stop deceiving yourself."

When Su wanted to say something, Mr. Chen said: "As for Chen Lang's marriage, he has carefully considered it. He doesn't just find someone to piss off anyone. Su Ruo, you really are not that important." Mr. Chen's words , Su Ruo paled, looked at Mr. Chen aggrievedly and said, "Grandpa Chen, didn't you like me very much before? Why..."

"Lao Su, the relationship between our two families is not that good. We won't invite you to our family's happy events. Please take us away."

Mr. Chen made it clear in one sentence that he wanted to sever all relations with them.

Mr. Su sighed softly, knowing in his heart that it was impossible for him to continue to have any relationship with the Chen family.

Turning to look at his son: "Take Su Ruo and let's leave."

People have already clearly kicked them out. If they continue to stay, wouldn't it be embarrassing?

This sentence made Su Ruo's father feel embarrassed.

Didn’t you make it clear to Su Ruo before?Why did you suddenly come to see Chen Lang?

Seeing the way the people around looked at them, Su Ruo's father felt embarrassed.

"Su Ruo, let's go back."

Su Ruo shook her head subconsciously: "I won't go back. Dad, believe me. The person Chen Lang likes is me, not this bitch."

Chen Lang couldn't hold it in anymore and slapped Su Ruo: "I don't hit women, but if this woman keeps making trouble for my wife, then I don't mind doing it."

Su Ruo covered her face and looked at Chen Lang who was attacking her.

Suddenly Su Ruo laughed: "Chen Lang, just wait for me, I won't let you go."

After saying that, he ran out without the Chen family trying to drag him away.

Mr. Su and Mr. Su turned around and left, looking very ugly when they left.

None of them expected that Chen Lang would attack Su Ruo in front of them.

Isn't this bullying?
After the Su family left, the people who came to the wedding frowned and said, "The Su family actually did such a thing. First they wanted to break off the engagement, and now they see that they are getting better, they want to come and get married. What's going on?"

"Who says it's not the case? It seems that Chen Lang and his wife have a very good relationship. Even if they are like this, they still want to be accused of doing this deliberately. Who wants to anger someone? Chen Lang is so unlucky."

The Chen family didn't care what everyone said, after all, they weren't the ones who were embarrassed.

Jiang Lihua and his wife walked up to Long Xuer's parents and apologized to the Long family's parents for this incident.

"It doesn't matter, who hasn't met such a person yet."

They could see what Chen Lang was doing to Long Xuer, so how could they not believe Chen Lang?

After hearing this, Jiang Lihua and the others were finally relieved, as long as the in-laws were not angry.

The wedding incident caused by the Su family passed quickly.

The Chen family was equally lively.

Shen Xinrou and Chen Shuo and Chen Hai were talking about this in the corner.

"Su Ruo is not a good person, and he may not do anything bad in the future." Chen Hai frowned and looked at Chen Shuo and said.

Of course Chen Shuo knew, after all, he had known what kind of person Su Ruo was a few years ago.

Is it possible that something can be changed now?

"I will tell you not to worry about this matter." Chen Shuo said with sharp eyes.

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