Chen Hai's words made Zeng Wang laugh sarcastically, yes, they did something wrong.

"You can't choose each other to be your father, or you can choose the life you want. It's you who want to take this path. You can't blame others."

"Your talents are very good. I originally thought that one day when we come back, I would recommend you to work in the hospital, but what have you done? Zeng Wang did not blame everything on my family." Chen Hai I don’t know what Zeng’s purpose was for saying such things.

But he knew that Chen Hai just wanted to lighten his burden.

Hearing what Chen Hai said, Zeng laughed at himself. Chen Hai was right.

He did this just to make himself feel less guilty.

"Chen Hai, we really envy you. Why do you have such a family and we don't?"

"If you are just telling me this, I think there is no need for us to continue talking?" Chen Hai looked at Zeng Wan in front of him coldly and said.

"Chen Hai, we have hurt you, and we want to say sorry to you here."

The word "I'm sorry" made Chen Hai laugh sarcastically and glanced at the people beside him: "Zeng Wang, I will not forgive you. I have been hurt so much because of you. If it weren't for the ability of my brothers and sisters, I would have been the same all my life." Crippled.”

"And this is all because of your fault, and why should I bear the consequences of your fault? Why do you have it? What qualifications do you have to let me do this?"

Listening to Chen Hai's question, Zeng opened his mouth rashly, wanting to explain but found that no matter what he said, it was meaningless.

Twitching the corner of his mouth, Zeng Wang said: "You are right, all this is our fault, but Chen Hai, can you let my brother go?"

All the things done abroad are what he said.

Zeng Quan just listened to his words and didn't really hurt Chen Hai.

Chen Hai felt that Zeng Wan was really naive.

Zeng Quan said quickly: "Brother, what are you talking about? What you said is what I am willing to do, not because you said it."

"Brother, please stop talking."

Seeing the two brothers like this, Chen Hai just smiled slightly, looked at the people in front of him and said, "You two don't have to be like this, because I will never forgive you."

"Whether it's you or Zeng Quan, do you think it's possible for me to save Zeng Quan?" What if only Zeng Quan survived and Zeng Wang died.

Chen Hai believed that Zeng Quan would not let him go in the future.

In this case, why do you do such a thankless thing?

Zeng Wang knew what Chen Hai was worried about, and quickly explained: "I can guarantee that my brother will not say anything in the future."

"I won't cause trouble for you, Chen Hai, please."

"You don't need to beg me. What you have done has already given up hope of survival." Not to mention that he was unwilling, even if he was willing, there was no way for the two of them to survive.

Zeng Wan's eyes were a little disappointed when he heard Chen Hai's words.

Is it really not possible?

Zeng Quan, who was standing next to him, looked at his brother with dissatisfaction and said anxiously: "You don't have to ask Chen Hai, we will be together even if we die."

"Big brother..."

"Okay, no matter what I do, it is all of my own free will. It doesn't matter what you say. It's useless to say that Chen Hai is just an ordinary person. It's useless for you to beg him." At this time, Zeng Quan was very concerned. clear.

In response, Chen Hai just looked at the people in front of him indifferently: "It's good that you know."

"If nothing happens, I'll leave first. I wish you good luck."

Watching Chen Hai leave, when Chen Hai's figure was about to disappear, Zeng Wang said: "Chen Hai, I regret it. If I hadn't done such a thing, would things have been different?"

Listening to Zeng Wang saying that he regretted it, Chen Hai just smiled and did not turn around or answer Zeng Wang's words.

Zeng Wan watched Chen Hai leave like this without looking at them. He knew in his heart that Zeng Wan was really disappointed with them this time.

He reached out and rubbed his eyebrows, feeling a little sad. "Okay, don't be sad. Since we did such a thing in the first place, let's not regret it now." After all, it is useless to regret it now.

Regret will not let them go back to the time before things happened.

Zeng Wan looked at his brother beside him: "Do you blame me for leading you on such a path?"

Obviously they have a better future.

Zeng Quan smiled and shook his head: "No, we are brothers and we will do everything together."

Although Zeng Quan still felt a little regretful.

But it doesn't matter anymore, as long as I can be with my brother, that's the best.

"That's good."

When Chen Hai went out, he saw Chen Lang standing there not knowing what to think.

"Big brother?"

"Did you see anyone?" Chen Lang turned to look at Chen Hai and asked.

Chen Hai hummed, knowing what the purpose of Chen Lang's question was.

"Didn't say anything?"

Rolling his eyes at Chen Lang in front of him, Chen Hai said angrily: "What do you want us to say? Or do you think we can say something?"

Listening to the sound of his brother gritting his teeth, Chen Lang laughed loudly: "Forget it, as long as you are not unhappy."

Chen Lang was just worried that Chen Hai would feel uncomfortable after looking at the person.

Rolling his eyes at Chen Lang, Chen Hai said in a deep voice: "I already know the outcome, why should I be unhappy?"

Besides, he has been injured like this in these years abroad. If he is still worried about them at this time, or because they are unhappy.

He deserved all the injuries he suffered before.

Chen Lang reached out and patted Chen Hai on the shoulder: "It's okay not to want such a friend."

"You'd better stop talking. Brother, I'm going back first. You don't have to talk to me about their affairs from now on." Chen Hai felt that by this time, the matter between him and the Zeng Quan brothers was over.

He will have his own future in the future, and the Tsang-Quan brothers will die.

"Okay." Chen Lang said softly.

Watched Chen Hai leave.

Reaching out and rubbing his neck, Yang Zhen walked out and looked at Chen Hai who was leaving.

"Do you know what they said?"

Glancing at Yang Zhen beside him, Chen Hai said angrily: "What do I need to know about this matter? I don't need to know anything. After all, my brother can't really say anything to them."

Yang Zhen was noncommittal about this: "You can rest assured."

Chen Lang smiled slightly: "What should I worry about? This is my brother, can I still trust him?"

"Forget it, let's not talk about this for now. Let's go see others and see if we can get any news from their mouths."

"it is good."

Chen Lang and his team worked hard for several days and finally got the list of personnel.

Yang Zhen looked at these lists and felt very comfortable. (End of chapter)

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