After the program ended, the staff began to pack up tools and equipment and prepare to return the same way.

"Sister Zhao, aren't you leaving?" Wei Dong came to see Yan Zhao and explain a few words to Xiao Tao. Xiao Tao got into the car on her own, but she stood there with no intention of getting in and asked aloud.

Yan Zhao shook his head slightly: "You go ahead, I'll go back and help them arrange the formation and go back."

When Xu Chengzhou heard this, he immediately took out his compass and said in a gentle voice: "How about I come with you?"

Yan Zhao smiled: "No need, I'll just go by myself. You can go back without worries."

Zheng Beiqiu wanted to say something more, but Hua Xia grabbed him, looked at Yan Zhao deeply, raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Okay, anyway, you have any door, it is convenient to go anywhere. Let's talk later if anything happens."

Wu Qing seemed to understand Yan Zhao's thoughts, nodded and said with a smile: "Pay attention to safety, if you need anything, I will be happy to help at any time."

Yan Zhao felt warm in his heart. After everyone in the program group left in the car, he walked out of the ghost gate alone and returned to the secluded village in Changbai Mountain.

The female shaman was still sitting in the room, with two cups of poured tea on the table. There was no surprise on her face, and there was a faint smile on her lips: "You're here."

Yan Zhao sat down opposite her: "Well, people just now have too many eyesight, so it's inconvenient to ask more about some things."

"I know what you want to ask." The female shaman handed her a cup of tea, smiled slightly, and started talking about what she had been unable to express before.

"Different shaman clans have different beliefs. As you can see, our clan believes in dragons. To be precise, it is dragon veins, and it is the dragon veins of Changbai Mountain."

"I said before that our family moved here to live in seclusion during the Qing Dynasty. In fact, we came here under the emperor's orders at that time, with the mission of guarding the dragon veins of the Qing Dynasty."

Yan Zhao picked up the tea cup and frowned slightly: "I heard that Liu Bowen was ordered by Zhu Yuanzhang, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, to cut off hundreds of dragon veins in the world, which even caused internal fighting in Xuanmen, and finally succeeded. How come there are still dragon veins?"

The female shaman smiled and said, "It's a long story. I've heard about it from my ancestors."

"A hundred years ago, Liu Bowen was indeed ordered by the emperor to cut off hundreds of dragon veins in the world to ensure the stability of the Ming Dynasty. Regardless of the obstacles, he killed 99 dragon veins in Wuxi Mountain, Gaolan Mountain, etc., and even accidentally cut off the dragon veins belonging to the Ming Dynasty. That one."

"But when he found the last dragon vein, the Changbai Mountain Dragon Vein, he found eight golden dragons hovering looming in the clouds. He spent seven days setting up an array and chanting incantations, and finally succeeded in cutting off seven of them. However, the last dragon vein was hanging in the air It neither rises nor falls."

"Liu Bowen calculated that an emperor would be born here in two hundred years, and his descendants would follow the owner of the dragon vein in Changbai Mountain. He realized that this was God's will and could not fight against it, so he did not cut off the last dragon vein, and also The emperor was not informed, only that all the dragon veins in the world were cut off."

"The eight dragons in the clouds symbolize the Houjin Dynasty, the eight tribes that were the predecessors of the Qing Dynasty. They were fighting for power. And the dragon vein that Liu Bowen let go was the one that belonged to Nurhachi's ancestor. Fortunately After escaping this disaster, the Jurchens broke through Shanhaiguan, established the Qing Dynasty, and became the ruler of the Central Plains Dynasty."

"Later the Qing Dynasty, in order to prevent similar things from happening and to ensure the safety of the dragon veins in the country, as the birthplace of the Manchu people and the origin of the dragon veins of the Qing Dynasty, the dragon veins of Changbai Mountain were ordered to be banned during the reign of Emperor Shunzhi of the Qing Dynasty, and our family was sent to protect it."

"However, the rise and fall of dynasties and historical changes are not solely dependent on the dragon vein. Although the dragon veins of Changbai Mountain were not killed by humans, the Qing Dynasty finally ran out of energy, and the dragon veins of Changbai Mountain also fell into a deep sleep. Our clan has not obtained the dragon veins for many years. responded."

"This was the first time in so many years that we successfully summoned a spirit, but the dragon vein summoned was not the one we were guarding." She stretched out her hand and tapped Yan Zhao gently: "You should have a dragon token on your body, so Only then can I successfully summon him.”

Dragon's Token

Yan Zhao reached out and pulled out the black dragon scale he got from the Empress Temple. It turned out that it was the dragon scale of a little black snake.

"It turns out that he is a dragon."

Yan Zhao gently rubbed the cool scales, feeling a little surprised, but not very surprised. Although she didn't know Chu Yao's identity at that time, she also knew that he was not a snake. It was just a hidden fun thing and he was used to calling it that.

Unexpectedly, what was rescued was an untransformed dragon.

However, since there are dragon scales here, Chu Yao must have successfully transformed and ascended, and he should live a worry-free life. It was just a coincidence that he was summoned by the dragon scales.

But why were his eyes and tone like that? It was as if we were separated for life and death and would never see each other again.

And what he said...

He was the only person besides his master who accompanied Yan Zhao during his long and lonely years, and he had already left traces of his family in his heart.

If she practiced ascension in the last life to see the Master, then in this life she practiced to see the Master and him who she had left without saying goodbye.

How could she forget him?

The female shaman paid attention to her expression and slowly said: "To be precise, he used to be a dragon, but now he has dragon veins."

Yan Zhao's heart moved. She had previously ignored the shaman's words: "Dragon Vein, isn't it a dragon?"

"No, he is already the dragon vein of the incarnation of a real dragon. When I was possessed by him, my soul could still sense everything in the outside world in my body. It seems that you all know each other."

Yan Zhao didn't explain too much, nodded and said calmly: "Yes."

"It turns out he's an old friend." The shaman looked at her deeply and didn't ask any questions. Instead, he sighed and said with a pitiful expression: "Unfortunately, I can sense his condition. He is already at the end of his strength. Just about to die.”

Yan Zhao instantly raised his eyes, his eyes full of surprise and astonishment, death?

Since the little black snake has successfully transformed into a dragon and ascended, why did it transform into a dragon and why did it die?

In the flash of lightning, she suddenly remembered what she had seen at the Empress Temple and what Mr. Kong said in the Spiritual Affairs Bureau.

"This is a dragon vein transformed into a real dragon."

"In times of crisis, a sudden turn of events occurred. For some reason, a black dragon fell from the sky."

"It is said that the black dragon once made a deal with Heaven and was willing to transform himself into a dragon vein to continue the destiny of the country."

At that time, an idea flashed through her, but she failed to grasp it because she was immersed in the decline of Xuanmen. After that, she always had a weird feeling that she had missed some important information.

A guess suddenly popped up in Yan Zhao's heart, and the calm lake in his heart was stirred, and the waves surged, no longer peaceful.

She clenched the dragon scales in her hand, remained silent for a moment, raised her eyes, and held out the black dragon scales.

"I want to ask you to do me a favor."

The female shaman smiled understandingly and said: "You want me to help you summon the dragon vein again so that you can ask clearly, right?"

She shook her head, pointed to the dragon scale in Yan Zhao's hand, and smiled slightly: "Although I can't see your origin, I can feel that your spirit is very powerful. I might as well go and find out for myself."

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