Reborn 1980: I was so pampered by the rough guy

Chapter 1646 Giving Gifts to Lin Qingtang

Chapter 1646 Giving Gifts to Lin Qingtang
"Okay! Master."

Ye Wenqian closed his eyes and rested. He was so busy during this period that he hardly had a good rest.

At this time, I was indeed very tired.

After a while, he seemed to have thought of something, and said, "While preparing one for the child, don't forget to prepare one for Mrs. Gu. When a woman gives birth, everyone only remembers the child, but not many Remember the mother who worked so hard to give birth to her child.”

If you think about it, it's really sad.

When a woman gives birth to a baby, everyone is around the baby, but few people care about the mother.

In this case, Ye Wenqian still has to prepare this gift for Lin Qingtang.

In this way, Gu Zheng will naturally be deeply impressed by him, and it will of course become much easier for them to cooperate in the future.



"Jiujiu is getting fairer and fairer." Jiang Ying hugged Jiujiu, looked at his fair and tender face, and couldn't help but want to rub it.

But Jiang Ying only dared to touch her gently. She had heard people say before that she shouldn't rub her child's face casually, as it would easily make the child drool.

Moreover, she also heard that boys are much messier than girls, and generally the children who drool are boys.

Girls are much cleaner. It is almost rare to hear girls drooling.

Yes, but it's an exception.

As for boys, it’s really the vast majority.

Accounting for [-]% to [-]% of the total.

"After the jaundice subsided, I became much whiter and tenderer indeed." Lin Qingtang said with a smile.

Today is the full moon, and many people have come to the house. However, they do not hold a full moon party here. Instead, they wait until four months or 120 days before they hold a big party and invite relatives and friends to dinner.

When the time comes, grandma will have to prepare a lot of gifts.

It is said that the grandmother in Oucheng is the hardest and most expensive to be a grandmother.

"Qingtang, tell me, how did you gain weight during confinement? Why are you not fat at all!" Jiang Yuexin also rushed back to Oucheng, specially coming back to see Lin Qingtang and Jiujiu.

"I eat normally and don't diet. It's just that I breastfeed every day, so my figure recovers relatively quickly. But now that I wear more clothes, I actually still have a belly." Lin Qingtang said.

However, the belly is not very big, but it is still a little bulging.

By the time she is pregnant, she will definitely have to work hard. Even if she doesn't have abdominal muscles, she will at least have a vest line.

"I envy you so much! What I'm most afraid of is that after I have a child with Tang Yu, my figure will be out of shape." Jiang Yuexin said.

She saw that many people's figures were out of shape after giving birth to children. Some were very fat, and many women had no time to clean themselves up and became sloppy in order to take care of their children and everything at home. Slovenly.

Jiang Yuexin is really afraid that she will become like that, so what should she do?
"Although we women have become mothers, we must also remember that we are women. We age much faster than men, and our bodies lose shape faster. If we don't control it, we will gain weight and become more and more ugly. , so we have to take care of ourselves and improve ourselves. In addition to the improvement of knowledge, there is also the control of the body. You can't hold the idea that your husband can leave you after you have children anyway? There are too many temptations outside. , although we women cannot die without men, but we have a good and beautiful figure, and it is we who please ourselves, not men!"

(End of this chapter)

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