Chapter 1723 Hidden Deep Enough
"Congratulations to both of you for your upgrade!"

Ye Wenqian came from Xiangcheng. This was his first time in Oucheng after taking over the Ye family.

Although Uncle He had been asked to come before, for Ye Wenqian, he did not come in person at that time, and he did not have time to talk to them properly.

Ye Wenqian was also very happy when he saw them now.

If he hadn't approached Gu Zheng and Lin Qingtang at that time, he might not have captured the Ye family so quickly.

So, he was really grateful to them.

"Congratulations to Master Ye, you got what you wanted!" Gu Zheng said with a smile.

Ye Wenqian and Gu Zheng looked at each other and then said, "Mr. Gu, Uncle He should have clearly expressed my intention before, that is, I want to cooperate with you in the jade business. I know that you and your wife are in In terms of gambling on stones, I have absolute ability, so I want to buy raw jade from you."

Ye Wenqian couldn't understand, so he thought that if possible, he would cooperate with Gu Zheng and the others, so that he could also flourish in this area.

The Ye family was in a state of chaos due to Ye Shiyu, and it was already very difficult to completely restore the Ye family to what it was before.

Therefore, Ye Wenqian really hopes that he has the ability to lead the Ye family to its past prosperity.

"Master Ye, has Ye Shiyu's case been decided?" Lin Qingtang suddenly asked.

Ye Wenqian was stunned for a moment, but he forgot about it.

He picked up the briefcase on one side, took out a newspaper from it, and pushed it in front of Gu Zheng and Lin Qingtang.

"Take a look!" Ye Wenqian said.

The couple looked at each other, then unfolded the newspaper and started reading.

But when they saw the above content, both of them were a little surprised.

Xiangcheng newspapers reported on the cases that Ye Shiyu was involved in at that time. They wrote about each case very clearly, as can be seen from the above, as well as the final verdict about Ye Shiyu.

Shot and executed on the spot. "So, Ye Shiyu is already there?" Lin Qingtang looked at Ye Wenqian and asked.

Ye Wenqian nodded, "Yes, Ye Shiyu is dead. At the end of the court hearing that day, she was taken to the execution ground and shot on the spot."

He also went to see her that day. Ye Shiyu's eyes kept staring at him until she died, as if she wanted to see through him.

Ye Shiyu said something at that time, and Ye Wenqian has not forgotten it to this day.

She said: If I knew you existed, I would hunt you down even if you were thousands of miles away!
Ye Shiyu never thought that her brother was actually a twin.

Even Ye Xitao doesn't know.

When Lin Qingtang and Gu Zheng were reading the newspaper, they also got news about Ye Xitao.

Same, dead too!
It was the same day as Ye Shiyu. It was Ye Xitao who led Ye Shiyu to kill his father and brother.

What's more, Ye Xitao even told some of the truth about that year before he died.

It was Ye Xitao's fault that Ye Shiyu was locked up in the dark room. The rats in the dark room were caught and put in by Ye Xitao.

Originally, Ye's father asked the servants to watch Ye Shiyu and have no control over his food every day. He never thought of letting Ye Shiyu starve inside.

It was Ye Xitao who deliberately spread false news to those people below.

It is precisely because of this that everything becomes so different.

If it really comes down to it, Ye Shiyu would become like this, all because of Ye Xitao.

"Ye Xitao is really ruthless, and he's hidden deep enough in your home."

(End of this chapter)

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