Chapter 1820 The Pursuit

Su Ningwan didn't find anything wrong with this matter, but when she finished stuffing the candy, Su Ningwan was stunned for a moment, quickly retracted her hand, and said, "That... I... I am I want you to try it too!”

She really didn't think much about it, she just subconsciously wanted Zhou Zhenheng to taste a candy.

As a result, she didn't realize whether what she was doing was appropriate. It was only after she finished feeding that Su Ningwan realized how inappropriate it was.

She glanced at Zhou Zhenheng secretly, and then lowered her head.

Zhou Zhenheng was also a little embarrassed, and his ears were even a little red.

He didn't know what Su Ningwan was thinking just now, maybe Su Ningwan hadn't even thought about it herself.

"Sister Su!"

Just when the two of them were embarrassed and at a loss, Xiao Wang went upstairs.

Su Ningwan said quickly, "Xiao Wang, is there something wrong?"

Xiao Wang was a little confused. He always felt that there seemed to be something strange between the two of them, but he didn't know what it was.

She took a deep breath and said, "Sister Su, there is a gentleman from Lu downstairs looking for you!"

Su Ningwan was stunned for a moment, "I know!"

Then, Su Ningwan looked at Zhou Zhenheng, "I'll go downstairs first to have a look. They are probably custom-made customers!"

Zhou Zhenheng was quite embarrassed at this time. When he heard Su Ningwan's words, he nodded and said, "I'll go downstairs with you!"

Then, the two of them went downstairs together.

At this time, Zhou Zhenheng was also quite embarrassed. He didn't know what happened to them just now.
I just felt that both of their reactions at this time were a bit strange.

She took a sneak peek and then followed him downstairs.

Seeing them arriving downstairs, Su Ningwan also took a look. When she saw the people downstairs, Su Ningwan was a little surprised. "Lu Zhengyang?"

When she saw him, Su Ningwan was a little surprised.

When Lu Zhengyang saw Suning, he smiled and said, "Wanwan, long time no see!"

Su Ningwan glanced at Zhou Zhenheng and said, "Boss, this is Lu Zhengyang, my classmate in high school!"

Then, Su Ningwan looked at Lu Zhengyang and asked, "Lu Zhengyang, are you coming to our studio to customize clothes?"

Apart from this, Su Ningwan really couldn't think of anything else. If she hadn't come here to customize clothes, she wouldn't have thought of anything else.

"Wanwan, I'm here to find you! I went to your house and saw that you were not at home, so I asked my aunt. She said you were at Zhenjiu Studio, so I came over!" Lu Zhengyang said with a smile.

Su Ningwan was stunned for a moment, "Lu Zhengyang, I'm at work now. If you don't have anything important to do, wait until I get off work."

Lu Zhengyang took a look at the time. There shouldn't be much time until Su Ningwan got off work. She nodded immediately and said with a smile, "Okay, I'll wait until you get off work! Let's have a meal together!"

Zhou Zhenheng glanced at Lu Zhengyang and frowned slightly.

The way Lu Zhengyang looked at Su Ningwan made him feel a little uncomfortable.

So explicit.

It's like looking at your own belongings.

"Then I'll wait for you in the cafe opposite. I won't disturb your work here!" Lu Zhengyang said immediately, then glanced at Zhou Zhenheng and just nodded slightly.

Lu Zhengyang seemed to have thought of something, and ran out. When he came back, he had a bouquet of flowers and a box of cakes in his hand, and said with a smile, "Wanwan, here are these for you!"

Zhou Zhenheng's face looked even uglier than before!
When Su Ningwan looked at the flowers in his hand, she frowned and said, "Lu Zhengyang, I can accept this pastry, but you gave this flower to the wrong person!"

(End of this chapter)

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