Chapter 236 236 Liars and bitches

"Sister Chun, please take me away."

Faith's face was very pious when he spoke, and there wasn't even a trace of impurity in those beautiful eyes.

Ji Sichun looked at him. Compared with the passion and admiration in his eyes, her eyes were extremely cold.

"Why should I take you with me? Are you a baby?"

"I have money!"

"There are thousands of rich men, why should I choose you?"

Faith raised his hand to grab her slender ankle and said seriously, "But you don't want to sleep with anyone else, you want to sleep with me."

Ji Sichun raised his eyebrows, "You really want to sleep with me?"

"I don't want to sleep with you, I can only sleep with you. You rejected my confession."

After Faith finished speaking, his expression suddenly became demonic. The hand holding his ankle slowly moved up, caressing his calf all the way to his thigh, and then dug his fingers into the flesh.

"I didn't expect my girl to play so wildly, so I had no choice but to play wildly with her."

Ji Sichun said with a smile: "Aren't you pretending? Fei Fei, I think you play the role of a warrior of pure love, isn't it good? You are so stupid."

"It seems that my acting skills are good and you like it very much."

Ji Sichun sneered twice, retracted his legs, and calmly prepared to leave.

Faith quickly stood up and followed. Yes, he was lying when he said he sprained his ankle. It should be said that falling off the moss was also an act.

Why do you want to act?
Of course it's to attract the attention of the person you like.

But it's a pity that he acted so flawlessly that Ji Sichun didn't take the bait and instead forced him to act.

He walked up to her and asked curiously: "How did you know I was acting?"

"The actor is a warrior of pure love. This kind of persona can only deceive young girls who are inexperienced in the world and don't understand men. If you use this thing to deceive me, you are insulting my IQ."

Ji Sichun smiled and said, "Are there any good people in the entertainment industry?"

The sarcasm was obvious in her eyes.

Faith was not angry when he saw her. Instead, she laughed happily and hugged her, "Sister Chun, I know you are the one who understands me best. I don't need to disguise myself in front of you."

"However, I didn't tell a lie when I said something just now." Ji Sichun asked casually, "Which sentence?"

"I like you."

Faith was a tall man and buried his head in the crook of her neck. He sniffed the fragrance of her hair and said in a low voice: "Consider me. The money I have earned over the years is enough for you to squander." A lifetime.”

Ji Sichun said: "I have slept with other men."

"Do people in the entertainment industry care about this?"

After a moment of silence, she said, "I'll think about it for a few days."

"Don't think about it for a few days, think about it all night. I'll be leaving in two days, and I want to take you with me."

Faith lifted her chin with his fingers, and the two were close enough to kiss.

"Give me a chance to be your licking dog."

She said, "Do your fans know you are so humble?"

"Of course they don't know. They can't see through my disguise. Only you know."


Sure enough, men's bad nature cannot be changed.

But there is no perfect man in this world. He is a liar and she is a bitch.

In a sense, the two of them are a good match, and that's all.

"Okay, I'll give you an answer after thinking about it overnight."

Faith didn't expect that she could succeed, and she forgot to take back her hand for a moment.

Ji Sichun looked at him in a daze, curled his tongue around his finger, and bit it gently with his teeth.

Faith blushed.

"Kid, you can't hook your sister's chin easily."

(End of this chapter)

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