Chapter 250 Chapter 249 is Little Sakura
Ji Sichun thought that Song Nuan would not do this. She found a man to deal with her purely to disgust herself.

Until the next day, when she was drinking afternoon tea at an outdoor cafe near the beach, an alarm bell suddenly rang in her head.

[Host bows his head! ]
It's Sakura's voice.

She trusted Sakura, so she didn't hesitate at all. She lowered her head in an instant, and at the same time, she felt something passing over her head quickly, tearing space and time apart, and completely shattering them.

"call out--"

There was a hole punched through the floor next to it.

Faith stood up seriously and knelt down to check the floor. After looking at it for a long time, he looked up and looked not far away.

That is the direction of the hotel.

"Is it a bullet?" she was confirming.

Faith nodded. Although he hated to admit it, the bullets embedded in the floor did not allow him to escape reality.

"It's a bullet, someone wants to snipe you."

He asked: "How did you escape, we didn't notice it."

It was Sakura who reminded her.

Ji Sichun said with a calm face, "I feel it."

"It's incredible, you almost died."

Faith stood up, held her in his arms, covered her head and said, "Come on, let's go back to the room, I'll find someone to handle this matter."

Ji Sichun remained silent and returned to the room under his protection.

As soon as he entered, he closed the curtains and began to look for his contacts to deal with the matter.

And she just wanted to contact Sakura.

But after trying for a long time, I could no longer hear Sakura's voice.

She was disappointed. "Sorry Sister Chun, I'm going out to make a phone call, but don't go out." Faith took the phone and went out.

Ji Sichun was sitting on the sofa and was extremely depressed. Why was she being targeted? She had never fallen over before.

Just when she was melancholy about the future, Sakura's voice appeared.

[The 48929th call to the host, please call the system name when you hear it. The 48930th call to the host, please call the system name when you hear it...]

"Little Sakura!"

She raised her body and shouted: "Sakura, do you hear my voice?"

[Finally contacted your host! 】

Little Sakura cried and explained how difficult it was recently, and how she was almost punished by the administration for making mistakes while leading people on a mission.

Ji Sichun also felt particularly nostalgic and happy when she heard its fragmentary thoughts. Although there was a lot of nonsense, he was her only trustworthy partner.

Thinking of what happened these days, she even felt a sore nose and felt aggrieved.

"Where have you been these days? You have been missing for more than a month."

Sakura said: [As Tan Die is the target of the fourth world, she made an equal exchange and left you in this world. 】

"Equivalent exchange?"

[She exchanged your existence with her own existence. Originally, you came to this world with only a temporary identity, and this identity will disappear after the mission is over. But she changed this matter, and you have your own identity in this world. Story and identity, you are forced to become a character in the novel. 】

Ji Sichun felt strange, "Why can Tan Die do it?"

[Because she fell in love with you, I didn’t detect it at the time because she deceived everyone. When her love exceeded the limit, she gradually broke away from the plot and ran counter to her destiny. When the character in the novel appeared to think independently, she You will discover the truth of this world. 】

[Usually in this case, people from the Administration will invite her to become a new time traveler and perform various tasks, but she refuses. She wants you to stay in this world. 】

After Ji Sichun hesitated for a moment, he asked, "Did she disappear?"

(End of this chapter)

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