Chapter 283 Chapter 280 Do you have a heart?

Bai Qiaoqiao dialed the phone and was answered. She asked: "Sister Nuannuan, how do you know Ji Sichun? You don't know how arrogant she is. She makes me so angry."

Song Nuan touched the soft flesh of her cheek with the tip of her tongue. She was arranging flowers, and the thorns of a beautiful rose had just been trimmed.

When she heard Ji Sichun's name, she squeezed the petals tightly.

"I know her. Why don't I know her? She used to be my best friend."

"Ah? You and Ji Sichun are best friends? Are you okay?"

Song Nuan tore off the flowers and kneaded them in her palms. The flower juice dripped from her fingers onto the wooden table.

"She took away my boyfriend. I was going to marry Lu Yisheng, but she took him away."

"She really is a bitch!"

After hearing this, Bai Qiaoqiao said angrily: "She knew that I was chasing Wen Yueyue. She was trying to persuade me to let go a second ago, and today she is hooking up with Wen Yueyue behind my back. Sister Nuannuan, I really disgust her. What do you think I should do with him?"

Song Nuan snorted coldly and came up with an idea, "Don't she like to hook up with men? Then give her a few men. I want to see how many men she can accept."

When Bai Qiaoqiao heard this idea, she backed down a little, "Sister Nuannuan, this method is not very good. I have never done such a thing. What if Wen Xieyue finds out about it? I will definitely do it." Hated by him.”

Song Nuan encouraged: "If you don't do it, Wen Xieyue will be snatched away by her. You have also seen her ability to manipulate men. If you don't stop it at the root, your end will be me. Look at me marrying Fu Pei. In the end, it didn’t end in divorce.”

"You and Fu Pei... I heard that you did something bad first, and Fu Pei divorced you."

Song Nuan sneered, "Do you believe what those people say outside? Let me tell you directly. Ji Sichun had an affair with Fu Pei before. If I knew, I would definitely not be with Fu Pei."

Bai Qiaoqiao was extremely surprised after hearing this, "It's Ji Sichun again. She is so hateful. She not only destroyed you, she also destroyed me."

"So I said, you can't be soft-hearted to a bitch like Ji Sichun."

Bai Qiaoqiao bit her lip, thought about it again and said, "I understand Sister Nuannuan."

After hanging up the phone, Song Nuan was still kneading the petals in her hands. She was sitting by the window, the sun was shining brightly, it was majestic and cool, and even the newly picked roses were so fragrant.

But what does it have to do with being so beautiful?

The flower in her hand fell hard to the ground, and her eyes were cold.

The more beautiful the world is, the more it highlights her embarrassment.

"The world is the most absurd. It once held all the good things in front of me, but now it wants to take them all away."

"How could something so ridiculous happen?"

Song Nuan has seen the best things in the world, but the things in front of her now are not even five points as good as before. Who can understand this gap?
"Ji Sichun, do all the things I lost have something to do with you?"

She felt that the change in the world was related to Ji Sichun.

So if Ji Sichun is removed, will the world return to its original state?

Ji Sichun, who felt a slight chill, sat in her room. There was a mobile phone in front of her, and the small mobile phone screen was crowded with men.

"Stop squeezing. The phone is only so big. It can't fit all of you."

Faith waved happily, "Ah Chun, I haven't seen you all night. Did you miss me?"

Zhou Ye punched him, "Think of a big-headed ghost! Ji Sichun, do you have any intention?"

(End of this chapter)

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