Chapter 112 Demon Clan, Lou Yue

Even if she had never seen Xie Zhengliu wield a sword, the aura emanating from the sword still made the female cultivator fearful.

She knew very well that if she didn't speak up, the corpse would really be destroyed by these three people.

This is obviously something the female nuns don't want to face.

She closed her eyes and calmed down for a while, then spoke as if she had made up her mind: "I will cooperate with you, but you can't touch him."

"Don't worry, we still have this bit of credit. But the premise is that you are really willing to cooperate and tell the truth." Xie Zhengliu reminded her again.

The female cultivator heard this and said, "My name is Lou Yue, and I come from the Demon Realm."

Just eight words made the three people present instantly widen their eyes.

Even though they had already prepared themselves and guessed what shocking words the other party would say, they were still surprised when the female cultivator revealed her identity.

Being from the Demon Realm, what else could it be besides the Demon Clan?

Faced with the sudden change in the gazes of the three people, the female cultivator named Lou Yue calmed down: "Yes, it's just as you guessed. I am indeed a demon, but my body is not."

Xie Zhengliu suddenly remembered what the female cultivator had done to her before. It seemed that Lou Yueduo was willing to give up this body.

The other two people also heard the hidden meaning of these words, and looked at Lou Yue with even more vigilance.

"You don't have to look at me like this. Humans and demons are enemies. Either I will kill you or you will kill me. I just took the life of the owner of this body before she killed me." Lou Yue His attitude is very candid.

Xie Zhengliu suddenly asked again: "Your surname is Lou, so what is your relationship with the Demon General Lou Li?"

"Lou Li?" Lou Yue repeated the name, with obvious nostalgia in her eyes, "If you hadn't mentioned it, I would have forgotten this brother."

Lou Li was a demon general whose status in the demon realm was second only to the demon lord.Lou Yue is his sibling sister who was born in the same mother body as him.

It's just that the demons don't pay much attention to family ties.

The two of them climbed from small roles in the Demon Realm to high positions and became strong men in the Demon Realm.In the end, he pointed the tip of the knife at the demon general's position.

In the end, Lou Li, as the elder brother, was the better one, and he was unceremoniously preparing to kill his only sister.After all, this fellow sister is the one who knows him best besides himself in the entire Demonic Realm.

In order to prevent his weaknesses from being exposed, Lou Li didn't mind getting rid of them.

Fortunately, Lou Yue had long been prepared to be betrayed by her brother, so before Lou Li killed her, she found a way to escape from the Demon Realm and came to the world of cultivation.

"For so many years, I have been wandering around, trying to find a way to defeat Lou Li, wanting to return to the Demon Realm and drive him down from the position of Demon General. Unexpectedly, I still failed in the end."

Lou Yue let out a long sigh, her heart full of unwillingness and resentment.

She later tried to inquire about Lou Li, but in the end she only found out that the most powerful female monarch among all the demon lords in the past had fallen under a catastrophe.

Lou Li continued to be his demon general, but his status seemed to have improved a lot compared to before.

But she didn't have to tell the three people in front of her.

Lou Yue continued: "After I escaped from the demon realm, I was seriously injured. In addition, there was not much demon energy in the world of cultivation for me to cultivate, so I set my target on the monks, hoping to use them to flesh and blood to restore strength."

The body she is using now was obtained at that time.

She has forgotten the name of the owner of this body, but she only remembers that he seems to be a disciple of Hengtian Sect.She took on a mission to eliminate demons and ran into him, and he was not a bad monk himself.At that time, Lou Yue's strength had not yet fully recovered, and the owner of this body had some abilities and almost killed her.

At the critical moment, Lou Yue could only use her long-hidden talent to seize the body through physical contact between the two.

"Her soul is really delicious. Now when I think back, I realize that I have never encountered food more delicious than hers in the first half of my life." Lou Yue's face was full of pride, as if she was deliberately using these words to stimulate Xie Zhengliu and others. Same.

And Xie Zhengliu and the others were indeed greatly stimulated. After all, the female cultivator was a cultivator of the Hengtian Sect, that is, the senior sister of their fellow sect.

No matter what they say, the three of them will not let go of such hatred easily.

Xie Zhengliu frowned, his face full of impatience: "You'd better pick the important thing to say, and say it faster."

The knife in her hand had broken one of the ribs of the corpse.

Lou Yue's eyes suddenly widened, and the resentment in them almost overflowed.

Zhuang Youqian whispered in Xie Zhengliu's ear: "The way she looked at you just now, it was as if she wanted to eat you alive."

Xie Zhengliu was too lazy to pay attention to him: "I can't see her anyway, so who cares about her."

Lou Yue had no choice but to continue: "I took away the body of that female cultivator, so I can no longer continue cultivating demons. Fortunately, her qualifications are not bad, and her spiritual roots are also very good. I think she should be used like this. It is also a good way to continue cultivating your identity."

What's more important is that not long after she took away the body, the body's admirers came to her door.

The young man's surname was Ning, and his name was Ning Wuyu.He is a Confucian monk, has a very gentle temper and is very polite to others.

Ning Wuyu fell in love with the female cultivator at first sight, and has been chasing her since then, following her footsteps to kill demons and help those in need.

The female cultivator should also be interested in him, otherwise she would not let this Confucian cultivator follow her all the time.

This time, Ning Wuyu was summoned back for a few days because something happened to his disciple. Unexpectedly, something happened to the female cultivator in just three days.

Lou Yue had never seen anyone like Ning Wuyu. She had been in contact with the terrifying demons in the Demon Realm before. They were all vicious in mind and had no such thing as sincerity and kindness.

But Ning Wuyu is completely different. He is a truly kind person and is kind to everyone, but he is most special to this female cultivator.

The two masters had already made up their mind to hold a Taoist couple ceremony for them when they reached the Nascent Soul stage.

But all the good things were destroyed because of Lou Yue's appearance.

"I really like Ning Lang!" Lou Yue couldn't help but shed tears. "He is really beautiful. For him, I am willing to pretend to be this woman all the time, as long as he is willing to stay by my side."

However, Ning Wuyu is not stupid, he knows who the person he likes is, not this skin, just the simple person.

Lou Yue only got along with him for a month before Ning Wuyu discovered something was wrong.He didn't dare to speak out. He felt that his sweetheart could still be saved, and he was worried that if he angered Lou Yue, he would really lose his sweetheart.

So Ning Wuyu began to search for information about the demon clan seizing the body, while guiding Lou Yue away from Hengtian Sect and preventing her from contacting the outside world.

Lou Yue didn't know what he was thinking, she just thought that the other party also liked her and didn't want to let her come into contact with others.

At that time, the secret realm of Fengchun was opened, and both Lou Yue and Ning Wuyu were qualified to enter the secret realm, and the two officially broke up with each other here.

(End of this chapter)

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