Chapter 122
Xie Zhengliu and the other three arrived very quickly, and the scene of a dense group of monster beasts surrounding a cave under the moonlight was instantly caught in their eyes.

The number of monsters here was more than twice what the three of them had encountered before, and what surprised them even more was that there were four seventh-level monsters here!
You must know that the dragon guarding the green water pool was only at the seventh level, and it was still a monster dragon that was about to transform into a dragon!
At this time, it was equivalent to four monsters that were almost as powerful as dragons, guarding around the cave, waiting to plunder the lives inside.

Zhuang Youqian was surprised when he saw this: "What is in this cave that makes these monsters covet it so much?"

The four seventh-level monsters still made him a little unbelievable.

After Xie Zhengliu swept her consciousness around the cave, her expression was no longer as relaxed as Zhuang Youqian's.

She asked in a deep voice: "Lao Yue, do you remember what spiritual roots Senior Brother Fu Xingyun has and what kind of cultivation he has now?"

Although he didn't understand why Xie Zhengliu suddenly asked this, Yue Mingchou still answered obediently: "I remember that Senior Brother Fu has a single-jin spiritual root, and he has just reached the golden elixir stage."

Because the opponent was promoted while fighting Xie Zhengliu, Yue Mingqiu remembered it very clearly.

"That's right." Xie Zhengliu said, "I just saw Senior Brother Fu Xingyun and the others in the cave."

As soon as these words came out, their eyes instantly fell on her, as if they didn't hear what she said clearly.

Under their astonished gazes, Xie Zhengliu repeated affirmatively: "I saw Senior Brother Fu Xingyun in the cave. Besides him, there were many other monks. I think they were probably all members of our Hengtian Sect. "

Yue Mingchou pursed his lips.

Zhuang Youqian scratched his head: "It can't be so unlucky, right? Is it really a disciple of our sect who is trapped?"

"Whether they are disciples of our sect or not, we must save people. But it just depends on how to save them next." Yue Mingchou said bluntly.

The three of them did not expect that the disciples of the Hengtian Sect would be in danger this time. Since they were from the same sect, their plans needed to be more careful.

Unavoidably, their movements attracted the attention of the four high-level monsters. The three silently stepped back a distance, and then the three heads and the white wolf's head came together.

A few hours later, the night in the Fengchun Secret Realm became more intense at this moment. It was the time when everything was completely silent and all the monsters fell into sleep.

The four high-level demonic beasts that had retained a little bit of their sanity were also in the state of sleepiness and seemed to be falling asleep soon.

At this time, a golden-red talisman was carefully sent to the group of monsters by an undetectable spiritual energy.

After confirming that the talisman seal had fallen into the appropriate position, Zhuang Youqian, who was hiding in the dark, flipped his fingers to activate the magic formula.

A loud roar spread from the group of monster beasts.

The fireball talisman mixed with karmic fire exploded instantly, spreading the fireball wrapped in karmic fire around.

Even if the karmic fire that can burn the world is only slightly contaminated, it is enough to make these fireballs dozens of times more powerful than before.

The fireballs splashed out, killing and injuring most of the low-level monsters in the group of monsters in the blink of an eye.

Monster beasts of a slightly higher level are also afraid of fire. They desperately want to stay away from the fire that exudes an ominous atmosphere. However, because there are too many monster beasts, they are crowded together, making it difficult for them to There is no way to escape.

The monster beasts collided with each other and trampled on each other, causing another batch of monster beasts to die in the hands of their own kind.

However, once the monster beast died, the surrounding demonic energy did not dissipate.

At this moment, the double flags rose quietly, swallowing up the escaped evil energy silently, and no longer gave the evil energy a chance to continue to wreak havoc.Zhuang Youqian only made three or four fireball seals like this in a short period of time.He did not dare to use this precious talisman at will, so he could only continue to look for suitable attack opportunities under the cover of Yue Mingchou.

Xie Zhengliu is much stronger now, and the fire of karma has been well tamed in her body.

But that doesn't mean she can use this terrifying flame at will.

Because the fire of karma is difficult to extinguish, it will ignite once it touches the ground.

If she were here, it would certainly be easy to control Karma Fire.But she had a more important task at this time, so she didn't dare to let Zhuang Youqian and the others use this power wantonly.

Zhuang Youqian, who didn't know Xie Zhengliu's considerations, was just acting according to her plan. He quickly found another suitable gathering place for monsters and threw the second talisman.

After another rumbling sound, another large number of demonized monsters lost their lives.

The incident in front of the cave attracted the attention of four high-level monsters. They were different from other demonized monsters.They still retained a small amount of consciousness, supporting the four monster beasts in planning the incident of besieging the monks.

But Zhuang Youqian's behavior was obviously destroying their plan, which made the four high-level monsters instantly alert.

The demonic energy intensifies the ferocity of the monsters, and the catalytic effect on high-level monsters is even more serious.

They keenly felt the breath of human flesh and blood from the air, which caused the four monster beasts to break away from their idle state of crawling on the ground.

The more he remembered these changes, he did not miss them. Seeing that something was wrong, he immediately gave Zhuang Youqian a signal. After the other party threw another talisman, he immediately led him back into the woods.

But the two of them still moved a step slower, and the high-level monster closest to their direction had already discovered their presence.

It was a Thunder Leopard. The huge tawny beast had lightning flashes from time to time. Coupled with the opponent's exposed black fangs, no matter how you looked at it, you knew that this was not going to be an easy guy to deal with.

The Thunder Leopard was very sensitive to the aura of strangers. It immediately discovered the existence of Yue Mingchou and the two men and immediately rushed in their direction.

The huge body jumped up. Zhuang Youqian and Yue Mingchou didn't even see Thunder Leopard's movements clearly, and the opponent had already landed heavily in front of them.

"What to do, what to do! Lao Xie hasn't come back yet, we won't die like this!" As Zhuang Youqian spoke, he had already activated the third talisman.

A rumble followed, and a big gap once again appeared in the dense herd.

The herd of beasts, which had been restless to begin with, finally became completely chaotic after several attacks.

But Yue Mingqiu and the others had no time to be happy about this, because their actions had already angered the monster in front of them.

The Thunder Leopard let out a deafening roar, and its long and sharp fangs were about to pierce into the bodies of the two men.

The white wolf who had been guarding the two of them also lowered his body, as if he wanted to fight the monster in front of him.

But a long knife that seemed to fly from the sky suddenly flew over and directly cut off the Thunder Leopard's fangs!

The two men turned around suddenly, and saw a fiery red six-winged flame tiger cutting through the night sky in the dark night and appearing above the heads of the monster beasts.

It was like a small sun, dispelling the darkness in front of him in a blink of an eye.

And the owner of the long sword who saved their lives was standing on the head of the flaming tiger!
(End of this chapter)

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