Chapter 144
As soon as the words "Loose Spirit Powder" came out, Yu Heng's expression suddenly changed.

Three thousand people probably don't know much about the spirit powder, but Yu Heng, a person from three thousand, knows it very well.

This thing is extracted from a spiritual plant called the Scattered Spirit Flower. It was initially used on demonic beasts to knock them down so that they have no attack power, making it easier for monks to obtain useful materials from the demonic beasts.

Later, by chance, someone accidentally sprinkled the spiritual powder on the monk. The monk instantly lost all his spiritual power, and it took five days to finally recover.

During this period, the monk was like a useless person, his hands and feet were weak and weak, and he couldn't use any spiritual power.
Although the monk's spiritual power was fully restored after five days, he was not affected in any way by the powder.But those five days of living like a disabled person still left the monk with lingering fears.

Because the powder can affect everyone regardless of the level of the monks, it was banned by several major sects with more than [-] people.

Fortunately, the Loose Spirit Flower cannot be cultivated by humans, and the requirements for the growth environment of the Loose Spirit Flower are too strict.The number of loose spirit flowers has gradually become less and less, and even the loose spirit powder has gradually become a rarity.

Even if someone was lucky enough to get this good thing, they would not dare to use it at will due to the three thousand prohibition.

Therefore, after more than ten years, Yu Heng gradually stopped hearing about the powder, and then forgot that such a terrible thing existed.

He didn't expect that this killer weapon, which he had only heard about in rumors, would actually be used on him today.

Yu Heng shook his head hard, forcing himself to wake up and not let himself fall asleep so easily.

He looked at Chen Lou who was proud of himself: "You have found a supporter of more than three thousand people? No, in other words, you have found a sect with more than three thousand people as your backer, right?"

From the subtle changes in Chen Lou's expression, Yu Heng immediately guessed: "It's the Punishing Evil Sect!"

There was no need for Chen Lou to admit that Yu Heng had already guessed the power behind him.

But what Yuheng couldn't figure out was that the Punishing Evil Sect was already the most powerful sect among the Three Thousand People. If they didn't target the main sect that was second only to them, why would they take a fancy to themselves, who were among the three thousand? What about the "small sect"?

Unexpectedly, Yu Heng would guess the truth right away, and Chen Lou's expression was no longer as relaxed as it was at first.

He snorted with a cold face: "So what if you guessed it right? Now you have no ability to compete with me. I will chop off your smart head sooner or later!"

Chen Lou said so powerfully that he turned around and asked people to take these people down.

Also being taken away were several disciples who had surrendered easily before.Compared to Yu Heng and others, it was these disciples who betrayed him casually that made Chen Lou the most disgusted.

"Throw them out and kill them directly!" Chen Lou ordered his disciples.

He completely ignored the pleadings of several people, and the coldness in his eyes almost froze them to death.

Chen Lou's disciples quickly obeyed his instructions and took the people out of Qinglun Hall.When no one was around, Chen Lou sat contentedly on the main seat in the hall, as if he were the head of a sect.

"This position finally fell into my hands!" Chen Lou laughed uncontrollably.

His voice, the only one in the empty hall, echoed continuously, carrying a strange and gloomy tone.

Different from the rapid start and end of the battle in Qinglun Hall, on several other peaks of Hengtian Sect, the people led by the ten elders were capturing the elders' palaces one by one.

The first one to be taken down was the Sixth Elder's peak. Because the other party had no dealings with Chen Lou and the Tenth Elder, the two agreed that when the sect leader was dealt with, the Sixth Elder would be the first to be dealt with.

This time, the person who contacted them sent a large amount of spirit powder, and almost most of the combat power was scattered.

The one who took effect the fastest was Yu Heng, followed by the other elders.

When these elders had no strength to resist, the ten elders threatened their lives and made the disciples of these elders surrender.Within a day, Chen Lou and the ten elders had basically suppressed the Hengtian Sect.Except for those disciples who were still in seclusion, almost most of them lost their ability to resist under the influence of the powder.

As for those disciples in seclusion, Chen Lou did not let them go.

He ordered people to sprinkle the remaining spirit powder in front of the caves of these disciples, so that no one would appear to affect his plan.

Under the powerful influence of the loose spirit powder, the entire Hengtian Sect quickly became in the hands of Chen Lou and the ten elders.

The two of them sat in Yuheng's palace and looked through all the jade slips in his room, but did not see any important news.

Seeing this, Chen Lou threw the jade slip aside: "Humph, he is really smart, and he actually brought all the important things with him. I'm afraid he also hid the key to the treasure house."

The two of them had just been to Yu Heng's study, but they did not find the key to the Heng Tian Sect's treasure house, nor did they find any information that could be used.

After working hard all day but getting nothing useful, both of them were a little irritated for a while.

They had promised before that once they captured Hengtian Sect, they would open the treasure house and provide some benefits to the others.

If they could no longer find the key to the treasure house, they would not be sure whether the stewards and disciples who chose to take risks with them in order to cultivate resources would betray them again.

"Has that Sword Master disciple contacted you again? When did she arrive at Hengtian Sect? If she comes, we can also use the names of Sword Master and Evil Punishment Sect to suppress these people." Ten The elder suggested in a low voice while twirling his beard.

Chen Lou looked back, with the same calculation as the tenth elder in his eyes.

But somewhere unknown to the two of them, a head quietly emerged from the low bushes.He carefully looked around to make sure there was no one around, then turned around and hooked his hand to his companion behind him.

"Come out, the patrol has left." Zhuang Youqian gave Yue Mingchou a gesture, and the two of them tried their best to move gently and crawled out of the hole.

The location where they are now is the back mountain of Hengtian Sect.

Because few people come and go here all year round, Chen Lou only arranged a team to patrol from time to time and did not pay too much attention here.

Now it is easier for Zhuang Youqian and the others to move.

"Fortunately, Master Meng discovered something was wrong in advance and sent us the news. Otherwise, we would definitely fall into the hands of Chen Lou and the others." Zhuang Youqian said with lingering fear.

Yue Mingchou nodded silently, then looked back at the little puppet who had been following them and was responsible for digging holes in the ground.

He couldn't help but sigh: "Who would have thought that even if Peak Master Meng was deprived of cultivation, he could still refine such a powerful puppet?"

The little puppet's round head tilted, revealing the small eyes drawn by Meng Fuwei.

If they hadn't seen this little guy digging a hole with their own eyes, they might have thought it was just a harmless doll.

They quickly retracted their divergent thoughts and turned their heads to the brightly lit main peak in the distance.

"The strength of the two of us is still too small, we need to find more helpers..."

"Maybe it's not two people anymore." Zhuang Youqian interrupted Yue Mingchou's words and looked at the slightly trembling communication talisman on his waist with burning eyes, "There are three."

Because the other party's name displayed on the communication symbol clearly says "Xie Zhengliu"!
(End of this chapter)

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