Chapter 148 Start the Counterattack

Zhao Qingwu's suddenly cold expression was caught in the eyes of Chen Lou and others, and Chen Lou, who didn't know why, immediately became nervous.

Although the female cultivator in front of him is just a minor character who can compete with the Golden Core, the person behind her is someone he does not dare to offend.

Chen Lou and the tenth elder looked at each other and saw the caution in each other's eyes.

He immediately put on a smile and said: "Miss Zhao, do you have any dissatisfaction? If there is anything we haven't done well, you can bring it up and we will definitely make changes."

Fortunately, that feeling only lasted for a moment, and Zhao Qingwu recovered quickly.

She faced the nervous expressions of Chen Lou and the other two, and instantly raised a smile: "The two elders are so polite, how can I be dissatisfied? With their own abilities, the two of them can hold the Hengtian Sect in their hands. I’m very impressed.”

After hearing this, Chen Lou felt a little better.

Although he knew that he could not compare with Zhao Qingwu's status in Shangsanqian, the other party's few compliments that could not tell the difference between true and false gave him some face.

Chen Lou then asked: "Miss Zhao, we have controlled all the top leaders of Hengtian Sect as you said. I'm afraid you have to tell us what to do next."

"You also know that we are a branch of the sect. Once something happens and the main sect is informed of the situation, we people may not be able to bear the wrath of the main sect." The ten elders also sang along.

Zhao Qingwu could hear the meaning of the two people's words. She cursed the old fox secretly, but she didn't feel much anger in her heart.

Anyway, she came here just for the luck of these people. Once she gets the luck, everyone in the Hengtian Sect will die, including Chen Lou and the two of them.

Thinking of this, the smile on Zhao Qingwu's face grew stronger: "Of course, since I came to see you two under the order of Master, I naturally found a way to make you escape unscathed. Don't worry, you two, I brought you The magic weapon will definitely help you deceive the main sect, and then the entire Hengtian Sect will really be yours."

It has to be said that Zhao Qingwu's words perfectly touched the minds of the two of them. After receiving the affirmation from the Sword Lord's apprentice, most of Chen Lou's original anxiety disappeared.

They respectfully invited Zhao Qingwu into the main peak, and also gave her the newly cleaned main hall to live in.

Zhao Qingwu didn't think this was anything at all. In her opinion, this palace, which was the best in the eyes of Chen Lou and others, was nothing compared with the one she lived in before.

This group of people arrived a little late today, and it was difficult for Chen Lou and others to force each other to do work for them as soon as they met.

Thinking that if he hadn't gotten the treasure house yet, Chen Lou planned to take the third elder to see Yu Heng after settling down Zhao Qingwu and others. He wanted to get the key today no matter what.

Who would have thought that he was just about to say goodbye when he heard Zhao Qingwu suddenly say: "Elder Chen, wait a minute. I heard that the elders of Hengtian Sect are very powerful and I have always wanted to meet them. Why don't you trouble Elder Chen and let them Let me meet them before I deal with them."

Chen Lou was stunned. Although he didn't know what Zhao Qingwu wanted to do, looking at the two Nascent Soul cultivators guarding her, he still agreed obediently.

Chen Lou did not take anyone to see Yu Heng, but just led her to the secret prison where the other elders were imprisoned.

Zhao Qingwu didn't think much about it, and his eyes couldn't help but light up as soon as he walked in.

Sure enough, as the master said, the higher the cultivation level of a person, the better the luck on the top of his head.Anyone with low luck will never be able to become a high-level monk in the end.

Looking at the red on the heads of these people, Zhao Qingwu felt that the blood all over his body was boiling!
She didn't show anything strange on the spot, but just followed Chen Lou's footsteps and slowly explored.

Until she came to the last dark cell, and when Zhao Qingwu saw clearly the lucky look on the head of the man inside, she could hardly suppress the desire in her heart.

Purple!Except for a few times in Shangsanqian, she had never seen anyone with purple luck in Zhongsanqian!

This power of luck was so strong that Zhao Qingwu felt his eyes burning after just looking at it briefly.

She tried hard to suppress her excitement and said to Chen Lou: "Who is that person? How come I haven't heard of him?"

Zhao Qingwu knew that there were ten principals in Hengtian Sect. Apart from Chen Lou, the ten elders and the sect leader, there should only be seven left. So what happened to the extra one?

Chen Lou's eyes were contemptuous: "This is just a useless person. He just worshiped a good master, so he was assigned a peak to live here."

As if he had thought of something, Chen Lou's expression suddenly turned sarcastic: "Speaking of which, Miss Zhao probably doesn't know that it was this man who competed with your master for the first place in the Three Thousand Rankings. He knew he was no match for him. Your master secretly plotted against the sword master."

"Unexpectedly, the Sword Master had already seen through his tricks. Not only did he destroy his conspiracy, he also defeated him neatly and turned him into a useless person without cultivation!"

Chen Lou raised his chin slightly: "This man can still survive hiding here, thanks to the sword master not arguing with him."

When these words came out, Meng Fuwei only moved his eyelids slightly but didn't say a word in rebuttal.

The two people outside the secret cell knew that Meng Fuwei could definitely hear Chen Lou's words, but his appearance was regarded by them as a guilty conscience.

Zhao Qingwu didn't know about this past event, but he only heard from others that his master had great difficulty in defeating his final opponent and becoming the number one in the world.

Seeing this person who once competed with her master for the first place today, she was first shocked by the strong luck on his head, and then she was dissatisfied with Meng Fuwei because of this past incident.

Zhao Qingwu knew very well that with such a power of luck, even if Meng Fuwei was a useless person now, there was no guarantee that he would encounter any opportunities in the future and become a strong man again.

Zhao Qingwu's heart tightened when she thought that this person might pose a threat to her master when he grew up again.

"Elder Chen, I have heard about Master's past before, and I have always been curious about this person who wants to harm Master. Today I finally have a chance, why don't Elder Chen give him to me. So that I can be my teacher. Take a breath of evil!" Zhao Qingwu tried.

Chen Lou originally looked down on Meng Fuwei, but after hearing what Zhao Qingwu said, he was naturally happy to trade a useless person in exchange for his favor.

He immediately agreed, and took the initiative to open the secret cell, and ordered people to take Meng Fuwei to Zhao Qingwu's residence.

As he was being escorted out of the secret cell by two disciples, Meng Fuwei's lips raised slightly invisibly.

A bunch of idiots.

He laughed secretly in his heart, and when he passed by the guard outside the door, he did not forget to flick the silk thread in his hand.

Today is a good day, let’s start the counterattack!

at the same time.

In another heavily guarded secret prison of Hengtian Sect, a small wooden puppet finally found the target it had been searching for for many days.

"Master Yuheng." The wooden puppet spat out the voice that Zhuang Youqian had left earlier, "We are here to rescue you..."

(End of this chapter)

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