I am the only devil in the whole world of cultivation

Chapter 176: First in the competition!

Chapter 176 Competition for first place!

This group of streamers is naturally Xie Zhengliu and others.

Like the elders, they were also afraid that a sudden appearance would accelerate the collapse of the world in the Ten Thousand Phase Mirror, causing everyone to be trapped inside.

So they gathered all the remaining spiritual power together and enveloped them.On the one hand, it reduces the possibility of them being injured, and on the other hand, it weakens the fluctuations caused by them when they go out.

In this way, everyone easily passed through the ten thousand-phase mirror and returned to the real world.

But what a coincidence, because Xie Zhengliu was the first to land, her name instantly appeared on the stone tablet tallying the rankings of the disciples, directly putting her in the first place.

The elders naturally saw this scene, and many people's eyes widened instantly.

However, they had no time to be surprised. After the light dissipated, Xie Zhengliu and his party were revealed to a pleasant surprise.

Although most people are injured, as long as they come out alive, that's a good thing!
The elders rushed forward one after another and took their disciples away for a good look.

The Hengtian Sect's side was in the best condition. Xie Zhengliu was not injured at all, only Ming Chao's arm was slightly injured.

The other disciples were even more embarrassed, and Hu Xiao was almost in tears looking at Shi Yan.

Then while patting the young master on the shoulder, he said: "It's good to be back, it's good to be back. It really scared us to death. What happened to the young master to be injured like this?"

The two elders knew Shi Yan's abilities very well, and generally speaking, illusions would not cause such serious harm to him.

The other elders were also keenly aware of the demonic energy on these wounds, and their expressions instantly became serious.

Elder Li immediately mobilized his spiritual power to help Yue Wenshan get rid of the evil spirit: "How could this happen? What happened to you inside?"

Yue Wenshan was really tired, so he said: "Elder, you should ask Junior Sister Xie from Hengtian Sect. She knows more than us."

Only then did everyone's eyes fall on Xie Zhengliu. It was also at this moment that they saw that among the ten people, only Xie Zhengliu looked the most glamorous.

The third elder glanced at Xie Zhengliu with concern, intending to ask her if she wanted to come forward and explain.

Xie Zhengliu nodded at him, and the third elder stepped back a few steps so that the others could see Xie Zhengliu more clearly.

She politely handed the cage hanging on her waist to the third elder: "This is the demonic insect we caught in the ten thousand mirror. This thing was raised by a demon general who taught Fengshan. The purpose is to Ambush us disciples who have entered the illusion to experience."

As soon as these words came out, she managed to see the expressions of these elders suddenly change.

Because the demonic qi insects were in the hands of the third elder, he felt the rich demonic qi of these insects most clearly.

It seems that if you get a little closer, you will be contaminated by it.

In the cage woven by Xie Zhengliu, they were twisting and turning, and they really looked like insects.

"So, the reason why the Wanxiang Mirror has accidents is because of these bugs?" someone asked.

Xie Zhengliu touched his nose: "Ahem, not entirely. It's also because we broke barriers."

Ming Chao stood up at this time, and he clearly told the experience of his group, and then the elders understood.

Xie Zhengliu didn't wait for the elders to speak, and took the initiative to explain: "My family was once a cultivator family in Xiasanqian. My family left me a lot of inheritance, including things about the demon clan. This cage was woven by me using pure spiritual energy. Come out, it is this kind of spiritual energy that can restrain the demonic insects." This is naturally not the whole truth, it is indeed spiritual energy, but it also adds magic-conquering techniques.

This thing was created by Xie Zhengliu when he was a demon lord and conquered all directions. It was originally used for those disobedient demons.

Unexpectedly, after her death, all these things seemed to be lost, and she was the only one who knew them.

Fortunately, this technique can be used by both demons and humans, so her identity will not be revealed.

Most people believed Xie Zhengliu's explanation, and she took out the Xie family's genealogy on the spot, which she had always carried on her body, directly supporting her words.

After hearing about Xie Zhengliu's hatred of genocide, several elders, Ming Chao and others felt a little pity.

They never understood why Xie Zhengliu was so talented and practiced so hard.But now it seems that it is Junior Sister Xie who wants to avenge her clan members.

After briefly explaining this, Xie Zhengliu specifically reminded: "These demonic insects are insubstantial. Please treat them with care, elders. It is best to put them in a cage for interrogation, otherwise I am worried that they will escape."

The third elder nodded in agreement, and then the disciples went to rest under the arrangement of the elders.

But before leaving, they didn't forget to take a look at the ranking on the stone tablet.

Xie Zhengliu was slightly surprised when he saw his name ranked first.

This crisis happened suddenly, and the ten people didn't know who was the first to leave the illusion, but everyone left the Universal Mirror in the same way, and it seemed a bit too hasty to just rely on whose feet landed first.

When Xie Zhengliu was thinking about whether to take the initiative and propose another contest, Yue Wenshan of Wanfa Sect suddenly stood up:

"I don't know if the other rankings are reasonable, but I think the first place should go to Junior Sister Xie."

Under the gaze of everyone, he explained his reasons: "Junior sister Xie not only woke up from the illusion, but also discovered the demonic insects. She even broke through the illusion barrier by herself and saved the remaining nine of us. Come down. With these, I think she deserves this first place!"

This view was quickly recognized by the other nine people. They all nodded in agreement and agreed that Xie Zhengliu should be the first.

Xie Zhengliu didn't say anything. Of course she wanted to be the first, but this trial had too many surprises, and she didn't want to lose without victory.

It is estimated that the other elders will not be as young and energetic as these disciples and will hold another competition.

But to Xie Zhengliu's surprise, Elder Li, who was in charge, decided on the spot: "Then the first place this time is Xie Zhengliu. The other disciples will compete again later when they are free."

The third elder and Xie Zhengliu looked at each other and wanted to say something, but Elder Li raised his hand to stop him: "You don't have to say anything. We were a little unconvinced in the previous team competition, but this individual competition really belongs to this child." good fortune."

"All the disciples of our sects were rescued by her. After she escaped from the illusion, she did not come out immediately. Instead, she sensed the danger and started to save people. This proves that she is not only powerful, but also has a kind heart. ."

"Xie Zhengliu deserves to be first in this competition!"

In one sentence, Xie Zhengliu's first place was confirmed.

Immediately, there was a cheer around. No matter how they felt about this female cultivator before, they were all really happy for Xie Zhengliu at this moment.

Because she really deserves this first place.

(End of this chapter)

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